Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 279: "friendly reminder

The Lu Army frowned when seeing the military squandering ammunition like this. Now it is just some old, weak, sick, and disabled ordinary infected bodies. The mutant infected bodies have not yet been launched, and the real battle has not yet begun. Hit about a hundred meters or so.

The corpse controller first sent a weak ordinary infected body up, the purpose is to consume the strength of the city guard, unexpectedly Zhang Chuanhao did not detect the intention of the infected body group.

If this continues, the logistics corps cannot transport ammunition as fast as the defensive troops, and there will inevitably be gaps in the firepower net. At that time, the military will be in trouble, the Lu Army thought to himself.

However, the people in the military did not seem to notice that their ammunition was consumed too quickly, and they were still fighting desperately against the infected group more than two hundred meters ahead. After all, they were nervous when they faced this number of infected groups for the first time. , If there is a bullet, it will shoot out, it is difficult to think too much.

Moreover, the city defenders are still excited for them to block the infected body two hundred meters away, and feel that this level of infected body group is just like this, it is not a big deal.

Goshawk looked at the more and more courageous defenders of the city, and the group of infected bodies that were retreating, and muttered, "Why are these monsters so weak? I am worried that the gathering place will be destroyed. According to this Firepower, another 100,000 infected body gathering place can be guarded."

Ruan Bing had a thoughtful expression after hearing Goshawk's words, did not speak, and seemed to disagree with Goshawk's statement.

Lu Jun directly shook his head and said, "It can suppress the infected body group to two hundred meters away. It is completely piled up with ammunition. If my estimation is correct, the military has already consumed about 400,000 rounds of ammunition. And the ammunition reserve in the back war preparation zone definitely does not exceed one million rounds. Using nearly half of the ammunition stock in the war preparation zone to eliminate one-tenth of the infected group is a loss."

"You must know that the previous ones are only ordinary infected bodies. The mutant infected bodies have not yet arrived. If the logistics corps does not continue to guarantee the supply of ammunition, the military's firepower network will inevitably have loopholes. It is no joke when the mutant infected bodies rush up. Yes, if the people below do not withdraw in time, something may happen."

After listening to Lu Jun’s analysis, Ruan Bing seemed to understand something and was surprised, “You mean that the two to three thousand ordinary infected bodies in front are just cannon fodder? There will be major moves in the infected body group later?”

Lu Jun nodded. He meant this. Based on his knowledge of the infected body, the corpse controller would definitely do so.

Goshawk touched his silver hair, and said with some doubts, "Aren't these things mindless? You still know how to use the tactics you said?"

Lu Jun listened to Goshawk’s doubts and did not explain much. Time will prove that he is right. He pointed to the battlefield and smiled, "Look at it."

Just after the Lu Army said this sentence, a real-time mission reminder suddenly sounded in his mind, "Ding, a large-scale infection is coming. Please help defend this wall. With your participation, you will be able to defend successfully. Get a lot of rewards, and there is no penalty for failure. If you choose not to participate, there will be no real-time tasks of this type in the future."

Lu Jun hadn't received the real-time mission for several days. He didn't expect that he was just going to watch the excitement, and the real-time mission rang.

And the real-time mission this time is a bit strange. It seems that he only needs to participate. Success is rewarded, and failure is not punished. Of course, this kind of good thing will not be let go.

Although the survival of the gathering place is not his business, as long as there is a reward, everything is easy to say. If you know that he is still close to the dragon rank value, he can be promoted again...

However, what should be considered as participation? This makes Lu Jun a little confused. After all, the term “participation” is too general. Did you make a certain contribution, or did you just take a shot and participate?

Since you don't know how to quantify it, just in case, make a certain amount of contribution. This way, it's safer, Lu Jun thought to himself.

After thinking about it, the Lu Army put down the binoculars and put it close to Ruan Bing’s ear, “Can you please do me a favor? Help me remind the military people on the public channel that the powerful infected body has not come yet. Let them save ammunition, and the people under the city wall are dangerous and should be withdrawn as soon as possible."

Ruan Bing was a little surprised when the Lu Army said this. He didn't understand how the Lu Army suddenly became so friendly, and he was willing to remind the military...

Goshawk didn't know what Lu Jun wanted to do, and looked at Lu Jun dumbfounded.

"Oh, okay, but will they listen to what I say? I'm not from the military, they don't necessarily know me, and I'm still a woman..." Ruan Bing doubted the Lu Army, she must be willing to help the Lu Army Busy, but the military commander may not be able to listen to what she said.

"Don't worry, you can just say it. It's their business if you don't listen. It is estimated that the military commander will say a few words to choke you, but you believe me, I will definitely make you proud later. "Lu Jun said to Ruan Bing with confidence, he already had a plan in his mind.

As for why Ruan Bing was asked to say that it was because of his special status that he would not show up if he could not come forward. It would be nice to let Ruan Bing do him.

Seeing the Lu Jun saying this, Ruan Bing nodded. She believed the Lu Jun very much. Even if she was wronged for this, she immediately picked up the walkie-talkie, pressed the talk button and said, "Call the commander of the defending force, I am Heishi The person in charge of the consortium, according to my observation, your ammunition consumption rate is too fast, the logistics corps cannot keep up with the supply speed, and at this time the attacking infected group is just cannon fodder, and there are more powerful mutant infections behind, under the city wall Combatants please also pay attention, be sure to withdraw to the gathering place before the mutant infected body attacks, otherwise your situation will be very dangerous..."

Ruan Bing is very clever, repeating Lu Jun's analysis from her perspective, and the tone is very tact, which makes people not disgusted.

Since this is a public channel, the grassroots officers and many soldiers who guard the city can hear it. They were taken aback for a moment when they heard the female voice that appeared suddenly.

Then he lowered his head and glanced at the yellow bullet shells on the ground and the few ammunition boxes behind him, as well as the logistics corps that was so busy.

After reading it, they realized that they had consumed so much ammunition invisibly, so they consciously slowed down the attack speed, and chose to aim and attack as much as possible, instead of holding the trigger and shooting as before...

However, when they slowed down their attack, the firepower net became thinner, and the ordinary infected body was able to advance a little further, rushing to a distance of about 200 meters from the gathering place.

In fact, this is a normal phenomenon. It really doesn't matter if the infected body advances a little distance. There is no difference between two hundred meters and two hundred and thirty meters.

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