Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 2401: Defense system

In the next moment, the Lu Army violently threw out the blaze bomb, and the target was the infected group more than two hundred meters away.

With the sound of the explosion of "Boom!", more than one hundred infected bodies were hit by the front of the blast bomb and disappeared into the center of the explosion in an instant.

More than a hundred infected bodies were surrounded by hot flames, and flames ignited all over their bodies.

But they didn't notice it at all, until they were burned to death by the flames or the infected body next to them was also set on fire.

More than one hundred infected bodies were affected by the blast bombs, and they were shaken and flew far away. Their life or death is uncertain.

In general, two flaming bombs from the Lu Army can affect nearly 400 infected bodies, of which 200 are injured and 200 are dead. The power is abnormally abnormal.

The attack of the road army also meant that the horn of attack was sounded, and the rebels in the charge began to condense their abilities, forming a storm of abilities, attacking the most infected positions.

The abilities contained in the power storm are varied, and the effects are also diverse. The fully condensed power storm is like a swimming dragon, opening its mouth to swallow the infected body in the range.

The troll hunters who ran to the right distance also began to throw their self-made spears, flying into the infected group like a rain of arrows, smashing the infected body into a hedgehog, just like a gourd.

Lei Rhinoceros' attacks are even more severe. They gather to use thunderstorms, and every time they are powered down, a large infected body suffers.

Although the infected body has no pain or numbness, it is reasonable to say that the lightning attack will weaken a lot.

But the thunderstorms of the Lei Rhinoceros are too terrifying. Often when the thunderstorm goes on, the brain of the infected body will be directly destroyed, and even the head can be broken.

In addition, the attacks of bee spines are also terrible. They are relatively small, can fly, and shoot out bee spines that are sharp and long.

Under normal circumstances, the infected body will not die if it is stabbed by a bee, because this thing has no follow-up damage, even if it is pierced into a porcupine infected body, it can walk normally.

But the bee sting pterodactyl can take aim. They are not interested in the infected body's body at all, they are all aiming at the bald head of the infected body.

They quickly passed through the air, making a flying "buzzing" sound, and the bee stings shot out were more accurate, and the infected body underneath fell down a large swath in an instant.

Perhaps these brainless infected bodies didn't know who attacked them until they died. How did they die...

"For the glory of the Westwind Fortress!" The wolf cavalry centurion roared first, waved his tomahawk, and rushed out with a large group of orc warriors.

"The people of the resistance army keep up!" Ruan Bing, who was riding the soul beast, waved his hand as well, and dashed forward more than ten meters in an instant.

Although her ability is not very effective when dealing with the infected body, because the infected body has no soul, it is still necessary to follow the large forces to fight.

Seeing this, the resistance army and a group of dinosaurs followed closely, interspersed with each other, each short movement would bring up a lot of sand and dust, making the entire battlefield become yellow and dusty.

If you look from a high place at this time, you will find the group of infected bodies resembles an endless black cloud.

The Lu Jun and others are just a sharp arrow ready to penetrate the dark clouds, with a kind of iron-blooded air that regards death as home.

Seeing these humans in front of them still unswervingly actively charged towards them, the faces of all the corpse controllers were very ugly.

Because they obviously have a crowd of seven million, they can make any creature feel scared.

But these human beings, as if they hadn't seen it, provoked them again and again and despised them.

The most important thing is that the enemy's previous provocations have been successful, and their self-confidence has been greatly affected.

But anyway, since these humans dared to rush forward without fear, they would definitely pick it up.

After all, this is a good opportunity for them to kill these humans, much better than rushing up to fight these humans.

So in the next moment, the corpse controllers used their mental power to issue orders to control the mutant infected body to form a formation and fight with all their strength.

For example, let the Tyrant Infected Body and the Double Hammer Infected body with high defense and suitable for close combat stay at the forefront.

The agile but fragile black thorn infected body and the licker stayed behind and waited for the opportunity.

The more mediocre elite infections are deployed around to protect the flanks and prevent dinosaur creatures from sneaking on the rear.

This layout method is very simple, or backward, but it will be particularly effective at this time.

As for the ordinary infected people, the corpse controller can't manage them all at once, because there are too many things, they are everywhere.

Ninety percent of their seven million population are ordinary infected bodies, which makes it difficult for the corpse controller to control them uniformly. They can only give them general orders. The specific battle still depends on the mutant infected bodies.

But as long as these ordinary infected bodies are present, their role is there, and they can form a good limit to the charge of the road army and others.

Looking at the battlefield where the offensive and defensive transition was completed in an instant through the remote observation board, Laowu, Baqi and others were still the ones most surprised.

"Aren't they crazy?! They must be crazy! They dare to rush..." Zhifu pointed to the picture on the observation board, his face was blue and his fingers trembled a little.

He thinks that the fighting style of the Knights of the Apocalypse is already very tough, and his command is not bad.

But when he saw it today, he knew that the difference between them and the rebels was too great.

After all, when the number of enemies differed by a hundred times or more, the Lu Army still dared to let its subordinates take the initiative to charge. No one could surpass this courage.

If the Resistance is the sky, then the Knights of the Apocalypse are the earth, separated by an insurmountable gap.

At this time, he was anxious, angry, and a little sad. What was anxious and angry was how these infected bodies were like fools. They had been so long and still couldn't give the road army a slap in the face.

The sad thing is that encountering such an extremely powerful enemy as the Resistance Army is a very bad thing for him and for the Knights of the Apocalypse.

Originally, he was very confident of winning the battle, but now, he dare not think so, and even almost lost the courage to face the resistance.

"Mad...really crazy...These people are all his mother!" Baqi also looked a little bit irritated.

Because the actions of the Lu Army and the Resistance Army once again refreshed his cognition, making him feel that his IQ was insulted...

Only the old five seemed calmer. After all, he and the Lu Army had fought against each other since the beginning of the end of the world, and they were considered "old friends". He was familiar with the Lu Army's fighting style and felt that this was just a "normal operation" of the Lu Army...

On the Lu Jun side, after flying more than three hundred meters, the flame explosive bomb in his hand was condensed to the limit, and the heat contained in it could even be conducted from mid-air to the ground.

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