Lao Wu also tried to look inside from the window on the first floor of the building, but apart from seeing some debris and smelling heavier blood, he couldn't get any more news. There was only deathly silence in the building.

After wandering for a few more laps, the old fifth planned to go inside the building. Although his instinct told him it was dangerous inside, if he didn’t go in, he didn’t know where the army would go next and couldn’t continue to track the road. The army is out, he doesn't want to chase halfway and give up.

After thinking about going in, the old fifth looked at the chain that locked the front door of the building, did not choose to open it, but used his power against the wall with one hand.

A few seconds later, Lao Wu's body was like melting ice water, absorbed by the wall, and his whole person suddenly passed through the wall and entered the building.

Since it was at night, the interior of the building was dark, so it is not an exaggeration to describe it as being invisible. Old 51 entered the building and put his hand into the black robe, took out a candle light and turned it on. The light yellow light of the candle light shined. A large field of vision was brightened, so that the old five could see the scene five meters around the building.

But at the moment when his vision was restored, the two **** corpses caught the eyes of the old fifth. The death of the corpses was estimated to be a few hours ago. The cause of death was a bullet hole in the head, which seemed to be the responsibility of the Lu Army.

But what is strange is that the corpse looks extremely miserable. Most of the flesh and internal organs have been eaten, even the eyes and brain have been dug out and eaten, leaving only the hollow skull connected to the bones below the neck.

Lao Wu looked at the corpse's miserable condition and his heart tightened. Judging from the teeth marks on the corpse, it may be a beast or an infected body. Whatever it is, it must be in this building!

Feeling the threat, Lao Wu immediately took out a dagger from the black robe, and then adjusted the brightness of the candle light to the maximum, holding the candle light on the left and right, holding the dagger in his right hand, slowly searching for useful information on the first floor.

If it is false to say that he is not afraid at all, the fifth child is not a combat-type supernatural power after all. Fighting against monsters relies on his body and the dagger in his hand. Fortunately, his body has been initially strengthened, otherwise he would never dare to control himself. In danger.

After walking around on the first floor, Lao Wu could not find any usable information, no more corpses, no traces of beasts or infected bodies.

However, Lao Wu did not relax his vigilance because of this, because this building currently appears to be closed, and the front entrance has no signs of damage. Since the monsters that eat corpses are not on the first floor, they must be hidden on the second and third floors.

The fifth one hopes that the monsters can come out and fight him directly, so that he can solve it quickly, otherwise he will always be afraid and even more uncomfortable. After all, the enemy hidden in the dark is the deadliest.

He regrets a bit now. He should have asked Zhang Deshuai to defend himself with a pistol during the day, so that his safety will be more secure, but now it is useless to think about it, hoping that the monsters encountered will not be too tricky, the old fifth took a deep breath. Then stepped from the corridor to the second floor.

After arriving on the second floor, Lao Wu smelled a **** smell that was a hundred times thicker than that of the first floor, and was mixed with some rancid smell, and the ground was full of slimy, not completely dried blood, extending to the bottom of the stairs.

Seeing the blood on the ground, there was a bad premonition in the old fifth's heart, but he still bite the bullet, clasped the dagger in his hand, and walked towards the inside of the second floor along the blood stain.

As he walked, there were more blood stains on the ground, and the rancid smell became heavier and heavier, until the fifth-old walked five meters and came to the lobby on the second floor, he was completely stunned by the scene in front of him, even the candlelight in his hand. Almost fell...

Because with the light of candlelights, you can see that the lobby on the second floor is full of fifty or sixty corpses. The cause of death of these corpses is also due to gunshot wounds, and these corpses are without weapons, which means that they have been here for a few hours. There was a massacre before.

Judging from the information obtained by the fifth, the Lu Army came here after having conflicts with others in the bar of the end of the world and killing a few people. That is to say, the massacre here was probably made by the Lu Army alone.

But what makes the fifth child wonder, isn’t the Lu Army wanted by All Gathering? Shouldn't it be normal to hide? Why does he dare to cause trouble and kill people everywhere? And haven't been caught yet...

Lao Wu always felt that he was crazy enough and bad enough, but today he found out that the road army was crazier and worse than him. Now he is more and more interested in this road army...

However, these are not the most important ones. The most important thing is that the more than fifty corpses in front of me are the same as the corpses downstairs. The monsters who gnawed on these corpses must have a big appetite, otherwise, what about their stomachs? Can hold so much meat...

Lao Wu walked around these corpses and shook his head. These corpses were of no value to him. He needed a complete body to extract useful information.

Now the old fifth is like staying in a grave full of bones. He can even hear his own heartbeat. At this time and in this environment, it is really scary...

Now there was only the third floor that had not been searched by the fifth floor. The fifth calmed down his mood, adjusted his state, and dragged his black robe to continue walking towards the third floor.

This time it’s not as calm as before. When the old fifth walked to the middle of the corridor leading to the third floor, he suddenly heard a "creak" sound. The source of the sound was on the third floor. It is difficult to describe what the sound resembled. But it must be from a living thing.

After hearing the sound, the old fifth clenched the dagger and quickly climbed to the third floor, looking for the source of the sound. It was too tormenting to stay here. He wanted to find what he wanted quickly and end it all.

Fortunately, Lao Wu didn't look for it for too long, because he saw the creatures making "creaking" sounds in front of the entrance on the third floor. They were two ordinary infected bodies.

However, the bodies of these two infected bodies were hit by some unknown reason. They were unable to stand and walk. Only the upper body was intact. They were constantly pulling the ground with their nails, so they would make a "creak" sound. .

The two infected bodies saw the old fifth who came up, smelled the "food", and roared, trying to climb over and bite the old fifth's feet.

The old fifth saw that two of these things were making noises, and was a little annoyed. He raised his leg to the head of an infected body with one foot, and directly crushed the infected body's head like a watermelon. The fishy brain Flow all over the place.

The other infected body did not feel afraid of the death of its companion, and continued to crawl towards the fifth, but it was immediately terminated by the fifth dagger into the temple...

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