Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 2382: Concealed knife

But in any case, this is a good thing for them, because there is no window, the black thorn infected body can not climb in, so that they have no worries.

In order to be able to see the situation outside, Scarface used his ability to deliberately dig a hole in an inconspicuous place on the third floor, from where he can see the infected body below, but the infected body cannot see him. , Is conducive to the next battle.

And after Scarface finished these things, the infected body also slowly appeared outside, and these infected bodies had slowly surrounded from all around.

Since Scarface and others have removed their marks, even the air is full of odor, so that the infected people can't find the hiding place of Scarface and others. They start to move around and rush from time to time. A lot of time was wasted into an empty building.

Seeing this scene, Scarface was overjoyed, thinking that fortunately, their choice was correct, maybe they could still rely on this method to get past.

But when the corpse controllers also came over, Scarface continued to get nervous. He didn't know if the corpse controller's IQ would find them.

Fortunately, Scarface’s worry is superfluous. It seems that the mental power of the corpse controller can't penetrate the walls of the giant building, and naturally it is impossible to know that Scarface and others are hidden inside.

After searching for a lot of no results, the corpse controller also began to wander around, as if giving up looking for Scarface and waiting for someone.

But when the gray-robed figure walked over, everything was different, I saw it sniffed around first, and then circled around the place where the black-robed man had erased his footprints.

Immediately afterwards, it locked its gaze on the building where Scarface and others were, and seemed to have noticed something.

This is because as long as you are a little closer, you will find that only this large building can accommodate a lot of people around, so the gray robe figure doesn't need to think too much.

In the next moment, the gray-robed figure issued an order to the infected body, asking them to surround the building.

"Damn! I was found!" Scarface slammed the wall and said in a low voice.

Originally, he just wanted to vent, who knew that his action made the gray robe voice below raise his head and look at where he is.

This made Scarface startled. You must know that he is tens of meters away from the gray robe figure, and he is still in the building, separated by such a thick wall, so he can be spotted?

What’s more terrifying is that when Scarface saw the face of the gray robe figure, he collapsed directly on the ground, his hands and feet trembled, because he saw the face of the young master, who had been betrayed by him. Kill the people in the small gathering place...

Seeing some humans ran away, the infected were not in a hurry to chase them, because they knew that they had surrounded them all around. Even if these humans had the means to reach the sky, they couldn't run out, so it didn't hurt to let them jump.

So in the next few minutes, the infected bodies were attacking humans on the ground or eating flesh and blood.

This also means that the ordinary people that Scarface brought from Cangqiang City are over. They did not live a new life in Amano Town as they thought at the beginning, but ended their lives.

If Nandi could see those who betrayed him end up like this, I guess he would be very happy...

After killing all the humans who fell on the ground and were still alive and assimilated into their companions, the infected slowly walked towards the center of the town.

If Scarface is still here, you will find that the gray robe figure also followed the infected body.

It didn't even look at the corpse on the ground, and it kept sniffing and sniffing, and finally looked towards the middle of the town, seeming to be rushing to scar his face.

Scarface didn't know this. At this time, he was running so hard to even turn his head back, wishing to have two more legs.

After running for more than two hundred meters, a power suddenly stopped Scarface.

"Boss Scar, you can't run! This is the center of Amano Town, and we will run into the infected body again! What should we do?!"

After finishing talking, the psychic pointed to a nearby building that resembled a giant chimney, which was more than ten meters high. This was the sign of the center of the town.

The other abilities also stopped, focusing on Scarface, because Scarface brought them here. Now that something went wrong, Scarface was naturally their hope.

Scarface also knew that these people were waiting for him to speak, but he hadn't dealt with such a scene either.

If he knew that Amano Town was so dangerous, he wouldn't come here if he was killed...

However, it is too late to say this, and the most urgent thing is to find a way to survive, otherwise they will all die!

"Quick! Let's remove the surrounding traces, then hide in the tallest building and block the gate, which can delay a lot of time!" Scarface raised his hand and pointed to the distance.

Immediately afterwards, he took off his coat, quickly erased his own footprints, and walked towards the said building while wiping, as did other abilities.

When they came to the door of the giant building, a supernatural player also released a foul-smelling gas, which can remove their odor to the greatest extent and interfere with the sense of smell of the infected body.

Although I don't know if this will work, I have to try it anyway. This is their last method.

After seeing that he did not leave any traces, Scarface walked into the huge building with hundreds of supernatural beings, randomly found something and blocked the gate completely, until the surroundings fell into darkness.

Although the gate of this building is made of wood, it cannot withstand the excessive damage of the infected, but after that time it will really fight, even if the gate is damaged, they can rely on this building to resist it.

And this huge building is big enough to accommodate all of them, as well as the second and third floors, allowing them to attack and retreat.

The most important thing is that there are many other types of buildings around this building, which are extremely dense and can provide them with good cover.

"From now on, no one is allowed to make any noise, or we will all be killed!" Scarface warned everyone with a fierce face, and then pointed to a high place, "Leave a hundred people on the building, and the rest People follow me up to the second and third floors to check, and move lightly!"

After saying that, Scarface first climbed the ladder to the second floor, and a group of supernaturalists followed behind him, and everyone did not dare to make a loud noise.

After some inspection, Scarface and others discovered that the building did not even have a window, it was completely enclosed, and they didn't know what it was used for before the end of the world.

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