The elite members of the Scorpion group and Bing Scorpion saw that the black scorpion suddenly turned into a hairy monster, first took two steps back in horror, and then were overjoyed and their morale was high.

Because they knew this was the black scorpion's ability, it was the first time they saw the black scorpion use the ability up close, which also means that their powerful scorpion group is finally about to take action!

After using the power, the black scorpion saw that the surrounding subordinates were looking at him with admiring eyes, and felt very satisfied. He raised his head and screamed, and then rushed towards the position of the road army alone.

His idea is to go up and test the strength of the Lu Army first. If the Lu Army is weak, he will kill the Lu Army himself. If the Lu Army is stronger, he will let his subordinates help to catch the Lu Army's companion first...

Looking at the black scorpion like an angry beast, the skinny monkey and the girl in red couldn't help but back up two steps, because the black scorpion's shape at this time was very scary, and the height of nearly three meters had too much visual impact.

Lu Jun was also surprised that Black Scorpion had such a powerful beastification ability, but he was just surprised, and he didn't panic at all, even his brows were not frowned.

Looking at the black scorpion that was less than ten meters away from them, Lu Jun suddenly grinned and said to himself, "The quality of the scorpion group's supernatural powers is really high, but I don't have time to play with you now."

Listening to Lu Jun's somewhat nonsensical words, even Ruan Bing and Xiao Wan didn't know what Lu Jun meant.

Because the enemy is about to rush over, it is strange that the road army has not moved yet, but because they believe in the road army, they did not retreat.

Just as the girl in red couldn't help but prepare to remind the Lu Army, something shocking happened. Two huge figures suddenly appeared like a molecular reorganization, and the position was in front of the Lu Army.

And these two figures are not other creatures, they are the strongest combat power currently in the hands of the Lu Army, Tier A Abelisaurus and Chinese Raptor.

When Abeli ​​Dragon and Chinese Raptor were transformed from virtual shadows into entities, they first slammed their feet on the ground, then screamed from the sky, as if they were telling everyone around them that they had come out.

Listening to the roar of Abelisaurus and Chinese Raptor, and watching the huge bodies of Abelisaurus and Chinese Raptor, all the members of the Scorpion Group, including Bingxie, were stunned, and their mouths opened wide, because All this in front of them has exceeded their cognition.

The Black Scorpion, who had been running fast and preparing to kill the Lu Army, even stopped, with a horrified expression on his face and incredible expression in his eyes.

Although his body after being transformed into a beast was already very large, he still couldn't see enough in front of these two Tier A dinosaurs, which made him suddenly lose all confidence in this battle.

"This... these... are all... yours?" The girl in red pointed to the two big dinosaurs in front of Lu Jundao, her fingers still trembling slightly, and the thin monkey on the side clenched her teeth. Speechless.

Hearing the question of the girl in red, Lu Jun did not answer directly, but turned back and grinned to the girl in red, "Don't forget our bet."

After saying these words, the Lu Army's face was cold, and then pointed directly at the black scorpion to Abeililong and Chinese Rogue Dragon, "Kill me!"

Hearing the order of the Lu Army, the Abelisaurus and Chinese Raptor, who were already fully prepared, immediately opened their blood basins and roared at the black scorpion, and then rushed toward the black scorpion's position with their thick hind feet. , And pulled into a distance of several meters with the black scorpion in an instant.

Seeing Abelisaurus and Chinese Raptor attacking, Black Scorpion did not dare to fight and ran back, because he knew that he could not defeat these two dinosaurs, and he did not even dare to resist. .

While the black scorpion was running away, the soldier scorpion hiding at the back also reacted. He immediately pointed to the position of the two dinosaurs and shouted at the surrounding elite members, "Hurry up and shoot! Support the black scorpion!"

Hearing Bing Xie's anxious and panic command, the elite members of the Scorpion group immediately reacted, pulling down the trigger in their hands and pouring out all the bullets, with the purpose of delaying the two dinosaurs and letting the black scorpions escape.

But how could the Lu Army let the people of the Scorpion Group succeed? He directly drank a bottle of mental reagents, restored all his mental power, and then used his third ability for absolute defense, propping up two particle shields to protect Abbe Lilong and Chinese Rogue Dragon protected.

In front of the particle shield, no matter whether it is a rifle, a heavy machine gun, or an anti-tank rocket launcher, there is no way to reach the particle shield, let alone harm the dinosaur behind.

However, Abelisaurus and Chinese Raptor had no interference from the members of the Scorpion Group, and naturally ran faster and faster, and immediately caught up with the escaping Black Scorpion.

Seeing that he was overtaken, Black Scorpion knew that it was not a way to continue running, so he was very heartbroken, and immediately turned around, planning to use his second ability to fight Abeli ​​Dragon and Chinese Raptor desperately.

But the moment the black scorpion turned his head, Abelilong used its strong body to hit the black scorpion severely, knocking the unsuspecting black scorpion more than two meters away.

After hitting the black scorpion, Abelisaurus did not stop attacking, and directly opened his mouth to spray a fiery breath at the black scorpion, spraying the black scorpion completely, and it hurt him to bear. Can't help lying on the ground and rolling, trying to put out the flames on his body.

Seeing that the black scorpion was busy putting out the fire, Abelisaurus and Chinese Raptor did not bother them. They stood quietly and looked at the black scorpion, which seemed very "friendly and harmonious."

But the black scorpion just covered the flames on his body, and Abelilong opened his mouth again with a breath of flame. This time it covered the whole body of the black scorpion. It burned the thick hair of the black scorpion at once, exposing the burnt inside. Scorched skin.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Passing.

The elite members of the scorpion group standing in the distance watched their black scorpion being ravaged by two big dinosaurs, with sympathy and fear in their hearts, but more despair.

Because under the protection of the particle shield, they couldn't harm these two dinosaurs at all, so they could only watch this happen...

The girl in red hiding behind the Lu Jun was also very moved when she saw this scene. After all, she had never imagined that the black scorpion, who was a Tier 2 ability person, would be killed in this way, and she had no resistance at all.

But while shocked, the girl in red couldn't help sighing. Fortunately, she did not show maliciousness to the Lu Army. Her original purpose was to help the Lu Army. Otherwise, it would not be delicious if it provokes the Lu Army...

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