Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 2536: Half a year

"I don't know..." The watchman shook his head. "There is the snow bear's site. This is the first time we sent someone to cross the river..."

"Let’s take a look first, Red Moon stays to command the battlefield here." The Lu Jun pointed at Red Moon, and then at the Watcher, "Take me to the front to take a look."

As soon as the Lu Army gave the order, the watchman grabbed the Lu Army with one hand while grabbing Lin Yilaan with the other hand. Using the flash, he disappeared in place and came to the front bank of the stream.

As the scene changed, the Lu Army saw that the river was full of blood, and there were several broken limbs of elven warriors floating on it.

The elven warriors crossing the river would yell from time to time, and then they were dragged into the bottom of the water by a huge force and never came up again.

Fortunately, the mental quality of other elf warriors is strong enough, even if there may be danger at any time, they are still moving forward.

"What's the matter?! What was they just being attacked?!" The Lu Army asked an elf warrior who was still in line next to him.

"I can't see clearly, it seems to be a kind of fish. It dragged our people to the bottom in an instant. After they floated up, they became corpses. We just shot a round of arrows toward the bottom of the water. I don't know if we hit them." The soldier reported again with the fastest speed.

The news made Lu Jun frowned directly. You must know that the water below is more than ten degrees below zero. The fish that can live underneath and kill the elven warriors sounds uncomfortable. They must be some monsters.

"We have to find a way to see what kind of creature this is, otherwise we will suffer huge losses even in the past." Lu Jun said solemnly, staring at the hidden danger of the water.

In fact, it is the most correct way to stop the elves from crossing the river at this time. After all, I don't know what is under the water.

But the undead creatures are still attacking at the back, time is pressing, there is no time to slowly run down, certain risks must be taken.

"I'll go down and grab one for you!" The watchman volunteered.

Immediately afterwards, she jumped off the surface, struck a few vigorously, clutched the thorn wheel, and came to an elf warrior who was crossing the river.

At exactly this moment, a river creature was about to attack the elf warrior, and the watchman found it, and swiped it in a stabbing round until the river below churned and blood came out.

Knowing that he stabbed the creature below, the watchman did not pull out the thorn wheel, and directly used the flash, bringing the thorn wheel and the underwater creatures below back to the Lu Army...

"Alright, then cross the river from the position you said, let the scout troops expand the search range, and beware of the snow bears and undead creatures sneak attacks." The road army no longer had ink stains with the watchman, and quickly issued the order to cross the river, saving nights and dreams.

The watchman also immediately relayed the order of the road army, and at the same time used the night vision ability to observe the river, looking for the best place to cross the river.

Fortunately, the watchman had a good memory, and he could clearly find the location even at night, and quickly marked a zone with calm water.

In order to confirm that there was no problem crossing the river from here, the Lu Army first let Deinonychus run down and walk a few steps, so that even if it was dangerous, he could recall Deinonychus back in time.

Fortunately, the position provided by the watcher is correct. The water depth here is indeed only more than one meter. As soon as it can submerge the legs of Deinonychus, there should be no danger for the elves to walk over.

"Cross the river now! Three thunder dragons pass first, then snow elves, wood elves, and immediately build a line of defense after passing, beware of snow bears, mountain giants, bone spirit evil bodies, and other flying creatures. Get closer." The Lu Army directly stated the plan.

In fact, now is the most critical time, because there may be a snow bear in front, and there must be undead creatures in the back. If they are attacked by these two parties, their situation will become very difficult.

Therefore, the Route Army must not only build the front line of defense, but also consolidate the rear formation. Only in this way can it cross the river safely.

The elves also immediately obeyed the road army's order and let the three thunder dragons step into the river first, preparing to cross the river.

Due to its size, in places where the water is not very deep, the Thunder Dragon climbed over at once without encountering any danger, as if walking on the ground.

Seeing this, the wood elves and the snow elves followed, one after another stepped into the icy river water.

Fortunately, the elves have long been accustomed to the cold because of their physique, so they can bear this coldness.

Seeing the elves advancing in an orderly manner, the Lu Army couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. As long as there were no accidents, all of their troops could reach the other side of the river within two hours.

However, no surprise, it was impossible. When the undead creatures who followed found out that the elves were preparing to cross the river, they immediately launched an attack.

Because now the elves can't fully defend, it's the best time for them to attack.

Moreover, their large forces are already behind, and they are expected to arrive here within an hour. They only need to drag the elves for a while.

With the warning sound of the Bone Spirit Evil Body, the Lu Army also knew that the undead creature was about to attack, and immediately rushed to the rear with the Watcher and Red Moon, leaving only Lin Yi lazy to observe the situation on the spot.

When seeing a large number of bone dragons and gargoyles attacking here, the Lu Army did not hesitate to summon the Fengshen pterosaurs to meet the enemy, and the Hongyue and the black robe people were also ready.

As the bone dragon army swooped down, the seven Fengshen pterosaurs slammed head-on and fought with the bone dragons.

Hongyue led his subordinates with crazy abilities to help the Fengshen pterosaur clean up the annoying gargoyle, causing the aerial battlefield to lose the victory or defeat.

At this time, the ground battlefield also fought, and hundreds of rock giants led by six bone spirit evil bodies were the first to bear the brunt, resisting the attacks of thousands of ghouls and plague ghosts.

There are more skeleton warriors coming from both sides, cave spiders and undead liches are staying behind to provide assistance.

Although the number of the undead army is several times that of the elven warriors, but with the extremely resistant existence of the bone spirit evil body and the rock giant, the undead creatures will not be able to attack it for a while.

Although the Lu Army and others could not kill so many undead creatures, this situation is beneficial to them. They only need to delay time and arrange for the elf warriors to cross the river.

Just when the Lu Army thought they could use this method to delay the successful crossing of the river, Lin Yilan suddenly came to Lu Army through the space portal with a solemn expression and a little panic in his eyes: "Something happened! There is a creature under the river. , Many of our elven warriors have been attacked, and they are getting more and more serious!"

"What?!" The Lu Army looked up at the watchman next to him, "There are other creatures in the ice-free spring?!"

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