Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 2563: Right and wrong

"The hunting mission is to complete the killing of the B-level stone cave spider. The reward is *70 for the dragon's title value, *35 for the dragon coin, and the supply box for the B-level dragon knight*1."

Hearing these inconspicuous rewards, the Lu Army didn't care. He mainly wanted to know the rank and name of these spiders.

Now that these stone cave spiders are only Grade B, Lu Jun is not so scared, even if there is no ability, he can still deal with B-level creatures.

At the moment when the Lu Army killed a stone cave spider, other stone cave spiders also reacted and suddenly spewed a large net toward the position of the Lu Army.

In the face of the attack, the Lu Army dared not be careless, gave up the idea of ​​continuing to shoot arrows, and hurriedly avoided, avoiding the stone cave spider's big web attack five times in a row.

But the elves behind Lu Jun were not so lucky. Four elves were hit by these big nets and were directly tied to the ground.

Fortunately, these big nets are not toxic, but they can simply control living things.

After seeing the attack form of the stone cave spider, the Lu Army became bolder, shooting iron birch arrows one after another.

Even in the gap between archery, the Lu Army pulled out a wooden knife and killed a stone cave spider at close range.

As for the elves **** by the spider webs, the Lu Army has no extra energy to deal with them. Anyway, these spider webs are not poisonous, so let these elves be **** first...

While the Lu Army was fighting with the cave spiders, Hongyue also discovered an abnormal situation from the rear.

Originally, she thought that the elves were attacked and suffered heavy losses, but when she saw that the road army without abilities was fighting with the cave spiders alone, her eyes widened, and the expression in her eyes revealed weirdness.

Although she felt that these stone cave spiders were not high in rank, there were enough of them.

Moreover, the Lu Army has no abilities, and it is completely fighting with the flesh. This is what surprised Red Moon the most.

However, due to the urgent situation, Hongyue did not think too much, and immediately rushed forward and began to assist the Route Army.

Because the undead creatures in the front have not been resolved yet, there must be no accidents in the rear, otherwise they will be unable to stop them.

With the support of the red moon, the pressure on the road army was suddenly reduced a lot, and the battle was even easier.

In this way, two minutes later, more than fifty stone cave spiders in the stronghold were all cleared.

Among them, 20 were only killed by the Route Army, and more than 30 were only killed by the Red Moon.

Although the number of kills was not as high as that of Red Moon, it was quite good for the Lu Army to kill so many stone cave spiders with the recurve bow and wooden knife in his hand.

You must know that some Tier 2 ability players may not be able to kill so many Tier B creatures in a short time...

Just as the Lu Army was thinking about this, the black-robed man walking in the forefront suddenly issued a warning sound: "No, those undead creatures are back!"

Following the voice of the black-robed man, Lu Jun really saw hundreds of undead creatures rushing to the undead stronghold.

It is estimated that an abnormality in the stronghold was discovered, and these undead creatures were moving faster and faster, completely blocking the exit of the stronghold in a blink of an eye.

Originally, Red Moon wanted to leave before the undead creatures came back, but the elves walked too slowly to implement the plan.

So Hongyue made a decisive decision and ordered the black-robed men and the elves to retreat and choose to stay firmly in the stronghold of the undead.

Although in this way they can't get out for the time being, under the current circumstances, this is undoubtedly the best way.

Hearing the order of the red moon, the elves and the black robe people cooperated one after another, retracted into the undead stronghold, and set up a defensive formation.

After seeing them, I went out for a while, and the stronghold was attacked by humans and elves, and these humans and elves were still hiding inside. The undead creatures were extremely angry and attacked without saying a word.

Since this is only a small undead stronghold, there are only three types of undead creatures stationed there: ghouls, plague ghosts, and gargoyles. At least this is what the Lu Army saw.

The numbers of them are more than 200 ghouls, more than 100 gargoyles, and more than 50 plague ghosts.

The offensive formation is that ghouls charge on the ground, gargoyles are suppressed in the air, and the plague ghost is behind the hall.

Although the number of undead creatures is relatively large, facing this most common formation, Red Moon still has ways to deal with it.

I saw that she first blocked eleven black-robed men with defensive capabilities at the entrance of the stronghold, and then let the black-robed men with offensive ability occupy the high places of the stronghold.

In this way, no matter from which angle the undead creatures attack, they can defend and counterattack well.

Sure enough, when the impulsive undead creature entered the hole of the stronghold, the black-robed man headed by Hongyue gave a slap in the face with an ability.

Because there was only one entrance, the undead creatures couldn't avoid it at all in front of many abilities, and they suffered heavy casualties all at once.

However, relying on their large numbers, the undead creatures did not choose to retreat because of casualties, but continued to attack, in a posture of not giving up until they reached their goals.

As for Lu Jun, he chose to stay behind and watch all this quietly. After all, he has no abilities, and he doesn't have many Iron Birch arrows on his body, so he can't participate in such a battle.

And Lu Jun also felt that he did not need to participate in such a battle, because the behavior of undead creatures was similar to sending death in his eyes.

If they continue to rely on such an offensive method, the Lu Army dare to conclude that the undead creatures will die in less than five minutes.

The only thing the Lu Army worried about was that the undead creatures would still have a back hand, and sent ghouls to send them to death just to attract firepower.

However, the Lu Army’s worries were not unreasonable. In the next moment, the location of the Lu Army and the elves suddenly bulged.

Immediately afterwards, dozens of giant spiders nearly one meter long crawled out. These spiders have sharp fangs and countless compound eyes on their heads, which make people feel a bit chilly.

Seeing so many undead creatures crawling out of the ground, Lu Jun felt cold.

Because these spiders obviously stayed underground a long time ago, why didn't the road army and others just come out when they attacked the stronghold.

It is estimated that they felt that they could not beat the black robe headed by Hongyue before, so they wanted to wait for their undead forces to return.

And now the black-robed men are fighting fiercely with the undead creatures in front, and they suddenly ran out to outflank the road army and the others. It is undoubtedly the perfect plan to fuse the road army and the others with the undead creatures in front.

Seeing that these spiders were so insidious, the Lu Army had no time to think too much, so he immediately drew out a recurve bow and shot an arrow at the head of a spider, while at the same time making the elves next to him retreat.

Because these elves are unarmed, the Lu Army is the only combat power here, so naturally they have to stand up.

With a burst of sound, the Tiehua arrow plunged into the spider's head, nailing the spider to the ground.

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