Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 2420: Flying dragon

If it had been before, he estimated that he would kill all the people from these forces and wash Xueyue City with blood.

But with the passage of time, he gradually realized that mankind was going to extinction step by step.

Because since the end of the world, he found that there are no pregnant women in human beings, and there are not even many children.

The main reason is that these two kinds of people have no ability to protect themselves, and no one is protected, and they cannot survive in the last days.

And the adults among them are dying almost every day, only decreasing, not increasing.

If this continues, the reproduction of humans is likely to be faulted, and there will be no population blocking the monsters.

If you want to change this phenomenon, you have to establish a new order to provide protection for such people.

But this is not something that can be accomplished overnight, so the only thing the Lu Army can do now is to kill less. As long as the opponent has no reason to die, they can not kill.

Since you still don't have the ability to change this world, start by changing yourself, or you will be eliminated by this world one day.

Lin Yilan, who was next to him, also noticed that the Lu Army’s behavior style had changed slightly, but she knew that it was not because the Lu Army had become benevolent, but because the Lu Army had become more mature and knew how to look at problems with a long-term vision...

"Oh, this can only be done now. I used to think that these forces are good for the development of Xueyue City, so I tolerated the actions of these forces, but now it seems that the bad influence they cause is obviously greater than the good." Takada's The look was a little lonely, because he found that he had obviously done a lot of things wrong.

Lu Jun just looked at Takata quietly, did not say much, some things can only rely on his own understanding, others say more is useless.

"Um...sir, can you ask, are you from a big power?" Takada suddenly raised his head and said.

"My force is called the Resistance Army. I currently control two or three cities, including you. There are four." Lu Jun glanced at Takada and didn't hide it. "You may not have heard of it, because we are all in Qingfengyu. Development, the situation over there is much worse than here."

"I also came here by accident. I will be going back in the next few days. I will send someone over to take over the work with you when I'm done."

"My lord, after you leave, these monsters won't stay in the city..." Takada pointed to the bone dragon flying above.

You have to know that these undead creatures can eat people, who knows if they will be eaten one day...

"No, I will let them be stationed in the center of Xueyue City and Frost Forest at that time, so that you will be in a triangle shape, so that no matter who is attacked, they can provide timely support."

After speaking, the Lu Army beckoned to let the Night Demon flying on it come down, and he wanted to order something.

"My lord, we have a teleportation formation here. If you want to return to the Blue Wind Region, maybe that thing can help you." Takada suddenly mentioned, quite to please the Lu Army...

Although this is tantamount to putting life in the hands of the Route Army, it is better than dying immediately in the hands of the Army.

"Second, those elves that fall into the hands of big and small forces, you have to be responsible for bringing them back. I only give you one night, and if you haven't got it done by tomorrow morning, then you can figure it out by yourself."

"Also, these elves must not have casualties, otherwise I will let you bury them." Lu Jun looked around and said softly.

"Understand, even if you don't tell me, I will bring them back. This is my fault. Don't worry." Takada agreed to the Lu Army.

"Third, you can't be the leader of Xueyue City. From now on, this city will be mine, and I will soon let my people be stationed in to manage it."

This condition caused Takada's face to change slightly, and his expression was slightly sad, because he thought the road army was going to expel him, after all, his existence was a threat to Xueyue City.

"But my people are not here at the moment, and it will take a while to come, so during this period, Xueyue City will still be managed by you, or you will manage it for me."

"As for the management method, I don't have any special suggestions. You can do what you did before, as long as the people who support me come over."

"However, I have a few points to warn you. From now on, people from Xueyue City are prohibited from entering the Frost Forest, and people from Xueyue City are also prohibited from attacking elves. Violators will be killed without mercy."

"Furthermore, Snow Moon City is open to the elves outside. They can come in to shop and live. You must not interfere with their actions. Of course, if they do anything excessive, I will punish them accordingly."

Although these words sound a bit like an unequal treaty, it stipulates that humans cannot go to the land of elves, and only elves can come to the land of humans.

But this is also the helpless move of the Lu Army, because he knows that human beings are greedy by nature, and if they find any good things in the territory of the elves, they will definitely **** them.

The elves are obviously much simpler than humans. They just work, live, and fight every day, without those thoughts.

Seeing that this was what the Lu Army wanted to say, Takata was relieved. As long as the Lu Army didn't expel him, everything would be easy.

"No problem, let's be honest with you. Actually, I didn't really want to be the leader of Xueyue City. It was those big and small forces who pushed me up, and they said that my strength is strong enough."

"I thought they were sincere at first, so I agreed with the trend. Being a city lord also gave them a lot of convenience and allowed them to get a lot of benefits."

"Unexpectedly, they all dissatisfied me in their hearts and wanted to kill me. If you didn't show up suddenly and let them advance the plan, maybe I would really die in their hands one day."

"The only thing I don't understand is that since I didn't want to be me, why did you recommend me together in the first place? Oh, it's really unbelievable..." Takada sighed when he talked about these things.

"In this case, you will'cleanse' all those forces tonight. Now the monsters outside are in charge. If our humans continue to fight internally, they will perish in less than half a year. I don't want a fire in the backyard while fighting outside."

"Of course, I'm not asking you to kill, I just want you to disband these forces. The leaders of the forces should kill, catch, and don't leave the roots behind."

"Those who like to fight or have the strength, let them join the city guard inspection first, and when they are qualified, I will let them join my forces, and I will never treat them badly."

"As for the follow-up arrangements, I can't say so much for the time being, they will tell you when my people come over." Lu Jun said with a serious face.

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