Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 2547: High mountains

Seeing a man who was younger than him stood up, the doubt in Zhi Fei's eyes deepened, and he glanced at the Tier 3 old man.

It wasn't until the Tier 3 old man silently nodded and confirmed Lu Jun's words that the doubt in Zhi Fei's eyes became solemn.

"This little brother, we have never met. I don't know if there is a misunderstanding? Why don't you let our people go first, and we will have a good talk." Zhifei Qiang endured his inner impulse and put on a smiling face. Lu Jun said.

Looking at Zhi Fei, who was smiling and not smiling, Lu Jun showed a playful expression, drew a wooden Lei Ying horizontal knife, and directly chopped a captive of the Apocalypse Knights, causing the blood to splash two feet high.

Seeing the road army cut people at a disagreement, everyone on the field was shocked, especially those from the Knights of the Apocalypse.

"I also think there is a misunderstanding between us, but I have a habit of wanting to kill someone first and then talk about it, okay? The second master knows how to fly." The Lu Jun slammed the Raiying horizontal knife, revealing harmless humans and animals. Looking at Zhi Fei's expression indifferently.

Seeing his own supernatural powers who died in front of him, and the road soldiers who deliberately provoked him, Zhifei clenched his steel teeth and exposed his blue veins, and had the urge to curse his mother directly.

But Zhifei finally held back, because he was not sure whether there was an ambush around him, nor was he unsure of the strength of the Lu Army and others, so he didn't dare to mess around for the time being.

"This little brother, the one who killed me in front of me is too much to do this? I am Zhifei from the Knights of the Apocalypse and belong to the Black Rock City in the Black Cliff Region. I wonder if the little brother has heard of it?! "Speaking of the end, Zhifei has increased a few syllables, and I just hope that the Lu Army can understand it.

However, how could the Lu Army not hear that Zhifei was threatening him with a change of methods, and his response method was also very simple, which was to chop off another captive of the Sky Sea Knights and then watch Zhifei quietly. .

In fact, Lu Jun was originally a "gentle and easy-going" person, but since the opponent came from the Black Cliff Region and killed so many orcs, he didn't want to be polite with these people.

Seeing Lu Jun not only refused to talk to him, but continued to kill their people, Zhi Fei couldn't help it anymore, and pointed his finger at Lu Jun's head and said: "I kill you! I must kill you! Little boy! You are dead! You are dead! Whoever you are is dead!"

After finishing talking, Zhifei ordered his own powers to use powers to investigate the surroundings. If there is no ambush nearby, he will go up and smash the road army.

It seemed that Zhifei finally couldn't pretend, and the Lu Army couldn't help laughing "haha", but he didn't stop killing the captives, but let the orcs cooperate with the wood to chop off all the captives, leaving only the Tier 3 old man.

Seeing the road army madly killing their people, Zhifei was going crazy, no matter whether there was an ambush around, he pointed directly at the road army opponent and shouted: "Catch him! Catch him for me! Who can do it? He caught me! Great reward!"

Hearing Zhifei's order, the people of the Apocalypse Knights rushed towards him like crazy, wanting to grab the road army to receive the reward...

"Are you panicking? Do you want to come here to kill monsters voluntarily? Or are the monsters in the Black Cliff region dead?" Lu Jun casually asked the Tier 3 old man.

Hearing Lu Jun's words, the face of the third-order old man suddenly changed, as if he thought of something terrible.

But before the Tier 3 old man had time to respond to the Lu Army, Xiao Wan in the air suddenly flew down and said: "Brother Lu Jun, an unknown force was found three kilometers to the east and is approaching us!"

Hearing Xiaowan's words, the Lu Army turned on the dragon form, grew dragon wings, flew into the air, and looked east.

In the road army's field of vision, it can be seen that the incoming enemies are all humans, wearing clothing similar to Tier 3 elders.

"They are all members of the Knights of the Apocalypse, get ready for battle!" The Lu Army immediately gave an early warning, and then flew to the ground.

Hearing the Lu Army's order, Xiaowan immediately let the digging sandworm dig into the ground, and Wood and Lin Xiaobai also took out their weapons and stood ready.

The witch doctor and Lei Rhinoceros stood in front of the road army, holding the Tier 3 elders and others by the way.

Lu Jun looked around, and took five tall A-tier dinosaurs back into the Dragon Trainer module, by the way, let the Fengshen Pterosaur and the Bloodthirsty King Bat fly high and hide them temporarily.

But when the third-order old man heard their people coming, he was happy in his heart and began to yell: "Haha, our people are here, you're done! If you let us go immediately, and then abandon these orcs, there is probably a way to survive. ..."

However, before the Tier 3 elder had finished speaking, the Lu Army punched the belly of the Tier 3 elder with heavy blows, arching the waist of the Tier 3 elder.

Although he was a Tier 3 ability person, he was too old to withstand the full punch of the Lu Army, and almost spit out the overnight meal.

Seeing the Tier 3 old man shut up, Lu Jun nodded in satisfaction, very satisfied with his strength just now.

As for why he knew that the enemy was coming, he still stayed here because he wanted to see the specific strength of the Apocalypse Knights.

Besides, based on time calculations, their ground troops should also be coming, so he has nothing to fear.

In this way, after about ten minutes, the reinforcements of the Knights of the Apocalypse rushed to the road army, the number was about four thousand.

Half of them are warriors with stone shields, half are warriors with stone spears, and dozens of capable persons riding C-level mutant beasts. It is estimated that among these capable persons is a relatively strong beast trainer.

Seeing a group of orcs in front of them blocking their way, the orcs were still holding the Tier 3 old man, the reinforcements of the Apocalypse Knights did not know what had happened, and directly stopped.

"Save me! I am a member of the Knights! I sent the signal for help!" The Tier 3 old man first shouted to the reinforcements ahead.

Hearing what the old man said, the reinforcements of the Knights of the Apocalypse changed their faces and began to line up their shields and spears, guarding their surroundings.

Immediately after that, a young man riding a Tier B class fierce tiger came out from the crowd: "Old man, what happened?! What about our people?!"

The Tier 3 old man obviously knew this young man, and he tiptoed with a bit of grief: "Second Young Master Zhifei! Save me! All of our people have been killed!"

Seeing that the third-order old man said so, the young man named Zhi Fei swept around in surprise, seeming to be looking for other enemies.

Because in his cognition, the group of orcs in front plus a few humans is impossible to defeat the more than 2,000 people in the Knights of the Apocalypse.

"Who?! Who is it?! Where is the enemy?!" Zhi Fei shouted as he looked at the third-order old man.

But before the Tier 3 elder could answer, the Lu Army cancelled the Dragon Formation, stood in front, and looked at Zhi Fei with a smile on his face: "I did it, what's wrong?"

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