After controlling the person in front of him, the Lu Jun still kept the "smile" on his face and walked slowly towards the wretched man. Next, he wanted to test what was going on with the inexplicable pleasure when killing people with dragon claws.

The wretched man saw that the Lu Army was approaching him, he felt a panic in his heart. He wanted to move his body or shout out, but he couldn't move any part of his body except his eyes, as if the time around him was frozen. Living.

He didn't know why he was like this, or why the men behind him didn't come up to rescue him, but he knew that they were probably offending people, and he could feel that it was revealed in the Lu Army's "smile" cruel.

Lu Jun walked slowly in front of the wretched man, his hands instantly turned into dragon claws, but after shaking the dragon claws, he walked past the wretched man, and did not take the lead in attacking the wretched man.

Because he particularly hates the wretched man, he must let the wretched man experience enough fear before he kills. After all, it is too cheap to kill the wretched man like this.

The wretched man saw the Lu Army's hands suddenly turned into sharp beast claws, and he was scared. He looked at the Lu Army with monster eyes. He was relieved until the Lu Army walked past him.

But after he breathed a sigh of relief, he became even more scared, because he couldn't see the Lu Army now, and he kept wondering if the Lu Army would suddenly come to him behind his back. It's not that he can't move, he's going to sit on the ground...

Lu Jun wanted this effect, but instead of paying attention to the wretched man, he walked behind the wretched man and raised his dragon claw to stab a ragged man on the head.

The sharp claws of the dragon directly penetrated the ragged man’s head, and red and white liquid continued to flow down the wound, but the man whose head was pierced still did not move or scream, even his face was still there. Keeping the smile just now, it looks very strange...

But after killing the ragged man, a sensation of pleasure spread to Lu Jun's mind, and it was stronger than before, making Lu Jun want to stop.

Lu Jun didn't know how to say this kind of feeling, anyway, it was very cool, and he gradually determined that his sudden increase in strength was indeed related to killing people with dragon claws.

It may not be effective to kill one or two people, but this is like a deflated balloon, which will only explode when it reaches a certain level.

The Lu Jun's use of dragon claws to kill people or other creatures is an accumulation process. It is estimated that when he kills a certain number, he will usher in a breakthrough in strength again.

After accidentally discovering that Dragon Claw had such a hidden ability, Lu Jun was also very happy. Without thinking about it, he pulled the Dragon Claw out of the dead man's head and walked to the next person.

He wanted to take advantage of time to control these people and kill them all, otherwise he would have to waste time chasing after these people returned to normal.

In this way, in the next period of time, the Lu Army continued to wave its claws, and each claw would take away a person’s life, and those killed by him did not struggle or scream, even if they were killed. Still maintaining the posture before death...

While watching the road army kill people, Ruan Bing also silently used abilities to collect the souls of these people. Her abilities depend on the soul to perform. The more souls she collects, the stronger the abilities, so as long as it is a soul , She always refuses to come.

Within nine seconds, the Lu Army had killed ten people in a row, leaving only the wretched man and those who were originally picking up trash, who ran behind to watch the excitement.

After nine seconds passed, the duration of the time retracing just ended, and the people killed by the road army collapsed to the ground in an instant. This scene was still quite spectacular.

The first time the wretched man resumed his actions, he subconsciously looked behind him. When he saw that his accomplices were killed one after another, he couldn't help it anymore. He was so scared that he slumped on the ground and pointed to Lu Junyan. Can't tell, the arrogance before is gone.

However, the Lu Army still ignored the wretched man, and walked towards the few people watching the excitement.

Although those who watched the excitement were just controlled by the abilities of the road army, from their perspective, they could see the scene of the road army's killing all the time.

After resuming action, although they did not collapse to the ground in fright like the wretched man, their legs were also frightened, and they couldn't even run away.

Especially after seeing the Lu Army walking towards them, they stammered, "We...we are not in the same group...we just want to come over and see what happened...we are here Go... now go..."

Lu Jun listened to the explanations of these people, nodded and said, "I know you are not a group. You just came to watch the fun, but you saw too much, so I'm sorry, this is fate."

After speaking, the Lu Army no longer gave these people a chance to speak. With both paws down, they took away the lives of these people in a few seconds.

As for why they wanted to kill these seemingly innocent people, the reason is very simple. They saw the faces of Lu Jun and Ruan Bing, and saw the Lu Jun's hands turned into dragon claws.

If they left to tell the military, and the military followed this clue to track down, then the Lu Army and Ruan Bing would be in trouble, so the Lu Army had no intention of letting them live.

Although this may not be right, children are right and wrong. Adults only look at the pros and cons. It is no good to keep them. Killing them will do no harm, so kill them. It's a simple truth.

If these people had long known that watching the lively scene would cost their lives, they might choose to hide away, but unfortunately, it was too late to regret it after they died...

The wretched man saw that the Lu Army was still killing and did not let him off, so he summoned his courage and exhausted all his strength to stand up, then ran away in another direction, trying to take advantage of the Lu Army’s failure to notice him. Get away from here quickly.

But before he ran a few steps, there was a "bang" behind him, and the wretched man fell to the ground, clutching the bullet hit his right knee and wailing constantly.

It turned out that while collecting souls, Ruan Bing was always paying attention to the wretched man. Seeing that the wretched man wanted to run, he pulled out his pocket pistol and hit it accurately on the right knee of the wretched man, breaking the wretched man trying to run. Thoughts.

She didn't feel that what the Lu Army did was wrong. On the contrary, she felt that the Lu Army was doing the right thing. If she stood from the perspective of the Lu Army, she would do the same.

Because if you kill a few irrelevant people, you can protect yourself and the people around you. It's a good deal no matter how you calculate it...

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