Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 2474: Final Dinosaur

"Well, I'm fine. I heard Xiaowan talk about the situation. I just went to take a look." Lu Jun returned to Xiaowan with a serious expression. The situation and the results of the battle."

Seeing that the Lu Army was still at this time, it seemed that they didn't take the millions of infected bodies in their hearts at all. Everyone was very puzzled. They didn't know whether the Lu Army was confident or had given up.

But in any case, the problem of Lu Jun still needs to be answered, and the butcher in charge of all the statistics immediately stood up: "Boss Lu, in these three or four days, we have followed your orders and carried out the control of the gathering place. Management and rectification."

"Any people and things that are harmful to the gathering place will be directly eliminated, and many people's positions have also been changed, and everything is developing in a better direction."

"We have not slackened on the situation around the major gathering places, and re-checked the safe area to make sure that there are no large or high-level monsters in it."

"Finally, with Akko's help, we found eight magic towers and successfully occupied six of them."

"Originally, we wanted to take all of them and come back, but we heard that the infected group was coming, and we had to go back to defend."

"But don't worry, I have our own people around the magic tower. They pay attention to the situation there at any time, and there will be no accidents."

"As for the abilities and functions of these magic towers, because you are not there, we don't know it, and we haven't activated the magic towers."

"After returning to confirm the number of infected bodies, we immediately mobilized all the gathering places. It is estimated that a large number of members of the Outer Legion of the Resistance Army are gathering at the Westwind Fortress."

Hearing that everyone had discovered eight magic towers in a short period of time, the Lu Army was a little bit happy.

Because of this, there are more than a dozen magic towers they actually control, as long as they are all activated, it is definitely a terrible force.

"You have done a good job, and I am very satisfied. Now I will talk about the situation we are about to face." The Lu Jun looked around the crowd and said.

"First of all, these infected bodies came from the overseas city of Heaven. Only there can so many infected bodies gather."

"Secondly, there are so many infections, too many to imagine. The mutated infections alone make us unable to bear them."

"In the end, we still have to defend the West Wind Fortress, and can't retreat for half a step, so the next few days will be a tough battle."

Although it was only a few words, and even the battle command was not said, everyone still felt something was wrong.

Because the Lu Army’s expression and tone are very solemn, very different from before, even the Lu Army is like this, which shows that they are really bad luck this time.

"Lord Lord, I have a question, I don't know if I should say it." The Wolf Cavalry Centurion suddenly stood up.

"Let's talk, now we have nothing to say." Lu Jun nodded directly.

"It's our soldiers who discovered these. There will be one every tens of meters, from the West Wind Fortress to the direction of the infected body." The wolf cavalry centurion took out a broken blood bag from behind, and there were stains of blood in it. …

But before the Lu Army had time to take a few more steps, Deinonychus suddenly yelled from behind, and the Lu Army had to look back.

I saw that the Deinonychus at this moment did not know when it had already arrived next to the crystal source, and was playing with the crystal source with its front paws, seeming to want the Lu Army to give it this thing.

But the crystal source was obviously absorbed by him, why does Deinonychus want this thing? Lu Jun was puzzled.

But in order not to waste time, the Lu Jun nodded directly and signaled Deinonychus what to do quickly.

After getting permission from the road army, Deinonychus was extremely excited, and lowered his head to face the outer shell of the crystal source.

Since there was no energy inside the crystal source, the Deinonychus attack did not cause any serious consequences.

Instead, the crystal source shell was instantly crushed, allowing Deinonychus to swallow it like a "biscuit".

From the perspective of the Lu Jun, every time a piece of crystal source shell is eaten, Deinonychus' aura increases by one point.

After all the crystal sources were eaten, Deinonychus went directly into the advanced state and took the initiative to return to the road army's dragon training module.

This made Lu Jun's eyes widened in surprise. You must know that the Deinonychus at this time is S-order, and after entering it, it will become a super-order.

Unexpectedly, just a shell will have the energy to turn S-order into super-order. From then on, Lu Jun made up his mind to pay more attention to the crystal source. This is the fastest thing to improve the strength...

After this episode, Lu Jun and Xiao Wan left the cave and flew towards the West Wind Fortress with the Fengshen pterosaur.

Originally, there were a lot of monsters gathered outside the cave. If Lu Jun and others wanted to leave, they would have to kill them.

But when Xiaowan came over, she killed many outside creatures, leaving her surroundings empty.

In addition, after the crystal source was absorbed, the creature-attracting breath disappeared, allowing the non-dead creatures to gradually retreat, saving the Lu Army a lot of time.

After flying for more than 20 minutes, Lu Jun and Xiaowan were above the Westerly Fortress. You can see that the entire Westerly Fortress is doing pre-war preparations.

But the Lu Army did not choose to go directly, but continued to fly, let Xiaowan take him to the direction of the infected body to detect it.

Because he can only come up with a suitable plan if he knows the specific strength of the enemy, otherwise everything is just empty talk.

When seeing the number of infected bodies in the millions, and the number of mutant infected bodies were too many to count, the Lu Army involuntarily took a breath.

He can be regarded as a person who has seen the world, and even the high-ranking creatures have played against each other, so it is reasonable to say that he will no longer be scared.

But he couldn't bear the dense crowds in front of him, the infected bodies everywhere.

If people with intensive phobia are here, they will probably be scared to death...

"There are so many...it's a big trouble..." Lu Jun said to himself.

"Brother Lu Jun, what should we do?" Xiao Wan worried beside her.

"Don't worry, first go back to the West Wind Fortress to gather everyone, there will be a way." Lu Jun grinned and soothed Xiao Wan.

Now he is the backbone of everyone, the pillar, and must not be chaotic, otherwise the West Wind Fortress will be completely hopeless.

After speaking, the Lu Army stopped looking at the infected body below, and directly flew back with Xiao Wan and landed in the West Wind Fortress.

Originally, everyone in the Resistance Army was very busy, and they were worried about how the Lu Army had not returned, and the overall morale was a little low.

But as soon as the road army returned, everyone's irritability became calm and no longer afraid. The backbone members gathered around the road army.

"You are finally back, everything is going well? We are in trouble..." Ruan Bing spoke first.

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