It's a pity that she was still dealing with the digger from a distance, and the fighting was also very fierce. She didn't have time to pay attention to the battlefield here, so that the corpse controllers escaped by chance.

Finally, under the successful cover of the elite infected body and the tyrant infected body, the corpse controllers were finally able to get close to within 50 meters of the sky.

Only a small number of corpse controllers could not come over temporarily, but fortunately the number was very small.

This is already within their normal attack range, and the mental shock can reach the sky.

Therefore, in the next moment, the corpse controllers began to gather their spiritual power, preparing to use the mental shock to give the final blow to the sky.

The Tyrant Infected Body and other mutant infected bodies also increased their attacks at the same time, in order to create illusions and cover the actions of the corpse-controllers.

Feeling the crazy mutant infections, Lu Jun and others only felt that the situation was very wrong.

After all, it was just fine, and suddenly it was like crazy, which was very abnormal.

But no one thought in the direction of the corpse controller, thinking that the infected group was anxious, and they were preparing to make the final counterattack.

Because the corpse controller never showed up during the day's battle, many of them almost forgot about the corpse controller.

Moreover, two times before them, they broke the mental barrier that had gathered together the corpse controller, causing them to relax their vigilance.

It is also very important that there is no sign at the beginning of the gathering of mental strength, and it is difficult for people to notice.

This made the corpse controllers excited and began to increase their efforts. After all, so far, their plan has been half-successful.

It wasn't until more than 30 seconds had passed, when the mental shock was condensed for more than half, that Ruan Bing, who was more sensitive to mental power, discovered something, and directly issued an early warning sound in the short-range communicator: "I feel that there is a terrible mental power on the battlefield. Existence, like the breath of the corpse controller, everyone pay attention, the corpse controller may be very close to us! Repeat..."

Under Ruan Bing's prompt, the stronger people also discovered that the battlefield was suddenly covered by a mental force, so they quickly looked around looking for the figure of the corpse controller.

Only the Lu Army who had fought against the corpse controller more subconsciously turned his head and looked at the position of the sky.

Because once before, the sky was destroyed by the corpse controller who came around, which made his memory still fresh.

And this look caused his hair to stand up in an instant, and shouted in the short-range communicator: "No! The corpse controller is attacking the sky on our left side! Come back to defense!"

With the insistence of the fifth, Zhimo and Baqi finally believed the fifth and did not issue an attack order.

Because the old fifth was too accurate in what he said earlier, there was almost nothing wrong, so this time they also took the old fifth's words as the standard.

This is also the prestige that the fifth "waste man" has built up on his own brain, and it has to be admired.

In fact, the fifth choice was actually quite correct, and the resistance at this time was not pushed to the limit.

Take Lu Jun as an example, his tyrannosaurus body has not yet been used.

If Zhimo and Baqi’s "stupid" belt team rushed forward at this time, the Lu Army would definitely have three or more ways to kill them.

It is no exaggeration to say that the fifth child once again used his caution to save Baqi and Zhi Mi once again.

Of course, this was ultimately for his own plan, otherwise he wouldn't care about the life and death of these two people.

As for how dangerous it was just now, why the Lu Army didn't use the real body of Tyrannosaurus, so they just wanted to die.

It is because Lu Jun also belongs to the kind of extremely cautious person, the eggs will not be put in a basket, and the hole cards will not be exposed.

In other words, the Lu Army also understands that there are still many uncertainties in this battle, and does not want to use his strongest ability prematurely.

But as time went by, the fifth class did not take action, but the corpse controllers couldn't help but start to act.

One is that there is now a cover of darkness, and the people of the West Wind Fortress cannot see them, which is the best attack opportunity.

Although the West Wind Fortress will send out a signal flare from time to time, illuminating the entire battlefield.

But the whole is still very dim, and some small places can't be illuminated at all. After all, the battlefield is really too big, and it can't be dealt with by the signal flare alone.

Second, they understand that their tyrant infected body does not have any advantage in the battle with other mutant infected bodies.

If you don't do anything, the Tyrant Infected Body and the Mutated Infected Body will die.

Then their attack can only end in failure, which is something the corpse controllers don't want to see.

So when the Lu Army and others were fighting, more than a hundred corpse controllers in the rear were also sneaking forward.

They are very hidden, mostly hiding among elite infected bodies.

Nor will he approach places where there are many dinosaurs and resistance forces at will, in order to prevent himself from being exposed.

After the battlefield was even closer, they secretly used their mental power to sweep the entire battlefield.

This kind of mental power is very soft, not very destructive, and it will not cause death or anything at once.

But it will invisibly affect the brains of humans and beasts, reduce response capabilities, and weaken combat effectiveness.

This is also equivalent to increasing the combat effectiveness of the infected, which is still very useful overall.

The Lu Jun and others were fighting the tyrant infected and mutant infected with all their hearts, without realizing that the accused corpse had a hand.

Even if their casualties suddenly increased a lot, no one thought it was caused by the corpse controller.

After all, the actions of the corpse controller were too concealed, no one would have thought that they would dare to appear on the chaotic battlefield at this time.

Seeing that one's own side has not been exposed, the corpse controllers gradually become more courageous.

They were no longer satisfied with killing dinosaurs and orc warriors, and began to target the sky screen.

Because in their consciousness, it is this sky curtain that has caused their plans to fail repeatedly and their offenses are blocked.

Although they felt that the sky was about to be broken a long time ago, this **** thing always persisted, making them extremely upset.

It's also time to issue a fatal blow. As long as the sky is broken, the infected body under their hands can definitely go all the way in. This is the idea of ​​the corpse controller.

In the next moment, the corpse controllers let some elite infected bodies continue to cover their progress.

The direction they chose to break through was the left side. There was only one giant southern beast dragon, busy dealing with a group of tyrant infected bodies, and had no time to clean up those mutant infected bodies, which was the best direction for breakthrough.

Even if the Giganotosaurus occasionally took aim, it only thought that these were relatively stupid elite infections during the battle, and did not pay much attention to it, and focused its energy on the ferocious and abnormal tyrant infections.

In fact, the corpse controllers had many flaws in their actions. If Xiao Wan were on this battlefield, they would definitely be aware of their actions.

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