"Uh, my lord, it's like this. I know you don't like being watched by many people, so I removed them all. There is absolutely no other meaning. If you are not satisfied, I will let them come back now..." Takada is weak With that said, he really can't guess the Route Army...

"No, you did it right, you are on the road." Lu Jun looked around and nodded in satisfaction. He really didn't like being watched by so many people.

"But just the two of you, can you run the teleportation array? There will be no problems, right?" Lin Yilan questioned.

Since she is very good at space teleport and other abilities, she is more sensitive to this aspect of things.

"No, don't worry. We have experimented many times. It is enough to have the two of us. If there is a little problem, I will cut off my head and dedicated it to Boss Lu." Takata said with confidence, it seems very Have confidence.

"Well, let's start." Lu Jun nodded.

Although I have only met Takata not long ago, the Lu Army knew that Takata would never dare to do anything because he still had a collar bomb tied to his neck. Only the Lu Army could solve it, and he would definitely not make fun of his life.

"Okay, then please go to the center of the teleportation formation. Don't come out no matter what happens. The teleportation will be completed in a very short time. I have already told them about the city guards on the other side. They will wait for you to pass. I will pick you up. If you want to come back, you can always return through the teleportation array on the other side." Takata successively said a series of things that need attention.

While Lu Jun and others walked towards the center of the teleportation formation while listening, they stood within the prescribed range.

Seeing that the Lu Jun and others were all ready, Takada and the city guard commander looked at each other, walked towards the surrounding pillars, and put the spar one by one.

When it was placed on the last pillar, the teleportation array suddenly rang, as if a small-scale earthquake occurred.

"Normally, please rest assured, I wish the road boss all the best!" Takada explained quickly, for fear of misunderstanding by the Lu Army and others.

The moment he finished shouting, a lot of dazzling light emerged from the teleportation array, forcing Lu Jun and others to subconsciously close their eyes.

Immediately afterwards, everyone felt dizzy in their heads, as if they hadn’t slept for several days. The whole person was dizzy and unable to move.

After they recovered from this state, they opened their eyes and found that the surrounding scenery had changed, even the color of the sky had changed.

Judging from the familiar aura around them, they must have returned from the Wu Cang Territory to the Blue Wind Territory, and everyone can feel it.

"We are back!" A black-robed man yelled, completely unable to conceal his excitement.

"Back!" The other black-robed people also cheered. After more than a week, they worked hard and finally returned from a location to a familiar place. This is really mixed feelings...

"Okay, okay, go ahead and work, remember to stop your subordinates from attacking our people..." Lu Jun waved his hand and said.

No matter how he could not have imagined that the night demon, who was still fierce a few days ago, would become so "sticky" now, making him a little bit goosebumps...

After dismissing the Night Demon, the Lu Army turned his head to the Watcher's side, took out a detonator-like thing from the armed module, and pointed at the Night Demon who was walking away: "This thing is connected to the collar bomb on its neck. , If it has other ideas, you can just press the detonation button."

After speaking, the Lu Jun made a wiping motion of his neck, revealing his brutality from the inside out.

In fact, he still has a bit of trust in the Night Demon, but if it is not my race, his heart must be different. The Night Demon controls the Undead Corps, so he has to leave a little back for the Watcher.

"I see, sir, you have a good journey." The watchman took the detonator in Lu Jun's hand, looked at the back of the night demon and nodded.

"Okay, hold on here well, I will also arrange for Xueyue City." Lu Jun patted the watcher on the shoulder and said.

Then Hongyue and others also bid farewell to the watchers one by one. After fighting together for such a long time, it is inevitable to have reluctance.

After busying with all the miscellaneous things, Lin Yilaan also condensed the portal.

Since she had arranged a teleportation point on the side of Xueyue City, they didn't need to hurry up this time, they just used the teleportation gate directly, which greatly saved time and reduced risk.

The only troublesome thing was that the Centurion Snow Bear was too big. Lin Yilaan took a lot of effort to expand the portal and let the Centurion Snow Bear get in.

A minute later, everyone disappeared in place, and in a blink of an eye they arrived in Xueyue City, still in Xueying.

The sudden appearance of the crowd and a huge "monster" frightened Xueying's guards, so that they immediately sounded the alarm and stood on guard with their weapons.

Fortunately, Takada came over in time with the city guard commander who was familiar with the army, and he half-kneeled in front of the army: "My lord, you are back, and you didn't come to meet you in advance. I hope you don't blame it."

Although I was very puzzled how the Lu Army brought so many people here, it took less than a day, but Takada didn't dare to intervene casually, and it was done by kneeling on the ground obediently.

The guards around saw that Takada and the commander of the city guard had such respect for the Lu Army and others, and they knelt down, and at the same time felt afraid of what they had done just now.

"When you see me in the future, you don't have to do this, and don't call me an adult. My surname is Lu, you can call me boss Lu." Lu Jun casually said to Gao Tian.

Compared to the title of an adult, he still prefers Boss Lu, which sounds a lot more interesting.

"Yes, sir." Takada replied first, and then realized that he was wrong, and immediately lowered his head, "Yes, Boss Lu..."

"Well, I'm going back now. Let's set up the teleportation array. About fifty people, plus a bear, can tell me if you need anything else." Lu Jun waved his hand and didn't care about Takada's slip of the tongue.

"Boss Lu, we have prepared everything, and the teleportation formation can be opened at any time, just waiting for you to come." The city guard commander also replied respectfully.

"Then let's go, it will be hard work." Lu Jun said as he walked in the direction of the teleportation formation, he felt an indescribable excitement at the thought of being able to go home immediately.

"It's not hard... It's not hard..." Takada and the captain of the city guard followed closely by the road army, daring not to neglect at all.

It was only after reaching the location of the teleportation formation that the Lu Army discovered that there was no guard here, which was very different from the situation when it came last time.

"What's the matter with the people here? There were a lot of people here last time." Lu Jun turned his head and looked at Takata.

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