Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 2573: Span a thousand miles

After a while, Hongyue completed the communication with the elves, and saw that she came back with a cloth bag in her hand, which contained some glass bottles.

"Here, here it is." Hongyue suddenly handed six small glass bottles to Lu Jun.

Although there was doubt in his mind, the Lu Army took the glass bottles and opened one of them for a glance.

When Lu Jun found out that it was the fountain of life, he couldn't help but stare at the red moon.

"Hehe, I didn’t expect it. This is the reward the elves give us. They are very grateful for everything we have done. They provided us with 6,000 ml of the fountain of life. Except for the 2,000 ml used to save people, I have leftovers. Four thousand milliliters, one thousand and two hundred milliliters will be given to you. I have to restore my brainpower for the rest. I'm sorry I can't give you more." Hongyue's voice was a little triumphant and apologetic. .

"It's okay, these are enough. Are you saying that this thing can be used as a disposable consumable to restore brainpower on the spot?" Lu Jun couldn't help but ask.

"Yes, whether it is detoxification, healing, or restoring mental and physical strength, it is very effective, so this thing is so precious." Hongyue explained to Lu Jun earnestly.

After speaking, she picked up a bottle of Fountain of Life, opened the mouth of the bottle, and drank it all, leaving the rest to the people in the black robes.

At the moment when he finished drinking, Hongyue's aura increased rapidly, and it could be seen that her mental and physical strength had recovered by about eight levels.

The same goes for the people in black robes. They only need to drink more than 100 milliliters of the fountain of life to quickly recover their own state, whether it is physical or spiritual.

Seeing how effective this thing was, Lu Jun licked his lips and handed a bottle of two hundred milliliters to Lin Yilan, who was still in a state of collapse.

Looking at the fountain of life in front of him, Lin Yi lazy shook his head and said in a faint voice: "I can hold it... Let's keep these and go back to Xueyue City for spar... Then we might be able to go back... "

Hearing that Lin Yilan was almost speechless and still thinking about it, Lu Jun was a little distressed and directly poured two hundred milliliters of the fountain of life into Lin Yilan's mouth, and said, "Don't Stupid, let me resume my state first, I will figure out a solution about the spar."

Lin Yilaan could only drink the fountain of life drop by drop under Lu Jun's hard pouring.

Immediately afterwards, she felt her brain power rapidly rise to its peak state, this feeling was the same as drinking a brain power reagent given by Lu Jun.

It's just that the effect of the fountain of life is much more than that of the mental reagent, and Lin Yilan even feels that his brain is about to break through again.

Lu Jun could also feel Lin Yi's lazy state, and he secretly sighed that the Fountain of Life is such a good thing. It can actually have the effects of mental reagents and physical reagents at the same time, but the number is too small...

As for the remaining five bottles of the Fountain of Life, the Lu Army intends to save them first and use them in critical situations. If there is no critical situation, they will go to Xueyue City in exchange for spars...

In the end, after searching for a long time and failing to find Lu Jun and others, the furious undead creatures could only leave unwillingly, looking for their large forces.

However, they secretly swear in their hearts that if they encounter these humans when they attack the elves' territory next, they must crush these human corpses!

After entering the space portal, Lu Jun and the others regained consciousness after falling into a brief dizziness. As soon as they opened their eyes, they found that they had returned to the hidden stronghold.

In addition to the familiar environment, there are elves with shocked faces around, because they don’t even understand how Lu Jun and others appeared out of thin air...

Lin Yilan was lying prostrably in the arms of the Lu Jun, teleporting back to so many people in one breath, almost exhausting all her strength.

If it hadn't been for the road army to pull her, she would probably not be able to enter the space portal, so it was really thrilling.

The people in the red moon and the black robe looked at the familiar hidden stronghold with the same shock.

"Unexpectedly... actually came back..." Hongyue looked at her hands and couldn't help but muttered.

Although she can't see her facial expressions, she can hear her shock and excitement in her voice.

"How on earth did you do it?! Teleporting so many people at the same time must be a very powerful ability, right?! Why not use this ability to teleport back to Cyan Wind Realm?!" Hongyue asked several questions in a series, but This time she told Lu Jun and Lin Yilan.

"Uh, this ability has a limited teleportation distance. You can't return to the Blue Wind Region, otherwise you won't see us. As for other questions, I don't know how to explain it. Let's talk about it later. Now our mission is complete, right? "Lu Jun replied casually and turned the topic elsewhere.

Seeing Lu Jun didn't seem to want to say more, Hongyue stopped asking more, and nodded silently.

They did indeed complete the task of rescuing the elves this time, and it was successfully completed. Not only did they rescue the elves, their people also returned safely, and they also killed many undead creatures. There was no better result than this.

"Well, it's done, thank you for saving us." Hongyue suddenly said to Lu Jun, her tone of gratitude in her voice.

The other people in black robes bowed directly to the Lu Army, thanking the Lu Army for their timely support and showing respect.

If they said that their previous respect for the Lu Army was pretended by the order of the red moon, then it was from the heart at this time.

Because the Lu Army rescued all of them, helped them complete their tasks, and conquered them with their brains and strength, they felt that the Lu Army was a strong man and would naturally respect them.

In other words, it is that dignity cannot be given by others, but it must be earned back by one's own efforts.

"Thank you. I don't like to owe favors to others. You rescued me outside before, and now we are clean." Lu Jun spread his hands and said indifferently.

Although there are so many Lu Army, Hongyue still feels that they owe the Lu Army a lot.

After all, they only saved two people from the Lu Army, and the Lu Army saved more than 30 of them.

However, Hongyue is not a person with ink marks, some gratitude is in my heart, so I can pay it back later, and I don't have to mention it all the time.

"Okay, let's talk about it later, I'll talk to those elves first." Red Moon pointed to the direction where the elves were, and the elves were waiting for her to pass.

"Well, you are free." Lu Jun nodded and helped Lin Yi to sit down aside.

Seeing this, Hongyue said nothing more, and brought the black-robed man who could speak Elf language to the side to communicate with the elves.

Although he can't hear what Red Moon is talking about, from the mouth shape of the road army, it can be roughly judged that Red Moon is asking the elves about the teleportation array and the fountain of life.

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