Looking at the old fifth who nodded and bowed to the side, Baqi felt very enjoyable. He shook his head and said: "No, let’s go back to Babuzhong’s stronghold. I have trained thousands of fallen warriors there, as well as us. The other members of the crowd are also there, and they are at least Tier 2 abilities."

"This time I have to report to the headquarters first, and bring enough staff to find someone. No matter what power the girl belongs to, I will calm down one by one and help us expand the controllable range of the eight ministries."

"As for you, just follow me first. When you find that girl for me, I can consider giving you a small position so that you can stay in Babuzhong."

"If your performance is good enough, I can apply for a batch of new reagents for you and the organization, and maybe you can restore your residual limbs."

Hearing the "big pie" that Baqi drew for him, the old fifth knew that Baqi was probably just talking casually, but he still complimented him.

After all, Baqi is a Tier 3 ability person, and there are so many subordinates, which is equivalent to a "thigh", the fifth person still has to hold on tightly.

As for the positions and reagents, the fifth child is not rare. His heart is dead. The reason why he is still alive is because he wants to avenge the fourth child, and he believes that that day is not far away...

Baqi didn't know the old fifth's thoughts. He completely regarded the old fifth as a useless person. The words just said were just to buy the old fifth.

Perhaps after finding Xiaowan and squeezing the value of the fifth, Baqi will abandon or kill the fifth without hesitation.

However, it is still too early to consider these, so Baqi took the old fifth and others directly towards the stronghold of Babuzhong here.

They were cursing while walking around, because their mounts were gone, so they could only walk...

While Baqi was on the road, Xiaowan was also on the fastest speed with the digging sand insects.

Since all the monsters on the road were cleaned up by Xiaowan, she did not encounter any dangerous situation along the way, not even a monster blocking the road.

Besides, Xiaowan and the bloodthirsty king bat flew in the air, and the digging sand insect swarms burrowed underground. They only come up once in a while. What kind of monsters can stop them...

But even so, it took Xiaowan more than an hour to get back to where the magic tower was.

After speaking, Baqi directly tied the fifth neck with the snake hand, intending to strangle the fifth.

Seeing that Baqi didn’t look like a joke, and feeling the black snake on his neck spitting out letters, the old fifth immediately protected his neck with his left hand, flushing and said: "No! Master Yaqi...I am also Baqi. People from the crowd! According to the regulations...you can't kill me!"

Hearing what the fifth child said, Baqi couldn't help but sneered: "Rules are used to break. Besides, in this wilderness, who knows that I killed you, will my subordinates report me failure? Haha ..."

Seeing that Baqi was not a rule-abiding person, the five who was about to be strangled immediately said with his last strength: "I...I know the identity of that little girl...I can lead you to find her..."

Hearing what the old five said, Baqi's expression changed, and he slowly let go of the snake's hand, allowing the old five to regain his breathing.

"Oh? Do you know someone who just attacked us? Tell me what you know! If you dare to lie to me, I wouldn't be as simple as strangling you!" Baqi kicked the old five, the threat was very obvious.

Seeing Baqi's anxious expression, the fifth child organized some language before he said: "I know! When I was gathering in Tianhai before, I fought against that girl. She pretended to be ours and blinded me. Eyes! I know her even if it turns to ashes!"

"She often followed a person called the Lu Jun. This Lu Jun was also the target of our eight tribes. I killed my companion. The Goshawk is a friend of the Lu Jun, so they all deserve to die!"

Hearing what the old five said, Baqi said impatiently: "I don't want to hear this. It's your business. You said that you met her in the gathering place in Tianhai, but how did she say that her power is called the Silent Crusade? I'm going to Orly City to find her?"

Seeing Baqi's question, the old fifth replied after thinking about it, "There are two possibilities. One is that she is lying to you and wants to divert your attention, by the way, to blame the silent crusaders, and the other is that she is indeed silent. Crusaders, deliberately speak out to provoke you..."

Hearing what the old five said, Baqi couldn't help kicking the old five: "Aren't you nonsense? Can't I think of these two possibilities? Am I asking you?"

Seeing that Baqi was inadvertently annoyed again, the old fifth said helplessly: "Eight...Master Baqi...I saw her at the gathering place in Tianhai. It was ten days ago. I really I don’t know where she has been in the past ten days..."

Seeing Lao Wu said this, Ba Qi became even more angry, and started kicking Lao Wu violently: "Then you just told me that you know her identity?! I let you pretend! I let you lie to me! Let you..."

After kicking a few feet, Baqi may feel that it is not enjoyable enough, so he picked up a big rock from the ground and prepared to hit the old fifth's head twice.

Seeing that Baqi was about to kill him, the fifth child could only endure the pain and quickly said: "Master Baqi... Master Baqi, listen to me... I'm not sure if she is the silent crusade. People, but my ability can help you find her position. This definitely didn't lie to you! Lord Blackbird relied on my ability to find the goshawk all the way..."

After speaking, the fifth person pointed to the location where Xiaowan flew away, indicating that he could really track it.

Seeing that Lao Wu didn't seem to be lying to him, Ba Qi instantly changed his expression, retracted the snake hand, and began to say to Lao Wu "happily": "Haha, I know you have a way, I just I'm joking with you. We are all from Babuzhong. We should help each other. How could I kill you?"

After speaking, Baqi patted the old fifth on the shoulder and pulled him up from the ground, like an old friend he hadn't seen for many years.

Seeing that Baqi turned his face faster than turning a book, the fifth child was shocked, and he couldn't understand Baqi's brain circuit. After all, Baqi still wanted to kill him a few seconds ago...

Although this also meant that he had recovered his life, the old five felt disgusted with the hypocritical behavior of Baqi, because from this it can be seen that Baqi is an extremely hypocritical person.

However, now is not the time to think about Baqi’s behavior. Hearing that Baqi will not kill him, the old fifth immediately said to Baqi: "Thank you Master Baqi! Thank you Master Baqi! I will definitely help you find her. We are now Do you want to set off?"

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