After finishing talking, the Lu Jun still hugged Jingyuan very "stingly", as if it was his and no one could grab it...

Hearing the Lu Army's warning, Deinonychus nodded as if understanding, then stepped back two steps, bowed his head, looking a little lost.

Lu Jun can also feel the emotions of Deinonychus, so the next moment he beckoned Deinonychus: "Hey, let's do this, these three days, you will protect me, and you will absorb it after I absorb it. One point, how about it?"

Although he knew that even if he didn't talk about Deinonychus, he would protect him, but the Lu Army still hoped to give Deinonychus a little motivation.

Sure enough, these words directly made the somewhat lonely Deinonychus stare wide and nodded frantically.

Immediately afterwards, it turned around, turned its back to the Lu Army, and began its vigilance.

This also means that the Lu Army's preliminary preparations are completed, and it is time to absorb the crystal source.

I saw Lu Jun sitting down next to the crystal source. Although there was no manual, Lu Jun seemed to be no stranger to absorbing crystal sources.

He first put his right hand on the surface of the crystal source, and then thought to use his brain power to come into contact with the energy in the crystal source.

But just as he touched the crystal source, a huge energy poured into his body, making him feel like he was going to vomit, as if he was struggling to eat.

Lu Jun also knew that he was absorbing too much energy at once, so he immediately controlled the abnormality from his body, restored the balance of the energy flow, and made the body gradually absorb it.

However, what made Lu Jun a headache was that Jingyuan was not as simple as he thought.

Because this thing is very "naughty", the energy surge in it is uncontrollable. It is large and small. For example, when the road army wants to absorb it, it is small, so that the road army has no energy to absorb. absorb.

Finally, after several hours of thinking, Lu Jun grasped the law of energy flow of the crystal source, and the speed of absorbing the crystal source gradually became faster.

Fortunately, it will not be painful when absorbing the crystal source, otherwise the road army will be tortured to death in these few hours...

However, what Lu Jun didn't know was that while he was absorbing the crystal source, the surrounding air was surging with the energy of the crystal source, even spreading ten miles away, attracting countless creatures.

Because the energy of the crystal source is suitable for most organisms, they also want to absorb it. This is an opportunity for them to break through themselves...

Seeing this, the Lu Army immediately stepped forward and ran to Ruan Bing's side, hugged Ruan Bing's waist, did not let Ruan Bing fall, and then checked Ruan Bing's injury.

"I'm fine... The energy contained in this thing is terrifying..." Ruan Bing shook his head at Lu Jun and sighed.

She was shocked by an inexplicable energy just now, and at that moment she felt the energy of the crystal source very carefully.

"It seems that the energy in your body conflicts with it, otherwise there will be no rejection." Lu Jun frowned and analyzed.

Although he doesn't know the energy content of the crystal source, the principle is relatively simple and he can guess it.

"Maybe, I'm fine. It's fine if it doesn't reject you. This is indeed a good thing. You should quickly absorb it, so that we will become stronger after the rebellion." Ruan Bing looked at the huge crystal source as a substitute. The army was happy, and seemed to be able to see how the Lu army had absorbed it.

"Well, I have to find a quiet and no-one place to absorb. It takes twelve hours at a time. I estimate that I have to absorb for three consecutive days without any interruption. So you have to take care of everything for these three days. You are here." Lu Jun approached Ruan Bing's ear and said softly.

Ruan Bing's ears were itchy by the air currents spit out by the Lu Army, but she still resisted, and nodded: "Don't worry, you can solve the big problems and leave the small ones to me. It's definitely not for these three days. What will happen, wait for your good news."

After speaking, Ruan Bing gave Lu Jun a little bit, as if he wanted Lu Jun to go quickly.

Although she wanted to stay alone with the Lu Army for a while, she knew that any comfort and warmth must be built on strong strength, otherwise everything is a luxury.

Lu Jun also understood what Ruan Bing meant and didn't say too much. He directly waved his hand, and returned the crystal source to the armed module, summoned a wind **** pterosaur, and left Orly City.

Absorbing the crystal source is dangerous and important. Of course, the Lu Army will not stay in crowded places.

Otherwise, there will be an accident. It is estimated that the entire city of Ori will suffer. With the energy contained in the crystal source, blowing up an inner city is like playing around. Who can stand it...

Choosing a place to absorb can not help but entangle the Lu Army, because it is too difficult to find a place where there is no one, but it is safe and will not be disturbed.

Fortunately, the Lu Army had good luck. After riding the Fengshen pterosaur and looking for it for more than 20 minutes, the Lu Army inadvertently saw a relatively high hill with no monsters around, which was very suitable for the place the Lu Army was looking for.

To be on the safe side, the Lu Army flew a large circle around it, and then relaxed until it was sure that there were no other creatures.

Although it was early in the morning, it was dark and there was nothing to see, but Lu Jun was different from ordinary people, and he only had to glance at the scene below.

Immediately afterwards, the Lu Army let the bloodthirsty king bat fly him into a natural cave, which can block the sun, wind and rain, and is far away from the ground. There will be no monsters suddenly coming in, and it is a good place to absorb the crystal source.

What satisfies the Route Army most is that it is very wide, allowing the Route Army to summon Deinonychus to protect its own safety.

Although he confirmed that there are no monster groups around him, there is no doubt that something will happen in the wilderness here, and more protection is not wrong.

As for why Deinonychus was summoned instead of Tyrannosaurus, it was because the road army thought Deinonychus was smarter.

Moreover, Deinonychus spent a long time with him, more humane, and could fully understand the orders of the road army.

In order to prevent flying creatures from approaching, the road army also summoned ten additional wind **** pterosaurs and let them fly around the mountain to prevent all creatures from approaching.

With so many dinosaurs to protect, the Lu Army finally felt relieved, and slowly walked to the corner of the cave and took out the crystal source.

At the moment it came out, the entire cave suddenly lit up. This was the light from the crystal belt, like a cold light rod.

Deinonychus looked at Jing Yuan, his eyes widened, his saliva was about to flow out, as if he had seen some food.

This is because it senses the huge energy of the crystal source and wants to absorb it. If the road army were not there, it would have passed.

The Lu Army could also feel Deinonychus’s reaction and directly raised his fist and waved it to warn Deinonychus: "Hey, I haven’t absorbed it yet. Don’t make any crooked ideas, or I will give you two punches. ."

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