Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 514: Buried mine...

After arriving at the position, the military truck carrying the Lu Army and them slowly stopped. The Lu Army and his companion walked out of the vehicle quickly, and waved their hands "friendly" with the soldiers who brought them.

After the soldiers’ trucks were far away, the Lu Army led everyone through the entertainment area of ​​the inner city to a place less than one kilometer away from the scientific research institute. It was dark and safe. I am going to discuss the next thing here. Battle plan.

"There is a scientific research institute, and the security is very strict. I don't know what's inside." Lu Jun pointed to the brightly lit area in the distance and said to the people.

Everyone followed the direction pointed out by the Lu Army and scanned the scientific research institute several times.

"Our next task is very simple. It is to enter the scientific research institute, find what we need, and then come out and use the single portal I built to leave Ori City and return to the West Wind Fortress." Seeing that everyone did not ask any questions. , The Lu Army continued to speak to everyone.

"How should we get in? Still attack?" At this moment, Mu Wu raised his question.

"No, the barbed wire outside the scientific research institute is connected with high-voltage electricity. There are at least thousands of defenders inside. We can't attack by force. We must create chaos outside and destroy the power facilities in the inner city to have a chance to attack." Lu Jun He took out a rough map of the inner city and pointed to the entertainment area and residential area.

Hearing what Lu Jun said, everyone looked at the map with thoughtful expressions.

"According to the defensive ability of the inner city, our actions must be fast, and we cannot give them time to react, so we'd better cut off the power and create chaos at the same time, and then attack the research institute after attracting the attention of the city guards. "Ruan Bing said his thoughts on the side.

"Well, I think so too. I will assign tasks." Lu Jun raised his hand and motioned everyone to look at him, "Xiao Wan, Mu Mu, and Lin Xiaobai are responsible for destroying the inner city's power system, Anan, Akko, Northern Lion, and Big Bear are responsible for creating chaos in the entertainment area or residential area, and the others stay by my side and wait for opportunities."

Hearing Lu Jun said this, everyone nodded, indicating that they understood, and did not raise any questions for the time being.

Seeing the crowd like this, Lu Jun thought for a while and continued: "The damage to the power system requires permanent damage. At least one or two hours can't be repaired."

"It's best for the chaos-makers to set the entertainment and residential areas on fire, so that they can involve a lot of the silent crusaders."

"When you complete your tasks, you must come back here as quickly as possible to assist us in attacking the scientific research institute. I will provide you with ostriches to facilitate your journey."

After speaking, the Army took out a large amount of weapons and ammunition and wood energy refined titanium horizontal knife from the armed module, Lin Xiaobai's explosive crossbow, and two huge new weapons with nine holes.

"Come here to pick up your handy weapons, bring all the ammunition, and it will be difficult to replenish them later. These two are shoulder-mounted nine-hole ground-to-air double fire-proof guns. The magazines can hold 54 rockets. Fire nine rockets at once, and they will be loaded automatically for you to do damage.” The Lu Army pointed at the shoulder-mounted nine-hole ground-to-air double fire cannon on the Big Bear and North Lion Road.

These two heavy weapons were purchased from the trading module for nearly two thousand dragon coins. Only the size of the big bear and the northern lion can handle this weapon weighing hundreds of catties...

When the big bear and the northern lion heard the Lu Army say this, they raised their shoulder-mounted nine-hole ground-to-air double fire cannons with ecstatic smiles on their faces, and loaded all of them with more than fifty miniature rockets. The heavy weapons combined with their size make them look extremely mighty.

The people around them also looked at the big bear and the northern lion with envy. They knew that they could only have exclusive weapons if they were appreciated and recognized by the road army.

However, everyone did not think too much. They stepped forward to receive ordinary weapons on the ground. Each pocket was filled with ammunition and grenades, making enough preparations before the war.

"Remember that our step is to create chaos as soon as the electricity stops, and then you immediately rush back to participate in our offensive, and don't exchange fire with anyone on the way." Lu Jun called out seven Tier B-like ostriches and told everyone again. .

"Um... Brother Jun, I have a question..." Wood tied the energy refined titanium horizontal knife to his back and walked to Lu Jun. "Where is the main power facility in the inner city? We don't know. ..."

Hearing Wood’s question, Lu Jun waved his hand and said with an innocent expression: "I don’t know, so I will give you this very difficult task. You can look for it along the power grid on the road. ."

Hearing what the Lu Army said, Mu Mu cried and laughed, and he knew that the task the Lu Army gave him would not be very simple...

"Okay, let's split up." Seeing that everyone was okay, the Lu Army raised his hand, indicating that the person with the task could start.

Hearing Lu Jun's words, everyone nodded. Mu, Lin Xiaobai and Xiao Wan rode on like a ostrich and set off from the left, and quickly disappeared into the night along the power grid.

Anan, Ak, Big Bear, and the Northern Lion rode on the ostrich and set off from the right. In pairs, they went to the residential area and the entertainment area to prepare for destruction.

Although the number of people is a bit small, in addition to having two heavy weapons, a few of them also carry a large number of incendiary grenades, enough to mess up the inner city.

After everyone left, only the Ruan sisters and the girl in red were left by the Lu Army, and the surroundings suddenly became quiet.

"What are we going to do next? Just stand here and wait for them?" The girl in red took the lead to break the quiet scene.

"No, we still have some very important things to do. Otherwise, why should I leave you here?" The Lu Army replied while taking out a large number of round objects and a few engineer shovels.

Seeing such sleek things all over the floor, the Nguyen sisters and the girl in red couldn't help squatting down to take a closer look.

"This...Aren't these all mines?" Ruan Bing guessed after touching a round thing.

Although it is impossible to tell from the outside what these things are, Ruan Bing has been with the Lu Army for so long, knowing the Lu Army's ideas and methods, he boldly guessed.

Hearing Ruan Bing’s question, the Lu Army glanced at Ruan Bing with admiration and said with a sinister smile: "Hey... Yes, these are mines. I just got them. It is said that they have several effects. When we are about to die, we will bury them all when we have time now, one at an interval of 20 meters, and we may be able to stop many silent crusaders when we fight later..."

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