Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 2569: Impeccable

At this time, this is indeed a good method. You must know that there are still tens of thousands of ordinary infected bodies, scattered in small forests. If the Lu Army is busy dealing with ordinary infected bodies, wait for him to take these tens of thousands of ordinary infected bodies. After the killing, the corpse controller is estimated to have run away.

Moreover, it is night and the grove is even darker. The appearance of these ordinary infected bodies is similar. It is difficult to tell which of the tens of thousands of ordinary infected bodies is the corpse controller.

Lu Jun looked at the thicker corpse wall in front of him. He had a headache. He also guessed that it was a scheme of the corpse controller. If it is a normal person, there is really nothing to do with the corpse controller.

But the Lu Jun was not a normal person, nor was he fighting alone. He immediately summoned all the remaining six beetian pterosaurs and asked them to cooperate with the two beetian pterosaurs above to search for the escaped corpse controller.

As a small pterosaur, the beetian pterosaur has light but strong bones. Its wings can reach up to 60 centimeters, its weight is about 100 grams, and its tail is 20 centimeters long.

Although they are small in size, they are very agile in flight, able to shuttle freely in the lush groves, and it would be great to use them as troops for reconnaissance or search.

After receiving the order from the road army, the eight beetian pterosaurs also knew what the road army was looking for. They immediately dispersed and divided the entire grove into eight areas. Each beetian pterodactyl was responsible for one area and started searching.

A few minutes later, under the coordinated search of the eight Beitian pterosaurs, the corpse controller who fled in a panic had nowhere to hide, and the Beitian pterosaur found its location.

After discovering the corpse controller, the beetian pterosaurs were not in a hurry to attack, because they knew that they had no attack power and could not kill the corpse controller. Instead, they followed the corpse controller in the air and made a harsh cry, meaning Notify the road army that the target has been found.

Hearing the call of Bei Tian pterosaur, the Lu Jun also understood the meaning of Bei Tian pterosaur. Seeing that Bei Tian pterosaur had completed the task so quickly, Lu Jun was happy, and immediately ordered Velociraptor to speed up its marching speed to support Bei Tian pterosaur.

But there were annoying corpse walls in front of them. One of these corpse walls was broken, and another seemed infinite. Even if the Velociraptors broke through with all their strength, it would be difficult for them to get up quickly. If you continue like this, give them more He couldn't get to Beitian pterosaur in half an hour.

The big bear behind him saw that the Lu Army wanted to quickly break through the corpse wall but was unsuccessful. He thought that the Lu Army had nothing to do, so he chopped off the infected body while facing Lu Jun said, "Boss Lu! You ride the black devil wolf! I am! Turn on the power to cover you and rush out!"

After speaking, the big bear was about to jump off the back of the black devil wolf. Although he knew that doing so might cost his life, if it weren't for the Lu Army, he might have died a few days ago. Now it's time for him to repay his favor...

Hearing the anxious voice of the big bear, Lu Jun grinned. He was amused by the honesty of the big bear. In fact, as long as he summons the high-level dinosaurs out, these ordinary infected bodies will die if they face each other.

The reason why he never called out the high-level dinosaurs was because the Lu Army wanted to save some brainpower, and by the way, let's take a look at the collective combat effectiveness of the B-level Velociraptor.

However, now that the corpse controller is found, and the combat effectiveness of Velociraptor is also known to him, he doesn't need to hide it anymore, the massacre can begin...

Although this explosion did not harm the corpse controller and the ordinary infected body surrounded by the mental force field, the shock wave from the explosion happened to disrupt the mental force field and let the corpse controller know that they were discovered.

So as the disturbed mental force field disappeared, ordinary infected body recovery entities appeared in front of the road army, and the smell of carrion on them also permeated this small forest. This is what happened...

Looking at the ordinary infected body that suddenly changed from a virtual shadow to a physical body, the Lu Army's spirits lifted up. Isn't this the group of infected bodies he was struggling to find? The infected body group is here, which means that the corpse controller is also here!

Although he wondered why these infected bodies had just become "invisible", he had guessed that it might be related to the mental field.

But he doesn't need to think so much now, and he doesn't need to think about the principle, as long as he can find the corpse controller and complete the task quickly.

Daxiong looked at the sudden emergence of so many infected bodies in the originally quiet grove. He was stunned. He didn't even know how these infected bodies came. He just felt that the Lu Army was too powerful. Get so many infected bodies out...

Lu Jun ignored what Daxiong was thinking. After retracting the anti-tank rocket launcher on his shoulders into the armed module, he immediately converted his hands into dragon claws, and then shouted to the big bear behind him, "Big Bear, do something!"

After shouting, the ostrich under the crotch of Lu Jun rushed out, and at the same time it rushed out, it also activated its speedy dragon skills. The eight Tier B Velociraptors followed closely behind, scattered among the ostriches. Left and right, **** the road army.

Hearing the shouts of the Lu Army and seeing that the Lu Army had already rushed out, Big Bear quickly recovered. He patted the black devil wolf's back with his left hand, and shook the energy axe in his hand with his right hand, and also faced the black devil wolf. The group of infected bodies in front rushed past...

And the corpse controller hiding in the depths of the small forest saw that its mental field was actually broken. The two humans riding on the monsters were rushing towards them. They were shocked and immediately ordered the infected bodies around it to march towards the army. And the big bear's position to attack.

But Lu Jun and Big Bear are both supernatural beings, Velociraptor and Black Demon Wolf are both Tier B creatures, how could they be stumped by these Tier D or ordinary infected bodies.

The Lu Army rides on a ostrich-like back, like an ancient knight, traveling through the battlefield full of flesh and blood, regardless of their own defenses, dancing with two claws, each attack can take the lives of one or two ordinary infected bodies.

The eight Velociraptors are like the personal guards of the Lu Army. With the blessing of the clan bond, they are faster. Whether it is front paws, sickle feet, or teeth, they have become their deadly weapons at this moment. Everywhere he ran was the fallen ordinary infected body.

The big bear and the black devil wolf at the back are not to be outdone, although the big bear is not as brave as the road army, the black devil wolf does not have the attack frequency of Velociraptor.

But the energy axe swinging in the hands of the big bear is as deadly as the black ball of light in the mouth of the black devil wolf, and there is no ordinary infection to approach them wherever they go.

Seeing his "little brother" being chopped by these people, he didn't have the power to fight back. It was worse than he thought. The corpse controller panicked and kept controlling the common infected body to form a wall of corpses. , Convert the offensive formation into a defensive formation.

Then it ran to the depths of the grove by itself, trying to use ordinary infected bodies as cannon fodder to attract the attention of the road army and help it escape from here.

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