Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 2353: Life hanging by a thread

After all, this was the first time they saw the ability to create a forest with every gesture.

Lin Xiaobai's safety also made them feel relieved, this was almost the best result.

The Lu Army who had flown halfway also stopped his body shape, looked at the small woods in the distance, smiled bitterly, and sighed secretly. Fortunately, Ruan Xue still has a back move, otherwise Lin Xiaobai would be really dangerous this time.

In this way, there is no need for him to pass, just to continue to observe the situation on the battlefield.

Feeling his body being held up, Lin Xiaobai didn't react, and subconsciously looked at Ruan Xue above.

When she saw Ruan Xue waved her hand, she also raised her left hand and gave her a thumbs up, thanking Ruan Xue for his timely rescue.

Immediately afterwards, she raised the explosive crossbow in her right hand, and shot the tongue that bound the Fengshen pterosaur with a violent shot, using the explosion to break all these tongues and help the Fengshen pterosaur to escape the siege.

At the moment of escape, Fengshen pterosaur immediately turned around and came to Lin Xiaobai above, took Lin Xiaobai away from the top of the tree and returned to Ruan Xue.

"Thanks, I owe you this time." Lin Xiaobai said to Ruan Xue sincerely.

"Small question, we are friends. Next time you want to take an adventure, tell me in advance so that I can be prepared." Ruan Xue chuckled slightly, revealing two very cute little tiger teeth.

In fact, the relationship between her and Lin Xiaobai before today was only to say hello to this level.

But I believe that after this battle, the two of them will become very good friends.

"Okay, this time I'm reckless." Lin Xiaobai also chuckled and nodded heavily, and then pointed down, "The mission is almost complete, and my abilities are cooling. Let's go back and return."

After speaking, Lin Xiaobai prepared to order the Fengshen pterosaur and the bee sting pterosaur to return.

The lickers and rippers below were indeed almost solved by them, even if there were a few thousand left, they couldn't solve them now.

But Ruan Xue stopped Lin Xiaobai directly: "Wait, my third ability is not over yet, maybe there is a chance to clear them all."

"Huh?" Lin Xiaobai didn't quite understand what Ruan Xue meant, and looked at the green below. "Doesn't your ability make the ground grow a small forest? What else?"

"Keep looking down, it will be done soon." Ruan Xue specifically sold a pass.

In this way, Lin Xiaobai could only look down suspiciously, waiting for the follow-up that Ruan Xue said.

As time passed, Lin Xiaobai found something very strange.

That is, after a few seconds, the trees below actually moved, turning into tree people one after another, using their roots and branches to attack the surrounding mutant infected bodies.

"This...this..." Lin Xiaobai on the back of the wind **** pterosaur looked silly, she didn't expect Ruan Xue to have this.

This scene of life hanging by a thread made the expressions of all the rebels changed, and some even shouted.

The Lu Army immediately turned on the Dragon Form and flew into the air, continuously using the blinking, in an attempt to assist Lin Xiaobai.

But to be honest, he is now several hundred meters away from Lin Xiaobai, plus the need to accurately predict the position or something, even if the speed is faster, it will take a few seconds to get past.

It was already difficult for Lin Xiaobai to hold on for a few seconds, and it was estimated that in the next second he would be swallowed alive by a black thorn infected body.

The tied Fengshen pterosaur also knew about Lin Xiaobai's danger, and also wanted to save Lin Xiaobai.

It's a pity that it's condition is even more dire, being held tightly by hundreds of lickers, and can only insist on not being pulled down.

Ruan Xue is the closest person to Lin Xiaobai and capable of rescuing.

But she didn't order the Fengshen pterosaur to fly down, instead she knotted her hands again and closed her eyes, as if something was brewing.

Immediately afterwards, hundreds of green-lighted seeds quickly fell from Ruan Xue to the ground. Some fell on the infected body, and some entered the ground. I don’t know what the effect would be...

Looking at the sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks in front of him, the bloodthirsty black thorn infected body in front of him, Lin Xiaobai knew that he could not wait any longer, and directly put a cold shield on himself.

Then she lifted the explosive crossbow and shot a burst of black thorn infected body close at hand.

As the flames of the explosion bloomed in front of Lin Xiaobai, Lin Xiaobai and the black thorn infected body that rushed up were swallowed by the fiery flames.

Fortunately, Lin Xiaobai was protected by a cold shield and was not injured by unnecessary fire.

But the infected black thorns are miserable. Their thin bodies are impossible to block the attack, and they are destroyed by the flames and shock waves.

This also means that Lin Xiaobai will no longer be threatened by the black thorn infected body in a short time.

Unfortunately, the tongue of the licker failed to withstand the burning of the flame, and the moment the black thorn infected body died, it also snapped off.

Lin Xiaobai also lost what he could grasp and fell straight to the ground.

Although she was protected by a cold shield, she would not necessarily fall to death if she fell, but there were thousands of infected bodies waiting for her below, and the consequences could be imagined.

Lin Xiaobai could also feel the **** of death beckoning to her, but she didn't have any means to save herself, so she could only let her body roll in the air.

When it was halfway down, Lin Xiaobai's eyes were still firm, and there was no fear at all. Instead, there was a strange smile on the corner of his mouth.

This is because she has completed the task and did not shame the Lu Army. No matter what the consequences, she does not regret her choice.

The Lu Jun in the distance watched this scene, his heart was about to jump out, and he quickly muttered "flicker and flicker" silently, his eyes locked on Lin Xiaobai's figure.

It is a pity that the blinking is used at an interval of one second, which does not support unlimited use.

So even if Lu Jun had the power to reach the sky, he could only watch Lin Xiaobai go to death at this time.

Just when Lin Xiaobai was only two meters away from the ground and could touch the infected group a little further down, Ruan Xue above suddenly moved.

She opened her eyes, let go of Jieyin's hands, and shouted: "The growth of wood!"

Then the seeds that had just fallen into the ground grew branches and leaves, rushing out frantically, until they became trees more than three meters high.

This also meant that the hundreds of seeds Ruan Xue had just planted turned into a small forest in the blink of an eye.

Many infected bodies on the ground were directly lifted up by the emerging trees before they knew what was happening, and hung between the branches.

At the same time, their dense formation was completely destroyed, and they were in a situation where they could not find each other's companions.

The most important thing is that Lin Xiaobai happened to have two seeds under her body, which caused her to be directly supported by a tree. Not only was she unharmed, she was also free from the situation of being surrounded by the mutant infected body.

The rebels in the distance looked at the green appearing in the infected group, and they were stunned.

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