"No, your ability can't deal with them. In case of any unexpected situation, you have no self-protection ability, and you have to help me pay attention to the battlefield on the right, and I can't walk away." Lu Jun explained to Ruan Bing a little bit.

"Then let me go, I have the ability to protect myself, and I also have long-range weapons. It's enough to deal with them." Lin Xiaobai suddenly walked out, waved the explosive crossbow in his hand, and took the initiative to ask for the battle.

"But you're only Tier 3..." Lu Jun frowned slightly. This kind of battle can only be taken over by a Tier 4 ability person.

"Let's go with Xiaobai. Both of us are Tier 3, and our abilities complement each other. There will never be a problem." Ruan Xue also walked out and stood beside Lin Xiaobai.

Just when Lu Jun wanted to say something, Lin Xiaobai took another step forward: "Brother, needless to say, let us go, we must grow."

Seeing Lin Xiaobai's firm eyes, Lu Jun sighed lightly, nodded silently, and summoned two wind **** pterosaurs: "Okay, it's up to you, but if something goes wrong with you later, let me Bian may not be able to support the past in time..."

"No support, this is our own choice." Lin Xiaobai stood up and climbed behind the Fengshen pterosaur.

Ruan Xue also rode another Fengshen pterosaur and flew up without looking back.

Thousands of beespin pterosaurs followed, and the speed was only slightly slower than the wind **** pterosaur.

As for Xiaowan's flying creatures, the two of them can't control them, so they can only let these mutant creatures fight freely.

Ten seconds later, Lin Xiaobai and Ruan Xue reached the top of the infected group, which was also the place where the rippers and lickers were the most.

"This is within their attack range, do you want to drop it?" Ruan Xue glanced at the infected group below.

They are now less than forty meters away from the ground, and both lickers and rippers can attack, which is relatively dangerous.

"Next point, otherwise the attack of the bee-stinger pterosaur will not be able to reach, and I will attack later, you will defend!" Lin Xiaobai told Ruan Xue through her private channel about her plan.

Then she and Fengshen Pterosaur descended for several meters, reaching a height of about 30 meters, and then slammed the trigger of the explosive crossbow, and shot dozens of explosive crossbow arrows at the infected body below.

The bee sting pterosaurs also shot a spike, covering the ground like a rain of arrows.

I only heard the sound of "swish swish" continuously, and the exploding crossbow arrows flew over a distance of tens of meters, and landed on the heads of the infected group one by one.

As all the crossbow arrows exploded, hundreds of elite infected bodies, a dozen rippers, and lickers died instantly and were swallowed by the fierce flames.

Although the number is not large, as a Tier S weapon, it is also very good to be able to kill so many infected bodies at once.

As for the attacks of bee sting pterosaurs, there are more of them. Often three or four bee stings can kill an infected body. The killing of thousands of bee sting pterosaurs at the same time is naturally very impressive...

Even if he wants to send the dinosaurs out again now.

Because the rippers and lickers have already established their feet and sealed off the periphery of the sky, it is difficult for the dinosaurs to rush out without damage.

At this time, the Lu Army suddenly realized that their West Wind Fortress had a very fatal weakness.

That is, his army of dinosaurs has almost no long-range creatures, and they can't fight enemies that are far away.

Although the blazing raptor has a long-range attack, it is only five or six meters, not more than ten meters.

In a real long-range battle, the flame raptor will be beaten for a round if it can't even get close to the enemy.

Although the fire guard and the plucking artillery are considered long-range attacks, these two energy bombs will be blocked by the elite infected body and will not be effective.

Therefore, the Lu Jun secretly made the decision that after this battle is over, he must get a batch of real long-range dinosaurs, no matter how much Dragon Coins he pays.

However, it is a bit early to say these things, and we still have to solve the situation before we talk about it.

"Xiaowan, we are facing a problem. Can you mobilize the flying creatures? The bee sting pterodactyl will also be sent to you, so you can solve the rippers and the lickers or drive them away." Lu Jun uses short-range communications The device called Xiaowan.

Since there is no long-range attack, the enemy can only be eliminated by high-altitude strikes. This is the road army's idea.

"No way... Brother Lu Jun, I can't control a wide range of distractions right now. There are too many diggers below, and the steps are high. It is difficult for the digging sandworms to withstand it. If I leave, I will dig the sand. If the worms lose their command, the West Wind Fortress is in danger..." Xiaowan's heavy voice came from the communicator.

At this time, the underground battlefield was entering a white-hot stage, and the diggers and diggers were killed and injured countless.

If you dig up the ground, you will find the corpse of a creature a few meters below, which is extremely tragic.

And what Xiaowan said was not an exaggeration. If she was distracted to do other things now, the sandworms would definitely lose control.

They were a little overwhelmed at first, and they were completely supported by Xiaowan's strategy. As long as Xiaowan left, the defensive facilities of the West Wind Fortress would definitely be destroyed.

"Okay, I see, the West Wind Fortress is the most important thing. If you continue to be busy with you, you must stabilize the underground battlefield." Lu Jun responded to Xiao Wan.

Although he didn't know the real situation of the underground, he believed Xiaowan very much. Since Xiaowan said that he couldn't walk away, he really couldn't walk away. The safety of the Westerly Fortress was the most important thing, and there was nothing to say.

However, Lu Jun immediately got a headache again, and Xiaowan was not free, so who should he send?

Leading flying creatures in combat sounds easy, but in fact it requires a lot of air combat experience, and it is best to have flying or ultra-long-range capabilities.

The ones with flying ability on their side are him and Xiao Wan. Now Xiao Wan is not free, only he can play.

But he is the commander of the entire battlefield, and he must command all echelons to fight at any time.

If he took the flying creatures out to fight, what happened to the echelon behind him, and he couldn't issue the order in time, then the gain would not be worth the loss.

At this time, the Lu Army also realized that Xiaowan was really a talent in all aspects, and she had the ability to participate in battle no matter what the terrain.

Take the underground diggers, if Xiao Wan hadn't come out twice to make a siege, maybe what would happen to the Westwind Fortress...

"Let me go, you send me a wind **** pterodactyl, or let me take Xiaowan's bloodthirsty king bat, I have the confidence to repel them." Ruan Bing stood in front of the road army and took out her bite. Soul sickle.

Although her ability to deal with the infected body has no advantage, or it is useless.

But she still has hundreds of shots of Ten Thousand Soul Slashes to use, and Tuan Mie Eater and Cracker dare not say that it is definitely possible to repel, after all, there are so many flying creatures participating in the battle.

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