Just when the road army killed the last two men of the big ghost, the big ghost who was playing around suddenly turned around, holding an old-fashioned double-barreled shotgun with loaded bullets in his hand. This gun was in his private possession. It took a lot of food to get it at the gathering place, and it finally came in handy today.

Although the gathering place clearly stated that it was not allowed to hide and use firearms privately, in order to survive now, the big ghost could no longer take care of that much.

"Bang!" "Die!" The big ghost squeezed the trigger of the double-barreled shotgun at the road army, and then shouted angrily. He hated the man in front of him, and now he finally found a chance to end it all.

But the next moment Dagui widened his eyes in horror, because the bullets of the double-barreled shotgun did not hit Lujun's body as the Dagui thought, and the Lujun disappeared from his eyes...

"You are in the wrong direction." Just when the ghost couldn't figure out why the man disappeared suddenly, the ghostly voice of the Lu Army rang in the ear of the ghost.

The big ghost turned around subconsciously when he heard the sound, but just as he turned his body around, Lu Jun's right hand became a dragon claw, piercing the big ghost's chest.

The big ghost looked at the dragon's claws on his chest, only feeling that his whole body's strength was drained by the claws, and the hands holding the double-barreled shotgun weakened weakly.

"Why... is this..." Before he died, the big ghost raised his head with difficulty and questioned the Lu Jun, his eyes revealed hatred and unwillingness.

He really couldn't understand why the Lu Army suddenly disappeared and then appeared behind him, nor did he understand why the Lu Army was so frantic, chasing him all the way here.

However, Lu Jun did not intend to answer the big ghost’s question. He took the dragon claws out of the big ghost’s body and slowly said, “You can keep this question for yourself. I just want to say a few words to you. , I’m not familiar with you, don’t need to give you face, secondly, your name is really ugly..."

After the Lu Jun pulled out the dragon's claws, the big ghost's body also collapsed. At the end of his life, the big ghost really regretted it. If he could manage his subordinates in the bar and did not provoke this person, perhaps he would not These things will happen, but it is still the same sentence, life has no if...

After killing the big ghost, it was also announced that the Guitou search team had been destroyed. All members including the boss of the big ghost were killed by Lu Jun and Xiaowan. In the entire three-story building, except Lu Jun and Xiaowan, only Nan Rong is still alive.

Nan Rong looked at this man who came out from nowhere and killed everyone, and her whole body trembled. For fear that this man would kill her if he didn't agree with him, she quickly put aside the relationship with the big ghost and begged for mercy. , "I am not in the same group with him! Don't kill me! Don't kill me..."

Lu Jun looked at the frightened Nan Rong, and there was no wave in his heart. He threw the dragon claws stained with the blood of the big ghost and walked towards Nan Rong. The new hatred was dealt with, and the old hatred should now be counted.

Nan Rong looked at the road army approaching her with a gloomy expression. She was even more afraid in her heart. She stepped back and continued, "We have no grievances and no grudges, please don't kill me, I can sleep with you, yes. I will listen to you everything. From now on, I will be yours. As long as you don’t kill me, I am in good shape and I am very good in bed. Look, look..."

As Nan Rong spoke, she quickly took off her clothes, completely exposing her proud chest to Lu Jun's eyes, and she also took off her pants and assumed a sultry posture.

This is her last bargaining chip. She can only live by this trick in the last days. She also believes that all normal men will eat her.

Lu Jun stared at Nan Rong, who took off his clothes in less than two seconds, and then stared at Nan Rong's chest. His body reacted slightly.

I have to say that Nan Rong's body is really good, the standard model body is also good, and the pitiful expression is even more attractive.

Most normal men would have thoughts about a woman like Nan Rong, and the Lu Army was no exception, but the Lu Army quickly suppressed those messy thoughts and continued to walk towards Nan Rong.

Although he is a healthy young man, he hasn't reached the point where the worms are on his head. A man must not let his lower body impulse replace his rational thinking. This is what Lu Jun always reminds himself.

Nan Rong looked at the Lu Army who was still walking towards her for a moment, thinking that the Lu Army had mentioned **** with her, and bent over and touched the Lu Army's crotch, intending to increase her effort to seduce the Lu Army.

But Lu Jun directly blocked Nan Rong's stretched hand with his dragon claws, and slowly said, "Actually, what you said is wrong, we have grudges."

Nan Rong looked at the dragon's claws in front of her, and quickly stretched her hand back, and then looked at Lu Jun with a look of confusion, not knowing what the Lu Army meant, because in her memory, she had never seen this man in front of her.

Lu Jun looked at Nan Rong with an innocent face, grinned, bared his teeth, and raised his dragon's claws and said, "Aren't you trying to find me and receive the reward? I am the man in your mouth who was thrown into the wild by you. ."

After speaking, the Lu Army didn't have a chance to speak to Nan Rong, so he scratched Nan Rong's neck with the dragon claw, causing the claw of the dragon claw to split Nan Rong's neck.

Nan Rong, whose throat was cut off, covered her neck and stared at Lu Jun with wide eyes. She couldn't understand what the last sentence of the man in front of her meant, because the man in front of her and Lu Jun in the photo were obviously two people. , Unfortunately she will never know the answer to the question...

After killing Nan Rong, the Lu Jun canceled Long Hua's ability, restored his right hand to normal, and after a glance to make sure that everyone on the third floor was dead, he dragged his feet to the second floor.

Lu Jun just felt tired and sleepy as he walked. This made Lu Jun feel very strange, because he hasn't felt sleepy since he woke up from a coma for seven days.

However, Lu Jun didn't think too much. Quandang was because the wound on his back was bleeding all the time, and the body lost too much blood, resulting in insufficient blood supply to the brain.

Xiaowan, who was on the second floor, had already repaired all the corpses on the ground. When she saw the Lu Army come down, she greeted her, but she looked at Lu Army’s slightly pained expression and felt something was wrong, so she immediately spoke. "Brother, what's wrong with you?"

Lu Jun didn't answer Xiao Wan's question, but suddenly half-kneeled on the ground, supporting his body with one hand. For some reason, he only felt that his body was getting tired, and he might fall down at any time.

Lu Jun, who felt that something was wrong, patted his cheek vigorously, trying to make himself awake, but it didn't help. The drowsy feeling became stronger...

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