Facing the Giganotosaurus in front of them, the infected tyrants also surrounded them symbolically, attempting to attack according to their plan.

But after they went up, they realized that they couldn't beat it. The body of Giganotosaurus was really too powerful.

This is also the reason why the Southern Giant Beast Dragon dared to have more enemies. Without this kind of flesh, it would not rush in.

Under the fierce attack by the Southern Giant Beast Dragon, the situation was already obvious, and it was only a matter of time before the infected tyrants were killed.

As for the other mutant infections around, not to mention, they are ants in the eyes of the giant southern beast dragon.

The giant southern beast dragons in the battle did not deliberately deal with them at all, just stomping on them and hitting them at will will cause a lot of death.

It is no exaggeration to say that in the face of the absolute strength of the Southern Giant Beast Dragon, even a million elite infections are no use.

After all, if you can't beat it, you can't beat it. Some problems can't be solved by quantity alone.

When Giganotosaurus was dealing with the infected body of the tyrant, the Lu Army finally felt the most critical area on the far right.

There are fifteen infected tyrants in this area, and there are countless other mutant infected bodies, and many infected tyrants are coming.

There are many corpses of dinosaurs and orc warriors around, all of whom died during the battle with the infected tyrant.

Had it not been for the Lu Army to promptly withdraw the living dinosaurs and orc warriors to the sky, it is estimated that there would be more casualties.

But seeing the enemy arrogant right in front of them, but one's own side was unable to fight back. This feeling made the dinosaurs and orc warriors very stunned, and their eyes turned red.

Fortunately, the road army came over at this time, allowing them to see the hope of counterattack, or the hope of revenge.

But to be honest, it was a headache for the Lu Army to see so many tyrant infected bodies together.

Because he left the strongest tyrant infected body on the other side, he can't summon a dinosaur now, and everything can only rely on his own ability.

Although he didn't think he could deal with so many tyrant infected bodies at the same time, the corpses of dinosaurs and orc warriors deeply stimulated his nerves, making him feel like a fire was burning in his heart.

Anyway, the current situation is that the arrow is on the string, and I have to send it.

In the next moment, the Lu Army condensed a flame explosive bomb with each of his left and right hands, and threw it heavily at the infected body of the tyrant below.

Although the power is much weaker than the Super Flame Explosive, it failed to kill a tyrant infected body after a burst of explosion.

But this kind of attack is still effective, causing the infected tyrants to raise their heads and look at the position of the road army...

The news made Lu Jun no longer able to calm down, and he always felt that the canopy could not hold up for ten minutes.

Now that the sky is blocking them, they still have a way out and their fault tolerance rate is high.

If the sky is broken, they will be infected like a tyrant without a shield, and a single mistake can be fatal.

So the sky can't be broken anyway, otherwise everything will become passive.

After trying to understand this, the Lu Army no longer hesitated, and directly took back all the Tier S dinosaurs on the battlefield, and then released the super-order Giganotosaurus.

This is because he has so much brain power. If he wants to keep Giganotosaurus fighting outside for a long time, he can only call out other dinosaurs.

The moment the giant southern beast dragon came out, the battlefield immediately became much quieter, and almost every infected tyrant focused on the giant southern beast dragon.

After all, as the strongest of the infected group, they can feel that the giant southern beast dragon is also very strong, and they still dare not neglect.

And the Giant Southern Beast Dragon was not polite at all, opening its mouth was a deafening roar that resounded throughout the battlefield.

Some of the weaker mutant infected bodies were directly shaken to death by this roar, and their heads exploded like a cracked watermelon.

The creatures on the west wind fortress are very excited, and the appearance of the giant southern beast dragon greatly boosted their morale.

"You stay here, don't allow any tyrant infected body to approach the sky, I will go to the other side to defend." The Lu Army said to the giant southern beast dragon that just appeared.

Then he flew to the other side of the critical situation without looking back.

This is the only way he can think of, let the Giant Southern Beast Dragon sit here, and he will support it himself.

As for why not keep the larger number of Tier S dinosaurs, but replace them with only one Giganotosaurus.

The reason is that the strength of the Southern Giant Beast Dragon is stronger than that of the Tier 4 supernatural ability, and it definitely has the ability to guard one side.

Although the number of Tier S dinosaurs is large and their strength is similar to that of the Tyrant Infected Body, they need someone to command them to exert their maximum strength.

So in comparison, it must be more cost-effective to keep the stronger Giganotosaurus.

As a super-rank creature, the giant southern beast dragon can understand Lu Jun's words. The moment Lu Jun finished speaking, it opened its legs and rushed towards a tyrant infected body.

Feeling the mighty power of the Southern Giant Beast Dragon, the Tyrant Infected Body was a little stunned, even if it was simple in mind, it was frightened.

When it reacted, the Giganotosaurus was already in front of its eyes and hit its shield with a huge body.

With the sound of "bang", the shield of the tyrant's infected body was instantly shattered, and it fought faster than the Lu Army and Tier S dinosaurs combined.

Immediately afterwards, Giganotosaurus bit the tyrant's infected neck with one bite, twisted it a few times with its bite force, and directly gnawed down the tyrant's infected body's head.

Everyone who saw this scene was stunned. After all, this was a Tier S tyrant infected body, and the Lu Army had no such ability.

The surrounding infected body of the tyrant was also shocked by the giant southern beasts, and they rushed towards the location of the giant southern beast dragon together, there were seven or eight.

What they think is that they have a large number of themselves, and the Giant Southern Beasts can't kill them all at once, so they can take this opportunity to beat the Giant Southern Beast Dragon.

But what they don't know is that the giant southern beast dragon's dragon skills have not been used yet.

In the next moment, the Giant Southern Beast Dragon opened its huge mouth, condensing a super-flame explosive bomb, and blasted it at the place where the tyrant had the most infected bodies.

As the violent explosion sounded, the location of the tyrant's infected body was surrounded by flames, and the high temperature generated in the center of the explosion was as high as 2,000 degrees.

And under the bombardment of the Super Flame Explosive, the shield of the Tyrant Infected Body was instantly shattered.

Several tyrant infected bodies were still being burned by the fiery flames. If they weren't for their thick skin, they would have died.

More importantly, once the shield is broken, the Tyrant Infected Body has no advantage, and the number is useless.

The Giganotosaurus also knew this very well. It didn't even use the second Super Flame Explosive. It rushed up with its legs away, packing up the tyrant's infected body one by one.

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