Because it was just nightfall, the snow camp guards who had been busy all day just relaxed their vigilance, and some of them were eating in the stronghold.

In addition, there has been no accident since the establishment of the snow camp, which made them not prepared for danger, and they were still standing and chatting in twos and threes.

When the black-robed people attacked them from behind, most of them died without even screaming.

The most important thing is that without the sentry at the high point, the guards on the ground are no different from the blind in the dark, and the people on your side are half dead without noticing.

It was too late to sound the alarm after some patrols discovered the abnormal situation around them. Almost 70% of the strongholds were destroyed, and the death toll was close to 500.

But the remaining six strongholds finally reacted, and immediately ran out to gather with their weapons. There were also many supernaturalists in the middle building to check the situation.

However, the strength of these people is incomparable to that of the black-robed people. They were all massacred in less than ten minutes, and there were fires in many places in Xueying.

At this moment, the abilities of the building in the middle also knew that they had been attacked, so they didn't dare to come out again. Instead, they began to send out a signal for help and let the soldiers outside the snow camp come in and support.

Takata, who was originally asleep, heard the chaotic noise outside and was awakened instantly, and ran to the window of the room to look around.

When he saw flames and corpses everywhere, his face turned pale.

Although he still doesn't know what happened or who did it, but those who come are not good, and those who are good don't, these people must be aimed at him.

Immediately afterwards, Takata immediately asked his superpowers to stand on each floor and wait for aid, and at the same time he picked up his own equipment and waited for the battle.

If you look at it from a high place at this time, you will find that the snow camp in Xueyue City is actually just the place where Gao Tian lives, and there are not many buildings.

It's just that Takata is more afraid of death. He has arranged hundreds of guards to protect him 24 hours a day where he lives, and he has also raised a group of supernatural powers as his own thugs, fearing that someone will assassinate him.

In addition to these guards and superpower thugs, there are warriors similar to the city guard around the snow camp.

In addition to maintaining the security of Xueyue City, their usual task is to enter the snow camp to protect Gaotian whenever necessary.

It's just that at this time all of Takata's guards were killed, and the super fighter's thugs were nested in the middle building and couldn't get out. The city guards couldn't get in for a while, leaving the building where Takata was in isolation. situation.

"My lord, all the surrounding strongholds have been cleared. Before the large troops from Xueyue City arrived, we had eight minutes to take down this building." The watcher suddenly flashed in front of the road army and reported.

"Well, let's start, pay attention to a person with a birthmark on his face." The Lu Jun holding a double-headed spear nodded slowly.

The watchman who received the order licked his lips and disappeared in place with a flicker. The next moment the watchman appeared on a high spot in the snow camp and easily killed a sentry.

This was not over yet, after clearing one outpost, the Watcher flashed to another outpost until all the sentries were killed.

According to calculations by the watchmen, there are a total of 14 high spots and 32 secret guards in the snow camp. There are 50 sentries in the high places.

Although these sentries are all supernatural beings under Takada, the watchmen have super-level strength.

In the case of the assassination, almost no one can stop the sudden blow of the watchman.

After killing all the sentries, the road army ordered the black-robed men and the elves to go down and occupy all the high points.

In this way, the initiative was on the road army and their side. At this time, they could attack and retreat, and the entire snow camp was under their feet.

"Don't get rid of the grass and startle the snake, grab a few live mouths and ask, to determine the location of Gaotian, we must do it in one step." The Lu Jun issued a second order.

Because in addition to the high points they control, there are more than 20 places below that are similar to strongholds.

In addition, there are more than ten or twenty guards in each stronghold. They defend together, and if they are not so good, he must be more cautious.

"Yes, I will go now." The watchman shook the blood dripping thorn wheel, responded to the Lu Army, and then disappeared in place.

Although this is in the enemy's territory, there are enemies everywhere, but it is too easy for the watchmen to catch some livelihoods. In less than a minute, two guards alone appeared in front of the road army.

Just when the Lu Army was about to start questioning, Hongyue suddenly walked out: "Leave this to us. I promise to dig out all the information in their minds."

Seeing Hongyue's swearing appearance, the Lu Army also knew that these black-robed men were very capable of forcing interrogations, so they nodded: "Alright, faster."

The moment they got permission, the two black-robed men sneered and dragged off the **** they had caught, and entered a room with better soundproofing. After a while, they could hear heart-piercing screams.

Fortunately, the surrounding wind and snow quickly concealed the sound, and did not let anyone in the snow camp notice the abnormality.

Three minutes later, the screams disappeared, and the two black-robed men and Hongyue walked out of the room.

"They said that Takata never left the snow camp today. He must be in the middle mansion now." Hongyue reported directly to the Lu Army. "Also, I fainted those two people, and they won't wake up tonight. Come."

"Since you are in the snow camp, it is easy to handle. Let your people spread out and kill everyone around. We gather in the tallest building in the middle. We don't have to stun when we encounter people. It's too troublesome, so we just kill That's fine." The Lu Jun calmly delivered the third order.

Immediately afterwards, the Lu Army directly opened the Dragon Formation and disappeared in place with Lin Yilaan.

Everyone didn't know where the Lu Army went, but they were sure it was related to the killing.

"Okay, don't froze, just do as he ordered, you divide into four groups, each group attack all the way, and finally gather in the middle, keep quiet, wait until we catch Takada, and then talk." Hongyue put some of them. Tell the details to the black robes.

"Yes, Lord Red Moon."



The four stronger black-robed men quickly nodded, and each led a group of black-robed men and left where they were.

The watchman also did not let the druids of raptors and antler hawks idle on the court.

Although their combat effectiveness is not very good, it is still okay to detect the movement of the battlefield.

Therefore, the red moon arranged for them to monitor the trees and plants of Xueying from high in the sky, and the watchman should know about any abnormal situation.

In this way, when everyone started to act, a plan for Takata began quietly.

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