Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 2393: Go to death

That's why the infected body is looking for fresh food day after day. In this regard, they are very similar to human beings, all in order to "live".

In addition, the young master found that the low-level infected body does not use any language or movement to communicate, and mostly relies on instinct to act.

The high-level infected body emits a unique brain wave, which is exclusive to the infected body, and allows them to communicate briefly.

This was discovered by the young master in an accident, because he can also receive this kind of brain waves and can directly understand it, as if it was his ability.

When there is a high-order infected body and a low-order infected body together, the low-order infected body will act in accordance with the brain waves of the high-order infected body.

As for how the low-level infected body without IQ understood this kind of command, the young master didn't know and couldn't explain it.

Although he can understand brain waves, he hasn't been able to simulate it for the time being...

Among the infected group, only the corpse controller has the strongest brainwaves, or it exceeds the other infected groups by a large amount, causing all infected bodies to obey its orders.

The only exception is Young Master. He can receive orders from the corpse controller, but he can ignore and resist.

This also means that the corpse controller can only restrain his freedom and cannot control his spirit. This is good news for him...

It is worth mentioning that during this period, the young master has neither eaten nor slept, but his physical strength and spirit are still at their peak.

This made the young master feel that he was a "monster", because normal humans would have died if they didn't eat or sleep for a week, no matter how tough they were.

And the young master found that his hands were turning into claws, just like the black thorn infected body, the skin and muscles were also a little mutated, and he didn't know if this was a good thing or a bad thing.

With the passage of time, the young master quickly learned how to send out brain waves, and successfully used it several times.

This makes the young master extremely excited, just like he had contacted and learned a "foreign language" when he was a child.

Therefore, the young master planned to find a time to communicate with the corpse controller using brain waves to see if he could let the corpse controller let him go, otherwise he could take revenge on his behalf.

But before the young master had time to do this, an accident happened, which not only undermined his plan, but also indirectly changed his fate of continuing to be imprisoned.

That was on the ninth day when he was with the infected group, the corpse controller on his side suddenly met with another corpse controller.

The other corpse controller's strength is about 100,000, which is more than half of the infected body on their side, and the mutant infected body is also a lot more.

When both sides appeared face to face in the wilderness, the scene was the same as the battle between the two armies in ancient times...

Thirty seconds later, the rune around the young master had completely covered the scar face, and it was estimated that the slavery would be completed in another thirty seconds.

The Scarface on the ground still didn't respond, or he had given up struggling, and he was unable to continue resisting.

This makes the young master feel good, and there is nothing more pleasant than enslaving a person who dreams of killing.

As for why he was still alive, and why he appeared here, it had to be talked about when he was attacked by a scar face in the small gathering place at that time.

At that time, after a series of attacks by Scarface, he thought he was going to die and lost all consciousness.

Unexpectedly, he came back "alive" more than an hour later, and the fatal wounds on his body were fully recovered, and the cuts on his face were also crusted into scars.

The young master was even more surprised that he was clearly "resurrected" in the infected group, but none of the infected attacked him, but these infected were still far away from him.

Could it be that he has also become an infected body at this time? This is the young master's first thought.

It's a pity that this is the first time he has encountered such a thing, and no one around can answer his doubts.

In order to get a reasonable explanation, he tried to communicate with surrounding infected bodies, wanting to see if these infected bodies are like him, still retaining memory and consciousness.

But it is obvious that these infected persons are all "idiots", but he is an "alternative".

However, the young master was quickly attracted by other things, which was the sneak attack on his scar face.

The young master felt extremely angry when he thought that Scarface had betrayed him and ran away, and he had the idea of ​​smashing Scarface to pieces.

So in the next moment, he plans to leave the infected group and plan to find Scarface for revenge along the way.

Another very important point is that he is surrounded by infected bodies, which makes him feel very uncomfortable. He wants to return to a place where humans live.

But before the young master had time to act, the corpse controller found him and let other infected bodies arrest him.

At first, the young master thought he had been discovered and was about to die, so he couldn't help but smile.

After all, he actually experienced "death" and "resurrection" in one day, and now he has to experience "death" again. I don't know if it will be "resurrected". This is indeed a bit "exciting".

However, what surprised the young master was that the corpse controller did not kill him or torture him, but just brought him with him, like a "pet", without knowing what the reason was.

In order to leave the corpse-controller, the young master tried several times to escape, both day and night, but unfortunately all were found by the corpse-controller, and then arrested him back.

In desperation, the young master could only continue to follow the corpse controller, leading the infected group all the way north.

During the period, the infected group attacked countless small gathering places, and all succeeded, doubling their number several times, from a few thousand to tens of thousands.

Originally, the young master wanted to find some humans for help, but unfortunately these humans were either divided into corpses or turned into infected bodies, so that his ideas could not be successfully implemented...

In this way, the young master was forced to live with the infected group for more than a week, during which time he discovered that the infected body was a very "simple" creature.

In fact, most infected individuals have no IQ. They like to rest during the day and travel at night.

This is because they are afraid of the sun, or exposure to the sun will destroy their bodies and make them weaken faster.

They are not like humans who need food, clothing, shelter, and transportation. Their only requirement is food, such as fresh meat or internal organs, which can't rot quickly.

Only this kind of thing is helpful to their bodies, can make them stronger, even advanced, and can live longer.

The young master once saw an infected body that had not eaten for five or six days, and died on the seventh day. The body was like dried bacon without any moisture.

This also allows the young master to understand that the infected body will die spontaneously, as long as there is no food, they cannot survive for long.

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