But there are many trees blocking his position in front of him, blocking the line of sight, making him unable to see the situation at the first line of defense at all.

However, Lu Jun quickly thought of a good way, that is, to climb an eight-meter-high tree to expand the field of vision to the extreme.

In this case, he clearly saw the scene at the first line of defense, including the layout of the elves.

It can be seen that the Watcher really made a heavy bet on the first line of defense, and there are about forty S-tier mountain giants staying in the forefront.

Other elven warriors are even more numerous, the number is about 10,000, and it is initially estimated that this should be half of the high-level strength of the elven clan.

As for the other half, it seems to have been put to the east by the watchman, although the Lu Army can't see it from here.

But he knew that the undead creatures came from the southeast, and his defense line belonged to the south, which was one of the main attack directions of the undead creatures.

Naturally, there are many undead creatures coming. There are more than 10,000 undead creatures that can be seen in front of the first line of defense alone, and this is only the vanguard.

Among them, ghouls and gargoyles account for the majority, there are more than 6,000, stone cave spiders are second, there are more than 3,000, and there are more than 1,000 plague ghosts. The bone dragon has not been seen for the time being. It should be staying more. Behind.

In addition, there is a kind of undead unit that the road army has not encountered before. They are short and hold a staff made of skeleton bones. They have a very special ability, that is, they can summon skeletons to fight from the corpse. .

Seeing this, Lu Jun Ma Shan opened the Eye of Data and scanned this undead creature until a line of information appeared before his eyes.

[Necromancers, whose strength is assessed as Tier A, can use special abilities to weaken the enemy's power and summon skeleton puppets from the corpse. As long as there is sufficient time, they can even summon a sea of ​​skeletons. 】

Seeing the power of the necromancer was so disgusting, the Lu Army felt a headache, because it meant that in addition to dealing with these tens of thousands of undead creatures, they had to face the skeletons that might appear at any time. This was not good news.

While the road army was thinking about this, the undead creatures also contacted the elven warriors at the first line of defense.

Because the elven warriors did not set up any bunkers, and there was no distinction between melee and long-range combat, the undead creatures could rush to them unscrupulously...

The first is the battle between thousands of ghouls and hundreds of druids with claws. They are all units that use their claws to kill each other. The moment they touch each other, their claws reach the flesh, letting the flesh and blood fly on the battlefield.

Fortunately, the Druid of the Talons can stabilize the ghouls both physically and attacking, and will not fall into the wind with one enemy and three, and can hardly carry the attack of thousands of ghouls.

"Secondly, we have to make a reasonable match between the black-robed man's abilities and the elf warrior's arms, so that we can achieve the greatest benefit."

"Finally, because we have enough people, I suggest dividing into two fronts within a limited defensive range, one for long-range and one for melee, so that both attacks and retreats will be very convenient."

Listening to the three suggestions made by the Lu Jun, Hongyue nodded silently. In fact, what the Lu Jun said was similar to what she thought, which also made her more trusting in the Lu Jun invisibly.

"Okay, just do as you said, you are responsible for arranging the front line, and I will find the materials for you." Hongyue and Lu Jun hit it off.

Seeing that a girl in Hongyue was going to carry materials for him, Lu Jun started to feel embarrassed, and pointed to the woods next to him: "I will get the materials and there are trees next to them. Let's cut down those trees and move them. Just come."

Seeing that the road army was about to cut trees, the black-robed man next to him hurriedly waved his hand and smiled bitterly: "You can’t cut trees. The elves regard trees as patron saints. They are forbidden to cut down a lot of trees. Come here as a shelter..."

Hearing that the undead creatures are about to fight, these elves are still so rigid that the Lu Army can't understand them.

But this was the land of the elves, the battle of the elves, he couldn't go against these, he could only nod silently.

So in the following time, the Lu Army and Hongyue split their work. He built a line of defense here, and Hongyue took ten people in black robes and 30 working elves to carry stones.

The Lu Army first turned the twenty druids into ten claw druids and ten raptor druids respectively.

Let the hundred elven warriors with recurve bows be divided into two groups, each with fifty. One group rides on the panther and becomes a black panther warrior, and one group rides on the antler eagle and becomes the antler eagle warrior.

His defensive formation is to let five rock giants, ten claw druids, and fifty Panther fighters guard in front and spread out positions.

For example, in the three-hundred-meter defensive line, a rock giant stands every sixty meters, a claw druid stands every thirty meters, and a panther warrior stands every six meters.

In this way, although their defensive power is not concentrated, they can take care of and support every part of the front line.

The rear line of defense is composed of forty deer monsters, the ten ballistas, and 30 working elves. Their range is relatively long, but their bodies are fragile, so it is very suitable to stay behind.

It is worth mentioning that the ballista is a siege or defense equipment that the elves spend a lot of time making. It can launch a boomerang that can be ejected and is very powerful.

Among the vacant positions, the Lu Army will allow black-robed men with combat abilities to fill them. These black-robed men have at least Tier 2 abilities. Dispersing into the battle line will make the battle line indestructible.

As for the remaining ten raptor druids and fifty antler eagle fighters, they are mainly responsible for air defense. They have to block the gargoyles and bone dragons and protect the front line below.

At this time, Hongyue also brought the black robe men and the working elves back with the stones, and the Lu Army began to build simple shelters to block the giant webs of the cave spiders.

On both sides of the line of defense of the road army, there are some other lines of defense that the elves are responsible for. They can't understand what the road army and others are doing, and they feel that these humans are doing useless things.

But the Lu Army ignored what those elves were thinking. He was only responsible for the elves assigned to them by the watchers. Fortunately, these elves were very obedient to orders and would act exactly according to the Lu Army's words.

In this way, Lu Jun and others worked in this location for more than an hour and built a three-hundred-meter-long stone bunker with very high efficiency.

Just as the road army was planning to reinforce the bunker, a group of druids of raptor flew over them suddenly and shouted a series of Elvish words.

Through the black-robed man's translation, the Lu Army can learn that these druids of raptors are saying that undead creatures have come, and prepare the various units for battle.

Since Lu Jun and others are on the second line of defense, the undead creatures will attack the first line of defense first before reaching his side.

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