It was because Takata didn't dare, even if he even thought about it, the Lu Jun's boundless strength left a shadow on his heart.

Not to mention that there is a bomb tied to his neck that may explode at any time. Before this thing is removed, Takata will not have any thoughts.

After he was busy with the explanations from the road army, Takata returned to the snow camp and asked the city guards to collect the bodies of the guards here. He wanted to bury these people himself.

After all, if he hadn't ordered the elves to be caught, and would not lead the road army over, these people would not have died.

Therefore, the road army should not be blamed for the death of these people, he should be blamed. It was he who killed these people invisibly, which made him feel guilty and blame himself very much...

And when there was such a big disturbance in Xueyue City, the night outside was not very peaceful, because the night demon also obeyed the order of the road army, and the snow monster within a hundred miles of the other party did it.

Since it brought nearly 200,000 undead creatures, in addition to 100,000 to block all the exits of Xueyue City, there were 100,000 troops for it to dominate.

So when it was bored, it set off with its troops directly, allowing the bone dragon and gargoyle to detect from the air, expand the search range, and immediately pass by when it finds any traces of snow monsters or lairs.

The snow monsters who were foraging outside never thought that so many undead creatures would attack them, and some of them were beaten to death before they could react.

Before that, the undead creatures and snow monsters were both the well water and not the river water. The two sides had not had a big dispute. Why did the undead creatures start to target them today?

It's a pity that no one can give them the answer. Their huge body does not have much advantage in front of tens of thousands of undead creatures, and the number of deaths soon reached thousands.

In the end, after more than 5,000 snow monsters died and three snow monster lairs were destroyed, the snow monsters' tribe was finally alarmed and began to mobilize troops to declare war on the undead creatures.

However, due to the rush of time, the snow monsters could only gather more than 40,000 soldiers to form an emergency line of defense to resist the attack of the undead creatures.

As the battle unfolded, both sides used their most powerful abilities. The bodies of the snow monster and the plague ghost collided with each other, and flesh and blood continued to be thrown on the battlefield.

Although the snow monsters had gone all out, the existence of the bone dragon made it impossible for the snow monsters to deal with it. In the end, they were defeated at the feet of the undead creatures.

After all, bone dragons are aerial creatures, they can hit snow monsters, and their attack power is still very strong, but snow monsters can't hit them, failure is inevitable.

With the defeat of the snow monster, the undead army's offensive became more fierce, chasing the snow monster all the way, until it was driven out dozens of kilometers away.

And these snow monsters are still running all the way, it is estimated that they will not stop if they don't run hundreds of kilometers, they are really scared of these crazy undead creatures...

As a result, there is really no trace of snow monsters around Xueyue City and Frost Forest, leaving only a relatively large group of gray wolves, but it will not destroy the ecological balance.

It is estimated that those snow monsters couldn't think of it. They inadvertently attacked the Lu army a few days ago and almost caused the danger of extermination...

In this way, after the major forces in Xueyue City and the snow monsters outside were violently suppressed, the sky gradually lit up.

Although the snow is still falling, the situation today is different from yesterday, and even the smell in the air has slightly changed.

If you say people who are happier than Lu Jun and others, it must be the waiters. They were still worrying about business tonight, but suddenly so many people came in to make a lot of money.

The poorer ones are the guests who were left behind. Due to the pressure of the Lu Army and the black-robed people, they have not left, and even dare not even stand up to go to the bathroom.

Although waiters continue to serve them wine and make them a good drink, no matter how much they drink, they can’t stop the fear in their hearts...

And while the Lu Army and others were having fun, a **** storm was set off in Xueyue City, which was the battle between the City Guards and the major forces.

In order to accomplish the goal set by the road army, Takata directly used nearly one hundred thousand city guards to suppress the major forces from all directions.

His plan is very simple, that is, to seize the leaders of the major forces, rescue the elves inside, and disband the members of the major forces.

As the superpowers sent out were almost slaughtered, the major forces became extremely empty.

When they reacted, it was too late for the city guards to take action against them, and they lacked weapons and abilities to fight against the elite city guards.

The method of the city guards is also very simple, that is, let go of obedience, kill in resistance, and show no mercy.

Under the suppression of the city guards, most members of the forces chose to surrender, and only some unwilling leaders of the forces chose to resist or flee.

But all this was useless. Anyone who resisted was quickly killed by the city guards, and those who fled from the air were killed by the Bone Dragon Army arranged by the Night Demon, and even a mosquito could not fly out.

In the latter half of the night, 174 large and small forces in Xueyue City were uprooted by the city guards.

During the battle, the City Guards only killed thousands of people and captured tens of thousands of diehards from all major forces, leaving Xueyue City with no other forces except the City Guards.

As for the elves who were caught, Takata was able to save them one by one. He was very concerned about this matter. After all, it was related to his life. He finally survived from the road army. Naturally I don't want to bury these elves.

The next thing is simple. The city guards only need to remove the blood stains in the city, and then restore the destroyed buildings, and wait until dawn to return to life with the road army.

The survivors who were sleeping did not know that Xueyue City had undergone earth-shaking changes overnight, let alone that Xueyue City had been "surnamed" from today.

Of course, they don't need to know this at all. The Lu Jun is not a vain person, and does not need to be worshipped by others. Does the survivor know that he has no influence on him?

It is worth mentioning that when searching the buildings of the major forces, the city guards found thousands of tons of various materials and hundreds of thousands of various spars.

This is a huge wealth even in Xueyue City, which is enough to show how much benefit these forces have gained from Xueyue City.

However, Takata did not touch these things. He was not a greedy person. His plan was to hand these things to the Lu Army, and with the Lu Army's disposal, he could also leave a good impression on the Lu Army...

As for why not take advantage of the control of the city guards and go directly to attack the road army for revenge.

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