Because the blaze bomb only killed some of their teammates at most, after all, the range and distance were very limited.

What's more, the flame explosive bombs cannot be locked, and they can be avoided relatively easily.

The lunar eclipse is very different. This ability can lock the enemy, and they are useless no matter how they hide.

What's more terrifying is that the scope and damage of the lunar eclipse are too great. When you are hit, you will basically catch fire, and then be burned down. There is no chance of struggling...

In this case, the bone dragons were naturally suffering, and they had to be forced to send a small team to deal with the road army to prevent further attacks by the road army.

But they overlooked one point, that is, a Bone Dragon squad couldn't beat the Road Army at all, and was instantly blasted by the Road Army hammer, causing the Road Army to continue to chase behind and attack.

In desperation, the Bone Dragon Army could only send another brigade to intercept them, wanting the "fly" of the Lu Army to stop bothering them.

Even though a Bone Dragon Battalion can't beat the road army, he doesn't need to be able to beat it, just avoid it.

Because the Bone Dragon Brigade has only a hundred people, it can't achieve the effect of covering the sky and the sun, so he only has to slip over from below.

Anyway, he is relying on these bone dragons today, and he must entangle these creatures.

Otherwise, waiting for the bone dragons to return to attack Hongyue and others, then his plan would fail.

With this thought in mind, the Lu Army was very tough, and even in the most dangerous position, he did not intend to let the bone dragons slip away.

This situation is the most troublesome for the bone dragons, because then they can't leave safely.

Now they are undoubtedly caught in a dilemma, turn around to fight the road army, there is no way for Hongyue to manage.

Keep rushing forward, the Lu Army has been annoying them all the time. If it continues like this, before they reach the red moon, it is estimated that they will suffer heavy losses.

However, the undead creatures are not fools, they quickly mobilized a group of gargoyles to return.

There were more than 30,000 gargoyles in this batch, which accounted for more than half of all gargoyles. Even if the Lu Army used Burning Heaven, they couldn't deal with it.

Because of this, the Lu Army was directly blocked by these overwhelming gargoyles, completely unable to make a breakthrough.

After all, in front of so many monsters, even if he wanted to hide, it was useless. It was impossible to hide. He could only sit on the back of the bone dragon to block, and suddenly the danger was everywhere.

In this way, the troubles of the Bone Dragon Army are solved, and the Lu Army can no longer entangle them, and they can't even use their ability attacks...

A few seconds later, the undead army seemed to have spotted the road army in mid-air, and they made weird calls, seeming to be making an early warning.

Immediately below, the entire area boiled, and countless bone dragons and gargoyles rose into the air and attacked the location of the road army.

If you look from a long distance, you can see that the number of bone dragons alone is 20,000 to 30,000, and the gargoyles are no less than 50,000.

This is almost all the air units of undead creatures, and they are stationed in the middle of Xueyue City and Frost Forest.

In this way, no matter which side needs offense or support, they can arrive in time, which is very convenient...

Originally, they had to rest at night, because they had just lost the battle, they had to adjust their state and wait for their leader to deploy the next plan.

But who knows that there will be humans suddenly appearing, isn't this looking for death?

Moreover, this human has just confronted them, and also killed many of their companions, which makes them the most unacceptable.

So almost all of them chased them out, and they all wanted to kill the road army and avenge their previous defeats and subordinates.

In order to increase the hatred of the undead creatures and make it easier for Hongyue and others to leave, the Lu Army continued to condense flame explosive bombs, smashing against the bone dragon behind.

This made the bone dragons even more crazier. They didn't even hide from the flames and bombs. They immersed themselves in a fierce pursuit until they deviated far from this area.

Seeing this scene, Lu Jun smiled with satisfaction. He wanted this effect. Now Red Moon and his own bone dragon army should be able to withdraw successfully.

Hongyue was also very clear about the plan of the Route Army. At the moment when the Route Army attracted the enemy, she also immediately issued an order to let the hordes of bone dragons rush straight ahead.

Although this angle will still be seen by the undead creatures on the ground, there are no flying creatures to stop them.

The facts are similar to what Red Moon thought. After they flew hundreds of meters forward, the undead creatures on the ground reacted and immediately began to make various ghost calls, like calling their teammates, meaning the enemy. Struck.

It's a pity that they don't have any anti-aircraft means, so they can only be anxious on the ground, waiting for help from the bone dragon army.

The flying bone dragon also heard the cry of the undead creature below, and immediately reacted and looked back, and indeed found that groups of bone dragons were invading their territory.

This scene made the bone dragons a little panicked, wondering whether this escaped human brought the bone dragon to attack them?

But this shouldn't be it. There are not as many humans as they are, so why dare to attack?

However, no one will give them the answer, so the bone dragons can only be anxious in their hearts.

After a few seconds, it was estimated that they felt the cry of help from the creatures on the ground on their side. Knowing that they had to return to defense, the bone dragons began to stop and flew back.

Although they wanted to kill the road army, they were eager to skin the road army to get rid of the hatred in their hearts.

But compared to this, they still feel that the place where they are stationed is more important.

If one's own territory is lost because of their pursuit, then the sin is serious, and the leader will blame them...

Under the blessing of this kind of thought, the bone dragons didn't think much, and flew straight behind.

But invisible, this is equivalent to giving the Lu Army a chance. He originally thought that he was going to be overtaken by the Bone Dragon Army, but he didn't expect these stupid things to suddenly run back...

In the next second, Lu Jun turned his head directly, facing the army of bone dragons with several blazing fire bombs, and stopped until a dozen bone dragons were killed.

However, this does not mean that the attack of the Lu Army is over, because the next moment he will use another lunar eclipse to hit the bone dragon army's head.

Since there is a moon in the sky at this time, when the Lu Army uses this ability, it does not even need to use the moonlight, just hit it directly.

Although he has just finished using this ability not long ago, continuous use of it consumes a lot of his brain power.

However, as a Tier 4 ability person, Lu Jun is very rich in brain power, not to mention that he is not an ordinary Tier 4 ability person, and using lunar eclipse again is not a problem at all.

Before the attack of the lunar eclipse, the bone dragons were more uncomfortable.

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