After looking at each other, Lu Jun and Ruan Bing instantly threw out the abilities in their hands, choosing the position with the most soul bodies.

Ruan Xue, Xiaowan, and Lin Yilaan didn't have similar offensive abilities, so they just listened to Ruan Bing's words and raised their flare guns to sweep around.

As a large number of flares flew out, the dark forest was instantly illuminated like daylight, and the souls also dispersed in a panic.

They originally thought that Lu Jun and others could not see them, so they dared to get so close.

Unexpectedly, he was discovered now, so naturally he didn't dare to continue chaos.

Due to the burning characteristics of both soul fire and flame explosive bombs, several soul bodies were killed instantly when they flew out.

In particular, the blaze bomb hit a tree, causing an explosion, and the sound and firelight spread far away.

This made the originally relatively quiet and dull spiritual forest "live" all at once, no longer the lifeless look.

Looking at the soul body that instantly disappeared before their eyes, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and their spirits recovered from a high degree of tension.

At the same time, the Lu Army was also thankful that Ruan Bing had the ability to let them see all of this, otherwise they probably wouldn’t even know the reason for their death...

"It's so horrible, I didn't expect that this world has another side..." Xiao Wan couldn't help but say.

Although she is considered a person who has seen big scenes, the scene just now shocked her.

"Let's go ahead, the attack just now can only scare them for a while, they will return soon, and it won't be so easy to restrain them later." Lu Jun said to the women.

He knew very well that these soul bodies would not be frightened by them for a long time, and he had to take this opportunity to walk a little longer.

"And they may be controlled by other creatures. We make such a big noise. Be careful that they will organize a more powerful counterattack." Ruan Bing also reminded everyone.

Seeing that Lu Jun and Ruan Bing said so, everyone stopped staying and followed the four Tyrannosaurus to continue walking.

Although I knew that there were countless strange soul bodies in this forest, everyone was not very scared this time, and their hearts became calmer and calmer.

They panicked because they didn't know where the enemy was and how strong it was at the beginning.

Now the enemy can see it, and was beaten back by them once, which is a great boost to their morale.

However, what Lu Jun and the girls did not expect was that before they had time to go far, the soul bodies began to gather again.

"They seem to be coming again!" Xiao Wan warned everyone in advance.

Since the creatures in this forest are really scarce, Xiaowan's abilities cannot be fully utilized, so she can only use limited creatures as everyone's eyes and ears as much as possible.

"One hundred flares, randomly placed around!" Lu Jun said immediately.

The women also understood what the Lu Army meant, and they pulled the triggers of the flare guns.

At the same time, the aura on their bodies has also undergone a slight change, and the overall soul aura is very heavy.

But before they had time to figure out the changes in their bodies, something that shocked them happened.

That is, with the help of the cold light rod looking around, they can clearly see a large number of gray soul bodies moving around.

These soul bodies are not the same as the ones they have seen before. There are many spikes on the surface of the body, which are found in humans and other creatures.

They are a bit confused about the number, because there are too many, and they are surrounded by groups.

The attack just now was probably caused by these soul bodies, and now they are still staring at them, and they are probably waiting for the next opportunity to attack.

"Damn, how come there are so many such ghosts!" Lu Jun frowned and cursed.

To be honest, he had guessed that there would be souls around him, and he was mentally prepared.

But he really didn't expect that there would be so many, or some breeds that he hadn't seen at all.

Immediately after that, Lu Jun opened the Eye of Data and scanned the soul bodies in the range until multiple lines of information appeared in front of him.

"Evil soul body..."

"Cruel soul body..."

"The twisted soul body..."

The introductions of these soul bodies are almost the same, and their strength is about A-level, but the names are varied.

However, one thing that can confirm the Lu Army is that none of these soul bodies are good, and they are full of tons of malice against the Lu Army and others.

The reason Lu Jun didn't plan to think about it. It might be the problem of the forest or the soul body itself. He only intends to disperse these soul bodies quickly.

So the next moment, the Lu Army shared the scanned data with Ruan Bing and others, so that they would know the next battle.

Seeing that every soul body here has rank A strength, all the women seemed very surprised, especially Ruan Bing.

At this moment, she also understood why she couldn't see these soul bodies, and also understood why the soul bodies she sent out before disappeared.

"Can you control them?" Lu Jun asked Ruan Bing subconsciously.

Because in his thoughts, Ruan Bing can control other soul bodies, it shouldn't be a big problem to take a little effort to control these soul bodies.

But Ruan Bing shook his head directly: "No, their composition is different from the soul bodies I encountered before. Now I can only control them one by one, which doesn't make much sense."

Indeed, there are so many soul bodies here, if only one is controlled, it will not be known how long.

"Then we... what should we do now..." Lin Yi was lazy looking at the densely packed souls and brains, and there was a layer of goose bumps all over his body.

"Disperse them first, let's give them a predicament, otherwise we will have a hard time on the next road." Lu Jun said with squinting eyes.

Since Ruan Bing couldn't control it, he could only go to war with these soul bodies.

Lu Jun knew very well that these soul bodies were just testing their strength. If they could not make an effective counterattack and make these soul bodies feel scared, then they would be attacked more fiercely.

"Well, I'm with you. I use soul fire, you use flame bombs, and other people use flare guns to fire. The strong light can definitely scare them away." Ruan Bing said to everyone.

As a soul system, she knew the characteristics of the soul body very well, and instantly thought of a good way to restrain.

The Lu Army and the girls did not hesitate too much, and they were immediately ready, and a huge flame bomb condensed in the hands of the Lu Army.

A second later, Ruan Bing's soul fire also appeared in her hand, the gray color was very similar to everyone's eyes.

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