Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 2503: Blood plague

This is what Xiaowan temporarily "lent" to the wolf cavalry leader, and must "return" the Black Demon Wolf back after the battle is over.

Because since the death of the centurion of the previous generation of wolf cavalry, the Black Devil Wolf has only listened to Xiao Wan and Lu Jun.

The Lu Army also allowed it not to be controlled by the Orcs and to have a certain degree of freedom. This was a special reward made by the Lu Army for its contribution to the early end of the world.

At this time, it has also reached the A stage, and its body is much larger, and it has a black energy surging from time to time.

Judging from the aura of the Black Demon Wolf, it is estimated that it will still be able to advance to the S Tier. This is the result of eating many spars with Lu Jun and Xiao Wan.

After rushing over 30 meters in total, the front wolf cavalry captain directly took the lead and roared the battle song of the orcs, and the other wolf cavalry also followed.

The complex ancient animal words are like pulsating runes, condensing above the heads of the wolf cavalry.

When condensed to a certain level, all the runes burst out and turned into a golden light covering every wolf cavalry.

As the running speed increased, the golden light on the wolf cavalry became more and more dazzling, until it rushed through a distance of tens of meters and hit the spiritual barrier in front.

At the moment of the impact, all the wolf cavalry paused, as if they were being held back by something.

In fact, this is the spiritual barrier blocking them, so they can only use the golden light and spiritual barrier on their bodies to stalemate each other.

Fortunately, after waiting for the wolf cavalry behind to catch up, the impact on the mental barrier was aggravated, causing a big mouth to crack directly under the mental barrier, and the wolf cavalry rushed over.

This golden light can smash even the spiritual barrier, and there is no problem in attacking the ordinary infected body. Any ordinary infected body that touches the golden light will be killed directly.

The golden light on the wolf cavalry body only began to dissipate when it rushed more than 100 meters into the interior of the ordinary infected body, and the momentum of the charge stopped, and the ordinary infected body started fierce melee.

The number of them is in the early ten thousand, plus the Frostwolf under the crotch is more than twenty thousand, there is no problem with dealing with hundreds of thousands of ordinary infected bodies, it is nothing more than killing five ordinary infected bodies each.

But there are hundreds of thousands or even millions of ordinary infected bodies around them, which they cannot deal with.

What's more, the ordinary infected people who hadn't eaten for many days went crazy as soon as they saw the fresh flesh and blood.

Even if the wolf cavalry captain turned on bloodthirsty and stone skin to give a kind of wolf cavalry blessing, it would not help, and it would be difficult for them to exert their own speed in the infected body group.

The infected body group had just advanced within 100 meters of the West Wind Fortress, and was immediately suppressed by various firepower.

According to the combat power of ordinary infected bodies, it is idiotic to let them break through the firepower net of this degree.

Everyone looked at the restored defensive facilities and smiled at ease.

Because there are fire guards and drawing artillery, it is no problem to help them resist the pressure of part of the infected body.

Maybe they can also remove all the ordinary infected bodies, so that they can gather all their power to deal with the mutant infected bodies.

Lu Jun also meant this, otherwise he wouldn't try to put together so many energy bombs.

But things seemed not as simple as Lu Jun and others thought. After retreating more than 20 meters, a mental barrier suddenly appeared in front of the infected group.

This spiritual barrier is obviously much weaker than the previous one, and there are still traces of broken pieces in some places.

But in any case, it is no problem to temporarily block the fire guard and the plucking artillery attack.

With the help of the spiritual barrier, the infected bodies finally gained a firm foothold, continued to advance, and successfully broke through within 100 meters of the West Wind Fortress.

"How is it possible?! Isn't the mental barrier shattered?! Are those illusions before?! The corpse controller still retains the mental power?!" Ruan Bing couldn't help but walked forward two steps with wide eyes.

Even though she was so far away, she could feel the terrifying mental power from the mental barrier, which was undoubtedly the ability of the corpse controller.

The complexions of the people around turned pale, because they knew the defensive power of the mental barrier.

Although the mental barrier at this time was not as strong as before, the two or three sets of ammunition that blocked the fire guard and the plucked artillery would definitely be no problem.

Then it was their turn to feel uncomfortable. After all, their energy bomb reserves were not much. If they were all used to deal with the mental barrier, the situation would be the same as before, and they would not be able to threaten the ordinary infected body.

"No, the corpse controller must have used up their mental power before, otherwise they will not be able to remove the mental barrier in that case, I can feel it." Lu Jun frowned and analyzed, "This spiritual barrier It should be the mental power they have just recovered, so they are relatively weak."

In fact, the Lu Jun really got it right, the corpse controllers had no mental power left after the spiritual barrier was broken.

But in the flame barrier just now, they used these nearly two hours to add a little more mental power.

Although there are not many, more than a hundred corpse controllers add up to be terrifying, and reuniting the spiritual barrier is not a big problem.

However, even knowing the reason is meaningless, because the spiritual barrier is real, and knowing the principle can't break it.

And there is another point that makes Lu Jun very depressed, that is, it is a very serious mistake for him to allow the infected group to be so close to the West Wind Fortress.

Originally, he thought that the corpse controller would not allow the infected body to come over without a mental barrier, thinking that the closer they were, the stronger their firepower output would be.

Unexpectedly, the corpse controller hid a hand, which caught him off guard and didn't even have much time to continue thinking.

Looking at the ordinary infected body less than 70 meters away from them, listening to the report of the rapid consumption of energy bombs, the Lu Army knew that they could not wait any longer, and immediately pressed the short-range communicator in their ears: "The first echelon of the West Wind Fortress camp. Charge! The other echelons are ready for battle!"

The moment the order was issued, the triceratops, headmauls and wolf cavalry in the first echelon rushed out at the fastest speed.

There were also a dozen members of the Resistance Army mixed in between, and they were responsible for conveying the orders of the Road Army to the dinosaurs.

With tens of thousands of creatures charging together, sand and dust rolled on the ground, and the constant sound of "dong dong dong" made people feel goose bumps.

Every wolf cavalry wielded a sharp bone axe in the center of his hand, and his overall momentum was overwhelming. The Frostwolf under his crotch had bloodthirsty eyes, and he could leap far away with every step.

The original wolf cavalry centurion has now been upgraded to the wolf cavalry ten thousand captain, and his strength has also reached the S rank, riding the black demon wolf that followed the road army from the beginning.

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