But they chose a position farther away from the Route Army because they were afraid of encountering the Route Army again.

Wanyi Army had a misunderstanding and killed them directly, it would be no fun...

Lu Jun ignored what An Hao and others were thinking, he and Lin Yilan went deep into the frosty forest for about five kilometers.

There were no monsters along the way, only some bones that were dried or frozen.

There are various animal bones and human bones. It can be seen that there are often battles here.

What's even stranger is that in the frosty forest, there is no wind and snow, as if the branches are blocking the wind and snow.

And Lu Jun always felt that there were creatures watching them around, but he couldn't tell what it was. This feeling made him very annoyed.

Lin Yilaan set up teleportation points and markers along the way to prevent problems such as getting lost.

As they went deep into the frosty forest, Lu Jun and Lin Yilan suddenly encountered a thorny forest. The thorny forest had a large number of thorns, twists and turns, which seemed to grow naturally.

But judging from the thorny forest surrounding it resembling a city wall, Lu Jun felt that the thorny forest seemed to be man-made, at least it was made by intelligent creatures.

"You said, could this be the territory of the Snowy Elves?" Lin Yilan couldn't help asking.

"It's possible to see if these thorns can be cut off. We have to make a hole so that we can get in." The Lu Jun waved his **** ice skate and said.

"Okay, you left and me right, let's try it together." Lin Yilan responded to Lu Jun. She couldn't wait to know what the Snowy Elf looked like.

After speaking, Lin Yilaan took out her ice skates and began to chop the front thorns with the Lu Army.

Originally, the Lu Army thought that there would be monsters behind the thorns, or that there would be some unexpected situations, so he was more cautious.

But when he cut out a big hole, he realized that nothing happened. It seemed that this thorn was an ordinary plant.

Seeing this, Lu Jun and Lin Yilaan both let out a sigh of relief, and carefully got into the hole.

When they came in, they discovered that the area surrounded by the thorny forest was actually another scene.

Although it is still snowy here, green plants can be seen from time to time, without the sense of bleakness, which makes people feel alive.

And as you go deeper, there are more green plants, as if they entered another world from the frosty forest.

But what Lu Jun and Lin Yi lazy didn’t know was that shortly after they left, the thorns that had been broken open grew at a speed visible to the naked eye, and recovered intact in just a few seconds...

But before Shen Mo's ice skates approached Lu Jun, Shen Mo collapsed to the ground first, with blood sprayed from his neck, like a faucet.

If you look closely, you can find that Shen Mo's neck was cut at an unknown time. Judging from the incision, it was caused by ice skates.

Suffering from this fatal injury, Shen Mo was very helpless. He couldn't even speak. He could only roll on the ground while clutching his neck, letting his blood soak the ground, and died in the snow and ice.

Looking at Shen Mo's tragic situation, An Hao and the expedition team were shocked, their mouths opened wide, and they couldn't believe it.

Because they didn't even see how Shen Mo got the knife, let alone how the Lu Army swung the knife.

Obviously Lu Jun’s knife was broken, but why is Shen Mo dead? You must know that Shen Mo is a Tier 2 ability person. You must know that Shen Mo's second ability has not been used...

However, no one answered their questions at this time. The next moment, the Lu Army picked up the ice skate that Shen Mo had dropped on the ground and shook the blood on it.

Immediately after that, Lu Jun stood up and pointed to Anhao and the expedition team in front of him: "Are you still going to grab me? Hurry up if you have one, I'm in a hurry."

Hearing the Lu Jun's tone that couldn't be more dull, everyone on the expedition team immediately recovered from their stupefaction and shook their heads subconsciously.

Because they didn't mean to grab the road army, they just didn't stop Shen Mo's behavior.

In addition, Shen Mo, who was a Tier 2 ability person, died in front of them unexplainably, how could they have the courage to provoke the road army...

"We really didn't mean to offend your Excellency. I tried my best to persuade you just now, but I still caused trouble to your Excellency. I am extremely sorry." An Hao bowed deeply to the Lu Army, expressing his apologies.

Although they did not rob the road army with Shen Mo, Shen Mo is theirs after all and has a relationship with them.

Moreover, An Hao felt that the Lu Army was very likely to be a Tier 3 ability person, and he was afraid that the Lu Army would anger them, so the apology was still necessary.

Looking at An Hao and the expedition team who were full of apologetic faces, the Lu Jun had no expression on his face and said nothing, and began to bend down to search for items that could be used on Shen Mo's body, just in front of the expedition team.

Lin Yilaan was also helping. Just now she was the only one who saw the movement of Lu Jun's hand, that is, Lu Jun first cut Shen Mo's throat with an ice skate, and then collided with Shen Mo's ice skate.

It's just that the Lu Army's physical fitness is too high, and the speed of the hands is too fast, causing everyone to be unable to see what the Lu Army is doing.

After searching Shen Mo's equipment, the Lu Army still said nothing, and walked towards the Frost Forest with Lin Yilaan.

As for why he didn't kill Anhao and the subsequent expeditions, it was because he was not sure to kill them all.

Although it seemed easy to kill Shen Mo just now, the actual situation is very dangerous. If it is a few tenths of a second, it will be him who will die, so he doesn't want to take too much risk.

Moreover, An Hao and the expedition team didn't seem to be hostile to him. There was no need to kill them all, and there was no need to continue wasting time here. It was enough to kill a Shen Mo to deter him.

Seeing Lu Jun left like this, An Hao showed a hesitant expression, and finally couldn't help but bend down and respectfully said: "Your Excellency, are you a powerful Tier 3 ability person?"

Hearing An Hao asking this question again, Lu Jun stopped again and said without looking back: "I am an ordinary person, but if you dare to bother me, I will kill you all."

After saying this, Lu Jun and Lin Yilaan left without looking back and entered the frosty forest.

While An Hao and the others looked at the Lu Army's back, they couldn't help but shudder, because they had just felt a bitter aura, which made them even more certain that the Lu Army was a Tier 3 ability person.

It's just that Lu Jun is relatively low-key and doesn't want to disclose it, An Hao and others thought to themselves.

After a little discussion, An Hao and others ignored Shen Mo's corpse and also entered the Frost Forest.

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