The people around also focused on Lin Yilan, because Lu Jun was right, Lin Yilan's plan was indeed a bit risky.

"No, I dare to use my life as a guarantee!" Lin Yilaan took another step forward, staring at the Lu Army closely.

"Okay, I believe you, you don't have to participate in the next battle, you should be responsible for contacting." Lu Jun nodded.

Since Lin Yi was so confident, he wouldn't be able to say more.

"Hehe, wait for my good news." Lin Yi grinned lazily, looking very happy.

One is because she can help the road army, and the other is because the road army's phrase "trust you" sounds very comfortable.

"Well, since there is no problem, then I will order to meet the silent crusaders with all my strength, put them into our encirclement and attack again, and kill the person in charge of the command, without killing indiscriminately."

"But if they dare to continue to resist, or our lives are threatened, then there is no need to keep their hands!" The Lu Army directly issued the combat mission.

As for the order to attack Orly City, he didn't say, because it had to wait for Lin Yi's news and couldn't be impatient.



"Understood, Boss Lu."


The key members of the Resistance Army responded one after another, and soon passed on the order of the Road Army.

And an hour later, as soon as the sky fell, all the combatants were ready, and set off in the direction of the silent crusade.

This time, the army and others attacked only about 20,000 troops, of which a quarter were humans, a quarter were orc warriors, and the rest were all kinds of dinosaurs.

Although the number is only half that of the Silent Crusaders, everyone knows that they will have no problem with the Silent Crusaders.

After all, the Zerg creatures who fought against them twenty times more than them had withstood. What was it to deal with humans who had only twice as many of them?

In fact, this is the confidence that everyone has to go through consecutive battles and win victory. Now they don’t pay much attention to ordinary small battles...

As the distance between the two sides was ten kilometers, the road army and others stopped after advancing eight kilometers and began to arrange the encirclement circle.

Because there is a large area of ​​woods in this area, it can hide the traces of their army, which is the best location to choose an ambush...

After the butcher finished speaking, everyone around him looked at each other and stopped expressing opinions.

Because in their perception, the butcher is a more bloodthirsty person, and he is the one who kills the most people in ordinary battles.

But now he actually asked to kill fewer people, which is really unexpected to everyone.

And everyone sweats for the butcher, worrying that the road army will be angry because of it. After all, they understand the character of the road army and are more bloodthirsty than the butcher. It is estimated that it is difficult to accept this kind of proposal.

In fact, the butcher was also very scared when he said this, but he still said it resolutely.

Because this is helpful to the future development of the Resistance Army, and he is a member of the Resistance Army and should do the right thing.

However, what surprised everyone and the butcher was that the Lu Jun actually smiled after listening, showing no dissatisfaction.

"You said it well, and realized that the biggest problem of our human beings is not monsters, but endless infighting."

"I also agree with your idea of ​​assimilating these people, which can enhance our strength and give our humans a way out."

"But it's not enough to just catch them and make them compromise, because their family is still in Ori and will never really want us."

"The only way to resolve internal conflicts and disputes is to unify. Some killings and battles are inevitable."

"So after solving the group of Silent Crusaders, I intend to directly occupy Oli City, so that we will not have the enemy of Silent Crusaders in the future." The Lu Jun told everyone his plan.

"This? Not so good. Orly City is a big gathering place, and the defense inside is not weak. If we attack like this, if there is any accident, we will probably lose all the games..." Ruan Bingdi One stood up and said.

It was not that she did not believe in the Route Army, but the current situation was very unstable, and enemies from all directions looked at them.

If they were attacked by other forces or other creatures when they attacked Orly City, the consequences would be unimaginable.

That’s why Ruan Bing hopes that Lu Jun will not be impulsive and think more...

"I know your worries, but don't worry, I am not going to attack Orly City frontally, I am not so swollen, I will not do such a stupid thing." Lu Jun shook his head and signaled Ruan Bing not to worry.

"Don't attack frontally? Then what should we do?" Akko next to him was puzzled.

Because the city of Ori is so big, it is difficult to occupy with a frontal attack, let alone use other methods.

"I see, you want to sneak in and kill the leader of the Silent Crusade? Just like we were in Xueyue City!" Lin Yilan said suddenly.

"Yes." The Lu Jun chuckled and glanced at the people around him, "Don't you remember that we left a space portal in Ori? It was still in the inner city, which hasn't been discovered now, we You can sneak in at any time and do damage."

This made everyone's eyes suddenly bright, and immediately recalled.

"Moreover, the Silent Crusaders sent so many people out this time. The interior must be relatively empty. It is a good time for us to sneak in. They must not have thought of it!" Lin Yilan cooperated with the Lu Army by the side.

"That's right, we don't need too many people to attack Orly City this time. We only need a team of elites. I can guarantee that Orly City will fall into our hands in three days!" The Lu Army shook it fiercely. Fist, showing a confident smile.

Originally, he had forgotten about the portal, after all, it was too long.

But the offensive of the Silent Crusade reminded him again, which is no wonder he...

"In this way, it seems that I am worrying too much. When shall we act?" Ruan Bing spread out the map in his hand, revealing the location of Ori City.

"You have to wait until the silent crusade is settled. It is initially scheduled to be in the early hours of tomorrow morning. If there are changes, we will discuss it." The Lu Army calculated the time a little.

"Maybe I can still help with this matter." Lin Yilan walked two steps forward and came to the Lu Army. "I can contact the forces I used to work with and let them cooperate with us. When that happens, we should cooperate inside and outside. , Can definitely win Orly City at the fastest speed!"

Looking at Lin Yilan’s hot eyes, Lu Jun hesitated: "Are you sure that the force will still listen to you? This is not a trivial matter, and you slipped out of that force, in case they report the Silent Cross Army, we will be in trouble..."

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