Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 2471: Advance aggressively

Because it found that the objects falling in the air were smashing at their location, no matter what was on it, once it smashed down, the consequences would be absolutely unimaginable.

Hearing the watcher's order, the elves quickly scattered and ran away, vacating the middle position.

At the moment when the elves escaped, two yellow fireballs nearly five meters in size fell, smashing the ground into two deep pits, and even caused a small earthquake, forming a shock wave.

Then there were two stone-like monsters with hands and feet that were ten meters high and full of fire.

This kind of monster was summoned by the night demon with its large-scale ability. It was called Hellfire. Its strength was super-rank, and its combat power was similar to that of a bone spirit evil body.

It's just that they are called out, have a duration, and can't stay on the ground forever.

But even so, two super-order creatures suddenly appeared, and the deterrence caused was very terrifying. The elven warriors were so scared that they retreated for a long distance, and even the first line of defense did not dare to defend.

The undead creatures cheered one after another, roaring morale-boosting sounds, as if the next moment of victory would belong to them.

Seeing his own morale skyrocketing, the night demon was also very excited, immediately raised his hand and waved to signal his fighters to start attacking.

And it is the kind of assault by the whole army, it seems that the night demon does not intend to waste time with these elves.

After receiving the order, the undead warriors who were ready to go immediately acted, ghouls, plague ghosts, gargoyles, and bone dragons marched at full speed.

Stone cave spiders and siege equipment similar to meat grinders are responsible for covering their teammates from behind.

As for the undead liches, their task is very simple, that is, to continuously use the corpses, summon the skeletons, fill the battlefield, and then condense a large amount of black energy to combine these skeletons into a powerful bone spirit evil body.

Therefore, under the concerted efforts of the undead lich, two more bone spirit evil bodies were condensed and appeared in the front of the battlefield.

In this way, there are five super creatures on the side of undead creatures, which are two hellfires, two evil bones, and one night demon. On the side of the elves, there is only one watcher. Very disparity.

Although the combat power of Hellfire and Bone Spirit evil body is relatively average, they are far less powerful than real super-order creatures, and can only be regarded as pseudo super-order.

But the slender camel was bigger than a horse. The size of these two creatures was placed there, and the S-tier rock giant on the side of the elves was absolutely unstoppable.

In addition, the air creatures of the elves were originally unable to defeat the bone dragon, and now even the initiative on the ground is also lost. You don't need to think about it to know that the next battle on the side of the elves will be very difficult.

Looking at the menacing army of undead, the watchman has a feeling of suffocation. It can't imagine that there are super-rank creatures on the undead side, and there are four...

Seeing his attack did not help the night demon, but was shaken away by the night demon. The watchman knew that he could not fight the night demon in close combat.

So the next moment, it used the ability to blink and disappeared in place, avoiding the attack of the Night Demon.

When the counterattack was unsuccessful, the night demon quickly poked his head left and right, trying to find the figure of the watcher.

Immediately afterwards, it was shocked, because it suddenly felt the watcher behind it, so scared it turned back quickly, thinking that the watcher was going to cut it with the thorn wheel again.

Only this time it was wrong. The Watcher did not rush forward, but continued to use the short dagger to harass remotely, as if he didn't want to face the Night Demon head-on.

Seeing this, the night demon sneered, slammed his wings, and slapped the flying dagger away.

Then it activates the ability of dark time to absorb the surrounding light, so that this piece is in its domain.

In this case, the combat effectiveness of the night demon will skyrocket, and the movement speed will also increase a lot.

The watchman's side is more uncomfortable, her night vision ability is limited by the dark time, she can't see the surrounding scenes at all, and can't feel the location of the night demon.

The night demon also knows the state of the watcher at this time, and the next moment it sends out a rotten bat erosion, which is the kind of shock wave-like ability, to attack the watcher's position.

Immediately after it was eroded by the rotting bat, it rushed over at the fastest speed, and its blood-red claws even shone cold in the dark.

In this way, even if the Watcher dodges its first attack, it can quickly follow it, and it will definitely damage the Watcher this time. This is the plan of the Night Demon.

What the Night Demon didn't expect was that the Watcher didn't hesitate too much when he couldn't see the surrounding scenes. He directly used the ability of blinking and fled to a hundred meters away.

This not only avoided the night demon's rotten bat erosion, but also avoided the night demon's claw attack. The most important thing was to escape the range of dark time and restore the night vision ability, which was simply three birds with one stone.

Then the watchman threw hundreds of daggers, each of them attacked the Night Demon's position, as if its robes were equipped with countless daggers.

Seeing the watchman was like a fly, he couldn't beat it, couldn't chase it, or catch up. The night demon roared very impatiently, and it was almost exploded with anger.

However, the battle must continue no matter what, so the next moment, the night demon took advantage of the continued darkness, and once again chased up, repeating the previous offensive.

The watchman replayed the old trick, using the same method to avoid the attack of the night demon, time and time again...

The surrounding elven warriors and undead creatures watched their leader in the fierce battle, the atmosphere did not dare to gasp, and did not blink, for fear of missing any wonderful scenes.

Although they did not yell, they were all praying for their leader in their hearts, hoping that victory would belong to them.

In this way, for the next fifteen minutes, the battlefield belonged to the Night Demon and the Watcher.

The two of them tested each other hundreds of times, swapping offenses and defenses, and the daggers thrown by the Watcher alone reached a thousand, which shows the intensity of their battles.

The only thing that is more embarrassing is that the two super-ranked creatures fought for a long time, and there was no difference between the winner and the loser, and there was no decent wound on both sides.

In the end, the night demon may be annoying, and he retreated hundreds of meters, and distanced himself from the watcher, and retracted into the formation of the undead creature.

Immediately afterwards, the night demon began to close his eyes, his brain power was full, and it seemed that he was condensing some kind of large-scale ability.

While the Night Demon made these actions, two yellow lights suddenly flashed in the night sky, and the distance to the land was getting closer and closer, and it seemed that something was falling at high speed.

The watchman also noticed the strange behavior of the night demon, and at the next moment it issued a loud order to disperse the elven warriors gathered together.

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