"Do you have any doubts? Take advantage of the time to say it, let's discuss it together." Lu Jun also saw Lin Yi's expression.

"I have different opinions on the combat plan you just mentioned." Lin Yilaan pointed to the location of the Silent Camp. necessary."

"But now the defensive power of the inner city is really much higher than before. A group of two or a group is very dangerous."

"If we encounter a large group of people with supernatural powers, we probably won't even have a chance to send out the signal for help. Wouldn't this action be too hasty?"

After speaking, Lin Yilan raised her head and looked into the Lu Jun's eyes. She said that these were not fears, but that he did not want the Lu Jun to be careless.

"Well, I know your worries and the risks involved, but we have only one chance to attack. If we can't directly capture the high-levels of the Silent Crusade, the subsequent battle will become more difficult."

"During our absence recently, everyone's strength has improved to varying degrees. Even if we can't beat them, there is still no problem in escaping."

"Moreover, with a small number of people, it will be very convenient to act. My Fengshen pterosaur will always pay attention to the battlefield below. As long as there is any problem, it will be over within ten seconds." Lu Jun explained to Lin Yilan with a serious face. NS.

He really didn't mean to be careless or inflated, but the strength of the backbone members of the resistance army is no longer what it used to be.

For example, Ruan Bing and Xiaowan, those with Tier 4 abilities whose brain domain value exceeds 50%, will not be discussed first.

Even Lin Xiaobai, Ruan Xue, and Butcher, who started relatively late, reached the ranks of Tier 3 abilities a few days ago.

Li Feng and Goshawk have been the third-order abilities for a long time, and they are moving towards the fourth-order.

Only Big Bear, Northern Lion, and Anan are second-tier strengths, but they also have a tyrannical body as a guarantee, and they are worthy of confrontation with ordinary third-tier abilities.

The only one of these people who didn't have much fighting ability was Lin Yi lazy. Her abilities were all functional, so the Lu Jun asked her to follow the powerful and powerful Ruan Bing.

As for the Lu Army, let alone, he has too many methods, even he himself doesn't know where his limits are.

The most important thing is that the Lu Army has just put on new combat uniforms for these people, which can help them withstand a lot of damage. This is why the Lu Army can rest assured...

"What about me? Lu Jun brother, what should I do after I cut off all the power facilities in the inner city?" Xiao Wan suddenly asked next to her, because Lu Jun didn't seem to assign her any further tasks.

"You can rush over to the silent camp directly when you arrive. I want you to use your abilities to control all the small animals around you, attack the silent crusaders in the range, and try to make the disturbance a bit bigger." The road army faced Xiao Xiao Wan smirked...

"Okay! Lord Lord, I'm waiting for your news." The Centurion Snow Bear leaned aside, his tone of excitement.

Lu Jun looked at the silly Centurion Snow Bear and couldn't help but smile. He directly beckoned and signaled everyone to enter the single portal. He himself finally walked in.

With the change of vision, the next moment Lu Jun and others appeared in a relatively dim place, it was the inner city with another portal.

The last time the road army left, a bionic tent was placed here at the portal, which perfectly hides the portal, which is why the portal can still exist.

Everyone who had just arrived did not dare to speak, for fear of making a sound to attract enemies who might be outside.

Lu Jun was not very worried about this, and saw that he slowly took out a cold light rod from the armed module and twisted it away to illuminate the inside of the bionic tent.

"Xiao Wan, help see if there are any enemies around." Ruan Bing gestured to Xiao Wan.

Xiao Wan nodded, closed her eyes directly, and began to search for the small animals around her, turning into her field of vision.

A few seconds later, Xiaowan guessed that she had found a mutant bird or something, and opened her eyes again: "There are two patrol teams on our left and right. Each team has twelve people carrying cold weapons, each with one. A supernatural person, average strength."

"Well, don't worry about them, the time has not come, let's make a battle plan first." The road army spread the map on the ground, "After seven o'clock, the Tomahawk Legion will attack the inner city from the south. "

"We also started at seven o'clock. First, Xiaowan destroyed the power system in the inner city, so that the silent crusaders could not react quickly."

"Then we rushed out of the bionic tent and started attacking the Silent Camp, Big Bear and Anan, Beishi and Li Feng, Goshawk and Butcher, Ruan Bing and Lin Yilaan, Ruan Xue and Lin. Xiaobai's group, my own group."

"We are going to attack the Silent Camp from six directions. This is to prevent high-level Silent Crusades from escaping from other directions."

"I want you to make a quick fight, and when you encounter an unstoppable enemy, you can directly send a flare, and I will quickly support you."

After talking about it, the Lu Army took out a dozen sets of portable flares and a dozen sets of black titanium combat uniforms from the armed modules.

A set of five thousand dragon coins of this kind of combat uniform can form black titanium armor on the surface of the human body. It can completely resist physical attacks below Tier A. It is also very resistant to non-physical attacks. It can also repair itself, almost nothing. shortcoming.

If it were before, Lu Jun would definitely not buy such an expensive thing. A set of five thousand dragon coins would be life-threatening, and killing a bunch of monsters would not be able to buy one.

But now his family has a big business, and he also realizes that these friends around him are very important people, so he reluctantly bought a dozen sets in one go for the backbone of the resistance.

Seeing the little black ball handed to them by the Lu Army, everyone didn't know what it was. Only Lin Xiaobai took it and crushed it directly so that the black titanium combat uniform covered her body.

Looking at Lin Xiaobai, who had changed his equipment in an instant, everyone was secretly excited and understood what the Lu Army was doing.

Ten seconds later, everyone put on the black titanium combat uniforms, including the short Xiaowan, and the whole body was kind of murderous.

"Thank you, boss..." Da Xiong said cheerfully while looking at his body.

He really liked this piece of equipment, and it refreshed him all at once.

"Don't be too happy, if you don't perform well in the action later, I will recycle this set of equipment." Lu Jun said in a slightly teasing tone.

The people around also looked at the somewhat silly Big Bear and laughed lightly, without the tension of the pre-war period.

Only Lin Yilan still frowned, staring at the map below, as if he had something to say.

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