Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 2456: Non-mainstream tactics

Although he has used this routine once, there is nothing new, but the routine is not new or old, as long as it works.

At the moment they came out, the Tyrannosaurus also knew the meaning of the Lu Army, and immediately opened their own violent form and rushed towards the location of the hellfire.

The four of them run like a dragon-shaped tank, and any undead creatures that stand in front of them will be crushed and overturned, and none of them can only survive.

After stepping on hundreds of ghouls, the four tyrannosaurus finally arrived in front of the two hellfires, using the impact of their running to slam into the hellfire, knocking the hellfire directly to the ground.

This scene is very similar to the previous few days. One night a few days ago, the Hellfires were also dismembered after being knocked over by the Tyrannosaurus.

And this time, the Tyrannosaurus was also not at all polite. They just bite the hellfire that fell on the ground, biting the stones on the hellfire and flying everywhere.

The watchman saw the dinosaurs showing their power and stopped the hellfire's offensive, immediately refreshed, and threw a large number of short daggers to kill the undead creatures.

At the same time, they ordered the elven warriors and the snow bears to start counterattacks, they must push the front out, and no more undead creatures could rush in.

The elves and the snow bears also cooperated very well, and began to roar and push towards the outside, letting their voices resound through the cave, as if they were not afraid of life and death, very imposing.

The Night Demon who stayed outside commanding the battlefield saw its proud hellfire being knocked down instantly, and was hit by those "damn" dinosaurs, and his eyes suddenly turned red.

Because it still deeply remembers the scene of being beaten away by these dinosaurs a few days ago, which caused great damage to it, and it took several days to rest before recovering.

It came back this time, in addition to the Yin Abyss Demon King, it also has a purpose of revenge, to avenge the defeat of the road army and the dinosaurs that day, otherwise this matter will remain in its heart, leaving it with a shadow.

So the next moment, the night demon condensed a corroding bee colony and attacked directly towards the location of the Tyrannosaurus.

The reason why the hellfire was killed by the Tyrannosaurus last time was because it did not expect that the Tyrannosaurus would be so strong. Without precautions, the road army and the dinosaurs took advantage of the loopholes.

This time is different, it already knows what to do, and it will never watch Hellfire die under the hands of Tyrannosaurus.

As the corrosive bee colony flew by, the Tyrannosaurus had no time to evade, and abruptly suffered a whole attack of the corrosive bee colony. The pain from the skin made them a little distracted.

And it was at this moment that the two Hellfires seized the opportunity, turned over directly, got rid of the suppression of the Tyrannosaurus, and pulled away from the Tyrannosaurus.

This made a few Tyrannosaurus fires, raised their heads and roared, and again ran into the hellfire desperately, looking like they would not stop without killing the hellfire.

Facing the crazy tyrannosaurus, the two hellfires were obviously a little panicked, and they began to wave their thick fists, hammering **** the tyrannosaurus body, until the sound of heavy objects hitting the flesh sounded.

But this level of attack obviously can't help the Tyrannosaurus, it will only arouse their animalism even more, and in a blink of an eye they threw the hellfire to the ground, and bite more fiercely.

Seeing that the hellfire that had just been rescued was knocked over again, the night demon had a headache, raising his hand was another corrosive bee colony, and wanted to repeat the trick to relieve the pressure of the hellfire.

But this time, the Tyrannosauruses were obviously guarded against the Corrosion Bee Swarm, and there was no trick to hit the Night Demon. Even if they were hit by the Corrosion Bee Swarm, did they relax their attacks on the Hellfire and suppress the Hellfire? Down.

Seeing Hellfire was beaten by the Tyrannosaurus in pain, and his own attacks were not working, the Night Demon was a little anxious, because if it continued like this, its Hellfire could not last for two minutes.

Therefore, in desperate circumstances, the night demon can only use its hypnotic ability, with the help of the night, to temporarily control the four tyrannosaurus, and help hellfire escape the tyrannosaurus "devil claws" again...

Lu Jun didn't know that the Night Demon had united with the Abyss Demon King, at this time he was still discussing the next defensive task with everyone.

Just when they were talking about more important places, two loud noises suddenly came from the south of the cave, which seemed to explode, causing everyone to turn their heads subconsciously.

Although separated by many walls, they could still feel the power of the explosion, causing the entire cave to slightly shake.

"No! Something happened at the South Gate! Let's go over and see the situation, and the others will stay here first." The Lu Jun frowned and said to the watchman.

The watchman also understood the seriousness of the matter, nodded, and directly took the Lu Army's arm, used the flash, and took the Lu Army directly to the south gate.

When the vision was restored, the Lu Army could clearly see that two huge openings had been broken at the south gate at this time, and undead creatures were constantly pouring in from the outside.

Fortunately, the elves and the snow bears are far away from the breach, and the casualties are not very large. They are all using their abilities to block the undead warriors outside.

But the two gaps are too big, the elves and the snow bears can't completely block them. From time to time, some elves will be hit by undead creatures, and then injured or even killed.

And the creatures that made these two openings are nothing else, they are just two hellfires that are full of light, they are both squeezing into the breach with their huge bodies, and it is estimated that they will be able to enter soon.

If the Lu Jun guessed correctly, these two hellfires were probably summoned by the Daredevil.

Because the night demon can let the hellfire fall from a high altitude, it uses the high-speed impact force to smash through the rocks and bunkers at the entrance of the cave, which also means that the night demon is nearby.

Sure enough, the next moment the Lu Army saw the Night Demon commanding the battlefield in the distance through two breaches, in very good condition, and it is estimated that the injuries he had suffered before had recovered.

Since he hadn't seen the Night Demon for a few days, and the Night Demon had been beaten away by him before, the Lu Army almost forgot this role. I didn't expect the Night Demon would come out at this time.

"You help our people defend the front, and I will solve these two hellfires!" The Lu Army quickly issued an order to the watchman.

At this time, the two hellfires have already squeezed in halfway, and they will be fully in within two minutes. When they cooperate with the surrounding undead creatures, they will definitely have a huge impact on the defense line of the elves and the snow bears.

You must know that Hellfire is a pseudo-super-order creature, even the most powerful Snow Bear warrior can hardly stop them, and letting them in will undoubtedly be a disaster.

So the next moment, the Lu Army summoned his four Tyrannosaurus and one Deinonychus. He used the Tyrannosaurus to kill the two Hellfires before, and he wanted to do the same this time.

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