Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 269: Looking for Xiaowan

Thinking of this, Lu Jun suddenly remembered that Xiaowan was wearing the member ring he gave, and as long as it was wearing a member ring, Lu Jun could see the loyalty and physical state of each member, and immediately entered. In the member module, I'm going to see what Xiaowan's current state is and whether it is dangerous.

However, when Lu Jun saw Xiaowan's status bar, his heart sank, because at this time the status bar belonging to Xiaowan was already red, which meant that life was endangered and was about to die.

You must know that Xiaowan is a second-order brain power with good strength. Could it be that she was caught last night? Otherwise, why is it like this? This was the Lu Army's first thought.

But now is not the time to struggle with what happened to Xiaowan, it is the key to find Xiaowan as soon as possible.

It's a pity that the member module is not yet able to display the location of the members, so Lu Jun doesn't know where Xiaowan is, so he can only try his luck outside to find a place where Xiaowan might go.

"Something happened to Xiaowan, her life is in danger, I want to go out to find her right away." After exiting from the member module, Lu Jun raised his head and solemnly said to the Ruan sisters, and walked to the door of Ruan Bing's room after speaking.

Ruan Bing and Ruan Xue were shocked when they heard that Xiaowan's life was in danger, and each froze for two seconds, not knowing why this happened.

However, Ruan Xue suddenly remembered something, and immediately said to Lu Jundao who was about to leave the door, "Lu Jun, let my sister and I take the guards of the Blackstone Consortium to find them. You... you are now wanted by the whole gathering place. The outside will be surrounded by the military..."

Ruan Bing also agreed and nodded. Now the Lu Army is looking for the wanted order photo, and the entire gathering place knows him, and many small forces have organized to look for him to receive the bounty.

If he goes out like this, let alone find Xiaowan, it is estimated that he will be spotted immediately after leaving their home, and then besieged by the army...

After hearing what Ruan Xue said, Lu Jun realized that he was not wearing a mask with a hundred faces now. If he really went out like this, the problem would be serious.

He immediately turned around and picked up the Hundred Face Mask that was thrown on the ground yesterday, and then shook the Hundred Face Mask in his hand to Ruan Bing and Ruan Xue, "I have this, I'm not afraid."

After speaking, she put on a hundred-face mask in the surprised eyes of the Nguyen sisters. The Lujun’s face began to change as soon as she put on the hundred-face mask.

Until a few minutes later, the entire head of the Lu Jun changed into another person's appearance. This was not just a face change, but the entire head was changed together...

The most powerful thing is that the Lu Army no longer looks like a greasy middle-aged man after wearing a hundred-face mask today, but a young man with a mustache, much more attractive than yesterday's image.

After seeing the Lu Army for a while, she became another person. The Nguyen sisters opened their mouths in surprise. They didn’t understand how the Lu Army did it, but when they recalled that the Lu Army had many secrets they didn’t know, they It was relieved.

"Let's drive you there. We won't check your ID card problems at those checkpoints, and driving is much faster than you walk." Ruan Bing took the key of the off-road vehicle to Lujun Road.

She is indeed very smart, and she can immediately think that although the Lu Army has changed to look like someone else, she does not have an identity card. If you encounter a checkpoint, all people who do not have an identity card in the gathering place will be detained.

And she and Ruan Xue are considered to be people with identities in the gathering place. If Lu Jun is with them, the checkpoints will be more or less a face, and they will not be checked so carefully.

After listening to Ruan Bing's words, Lu Jun lamented Ruan Bing's care and thought that what Ruan Bing said was reasonable, so he nodded and agreed to Ruan Bing and the others to go with him.

Seeing Lu Jun agreed, Ruan Bing immediately walked to the side, turned his back to Lu Jun, took off his nightgown, put on clothing and shoes that were conducive to action, and was ready in less than thirty seconds.

Ruan Bing never evades the Ruan Bing every time he changes his clothes, and it still touches the Lu Army. This is a feeling of being trusted, so he doesn't avoid Ruan Bing in many things, but trusts him.

When the group was ready, they hurried downstairs. Ruan Bing’s father didn’t seem to be at home, but even if it was the end of the world, her family still had a lot of servants. The life of these wealthy consortiums was not understood. What are many people doing at home...

Those who work in Ruan Bing’s house looked curious when they saw the eldest lady coming downstairs with a strange man, but they didn’t dare to ask or take another look. They just had a respectful fight with the Ruan sisters. After greeting, they continued to bow their heads to do their thing.

After all, being able to work in a safe villa in the end of the world, three meals a day are guaranteed, they are already extremely happy for their opponents who have no power to restrain chickens. They don't want to lose this valuable job because of curiosity. .

After leaving the villa, the Nguyen sisters and Lu Jun directly boarded an off-road vehicle of the Black Rock Consortium. Ruan Bing drove in front, Lu Jun was in the co-pilot, Ruan Xue stayed in the back seat, and the three drove all the way out of the Supreme Court. .

There is an inspection point at the entrance of the Supreme Court, and anyone who is eligible to enter or exit the Supreme Court must be investigated.

However, the Black Rock Consortium does have an array here. The guards in charge of the inspection saw that the Nguyen sisters were going out, but they used the photo on the wanted order to check the face of the Lu Army and found that the Lu Army was not the person on the wanted order. Let it go, you don’t even need to get off...

Fifty meters after leaving the investigation site, Ruan Bing stopped and faced Lu Jundao, "Where should we find Xiaowan now?"

Ruan Bing really didn't know where to find Xiaowan. After all, the gathering place was too big. If there was no certain scope or purpose, it would be a fantasy to find someone among 600,000 people.

Lu Jun didn’t answer Ruan Bing directly, but frowned and thought. He didn’t have a definite range, so he could only go to the places he and Xiaowan walked through yesterday, point by point to find, but Xiaowan’s time might Not much, I hope she can hold it.

After thinking clearly, Lu Jun pointed to the right direction and said, "Let’s go first..."

But before the Lu Army finished speaking, a military dog ​​suddenly rushed out from the front and pulled the door of the off-road vehicle. While pulling it, it made a cry of pleading mixed with anxiety.

Ruan Bing and Ruan Xue looked at the military dog ​​with some doubts. They didn’t understand what the dog was doing, but Lu Jun suddenly remembered that this military dog ​​was the one domesticated by Xiaowan. He only met this military dog ​​yesterday. have met before.

Seeing this, the Lu Army opened the door and said to the army dog ​​who was anxiously spinning outside the door, "Are you here to find me? Do you know where she is? Can you take me to find her?"

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