Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 2549: Wood knife

In this way, as Ruan Bing began to absorb the soul body, her brain development value began to slowly increase, the black light emerging from the soul eater sickle became brighter and brighter, and the lines on the knife body became more and more beautiful.

However, after absorbing another 100,000 soul bodies, Ruan Bing couldn't bear it anymore, because her body and surroundings were full of all kinds of messy energy, and there was a feeling that her head would explode.

Seeing this, Ruan Bing wanted to take the initiative to stop absorbing the soul body, otherwise she would be in danger if it continued like this.

But Ruan Bing tried twice before discovering that she was unable to control her body at this time, and even more unable to stop, she could only let the soul body continue to impact her brain.

In this state for about five minutes, Ruan Bing's mouth suddenly dripped with a trace of blood, the pupils of his eyes also changed from purple to blood red, and his breath gradually became cold, as if he had become a person.

Moreover, at this moment, a violent wind blew around Ruan Bing, and a soul storm was also cast from her brain at this moment, directly covering an area close to 300 meters away.

Since Ruan Bing's location was just above the Tianhai gathering place, there were five to six hundred thousand infected bodies below, and the movements she made also disturbed the infected bodies that were still eating human flesh.

The ordinary infected persons raised their heads to look at Ruan Bing above, and raised their paws one after another, making a manic roar.

The Elite Infected Body, the Blackthorn Infected Body, and the Double Hammer Infected Body stood around the corpse controller, confronting Ruan Bing in the air.

The eyes of the corpse controller next to him kept turning, as if thinking about how to get Ruan Bing down.

After all, the current Tianhai gathering place is their territory, and they absolutely do not allow a human being to stand on their heads to "do evil."

Some lickers who have just evolved from infected bodies even climbed directly to a high place and spit out their tongues tens of meters long, seeming to want to grab Ruan Bing in mid-air.

But before their tongues were close to Ruan Bing, they were torn apart by the violent energy around Ruan Bing's body, causing these lickers to jump down from the heights wailing.

At the same time, these infections' actions also attracted Ruan Bing's attention. When Ruan Bing, with blood-red pupils, looked down at the corpse controller in the infected group, the cold eyes couldn't help but make the corpse controller feel unconscious. cold.

Immediately after Ruan Bing didn't say a word, he waved the Soul Devouring Scythe, aimed at the position of the corpse controller, condensed his brain power, and prepared to launch the Soul Slash.

When the brain power was condensed, I saw a three-meter-long blade of light immediately separated from the Soul Devouring Scythe, and instantly flew over a distance of more than 20 meters, bombarding the location of the corpse controller, which is also the location with the most mutated infections. .

Only heard the sound of "Boom!!!", there was a big explosion directly in the place where Ten Thousand Soul Slash was affected, which made the buildings in this place tremble and filled with a lot of dust...

With the infusion of a large number of soul bodies, the sickle of the incorporeal gradually glowed, and a blade with a cold light appeared, and it only took a few minutes to transform from the incorporeal into a physical body.

After turning into a solid body, you can see that the sickle is black, the handle is about 1.5 meters long, and the curved blade is nearly one meter long. It looks very slender and light, very suitable for Ruan Bing's body shape.

Although I don't know how powerful Ruan Bing's new weapon is, this sickle was formed by absorbing countless soul bodies. At first glance, I knew that it was not an ordinary thing.

Seeing this, the curious Lu Jun couldn't help but open the Eye of Data and swept the sickle twice at a distance of hundreds of meters, until a line of data appeared in front of him.

[Soul Devouring Scythe is made up of tens of thousands of soul bodies. The more soul bodies it absorbs, the higher the level of the Soul Devouring Scythe. Active effects: Soul Eater, Soul Call, Soul Beast, Ten Thousand Souls. Passive effects: fear sickle, soul affinity. 】

"Soul Eater: Every time you kill an enemy, you will devour the opponent's soul and put it into the Soul Eater Scythe to strengthen the next attack of the sickle and increase the strength of the sickle owner."

"Soul Recall: Cast part of the soul body in the Soul Devouring Scythe and let it attack the enemy. When the battle is over, all soul bodies will be recovered again."

"Soul Beast: Summon a Soul Eater that feeds on the soul. It can help the owner of the Soul Eater Scythe to fight, and it can also be used for riding. The shape of the Soul Eater is uncertain and will grow with the absorbed soul body. "

"Wan Soul Slash: Condensing the energy of tens of thousands of soul bodies, swinging a knife forward, has extremely terrifying power, but please note that every time you use Wan Soul Slash will consume the same number of soul bodies, please use it with caution."

"Fear Scythe: In combat, the Soul Devouring Scythe will actively release the fear aura contained in the blade, and enemies within the fear aura will be weakened by 10% of their overall capabilities."

"Soul Affinity: Makes the soul-devouring sickle owner more adaptable to the power of the soul, and it is easier to absorb the soul body, and at the same time, it will have a 200% increase in all soul-type abilities."

After reading all the data of the Soul Devouring Scythe, the Lu Army couldn't help but swallowed his saliva, because a weapon actually had six abilities. This was the first time he had seen it.

Although the data does not show the specific class of the Soul Devouring Scythe, judging from the experience of the Road Army, this Soul Devouring Scythe is definitely not only the S-stage, it is estimated that it has reached the class above the S-stage, that is, the super-order.

When a person with an ability of 50% of the brain development value is holding a super-order weapon, what kind of terrifying combat power will erupt when the two add up, the road army dare not imagine.

However, just as Lu Jun was thinking about this, Ruan Bing took a new move, and saw that she was holding the soul-eater sickle, which was nearly two meters long, and closing her eyes again.

Immediately afterwards, the Soul Devouring Scythe burst out with a burst of black light, and then the remaining nearly 300,000 soul bodies in the Tianhai Gathering Area began to swim again, scrambling to enter the Soul Devouring Scythe.

This time Ruan Bing absorbed the soul body very slowly, and the expression was very painful, because every time she absorbed a soul body, she had to read a piece of memory fragments of the soul body during her lifetime.

You know that Ruan Bing has absorbed nearly 100,000 soul bodies before, and the memory fragments read has reached a terrifying number, and the brain is overloaded. She should stop absorbing the remaining soul bodies.

After all, improving your strength requires gradual progress, and you can't eat fat in one bite, or you will be unable to absorb so many soul bodies at once.

But in order to reinforce the ability of the Soul Devouring Scythe and consolidate her sudden increase in brain development value, Ruan Bing was reluctant to waste the remaining soul body, so she decided to endure the pain and absorb the soul body in the Tianhai gathering place again.

Under Ruan Bing's summons, the soul bodies are naturally very willing, because they are eager to find a container to get in at this time, otherwise they will soon dissipate.

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