Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 2325: Dragon is handsome!

"But these days, the eight of you, I can't see what you have done. On the contrary, you are a little negligent and the casualties are not large."

"So in the next attack, your Babuzhong will be the vanguard. Isn't that okay?" The bishop of the Apocalypse sect at the forefront pointed to where Babuzhong and the others were, with a serious expression.

What he said didn't mean any targeting or partiality. It was a big truth. People like Babuzhong really didn't make much effort these days.

Zhiba also set his sights on Babuzhong and others, as if tacitly acquiescing to the statement of the Apocalypse Sect.

Anyway, they will definitely not be the vanguard this time, and it doesn't matter who the Apocalypse sect and the Eight Tribes do him.

After listening to the speech of the bishop of the Apocalypse sect, Lao Wu and Baqi looked at each other directly, as if they were communicating with their eyes.

Then the two of them nodded to each other, and the old five spoke first: "We are indeed doing something else during this period of time, and we are a little slack in attacking the Westwind Fortress."

"So we are willing to take on the vanguard mission this time, and there will be no more problems, how?"

At the same time that the fifth child finished speaking, Baqi also nodded. It seems that even the grumpy man has no objection to this.

However, Zhiba and the others were obviously a little surprised, because the eight members of the public had categorically rejected the vanguard mission a few days ago, and the tone was very strong.

But what is the reason for speaking so happily now? Are they hiding something?

Although there are great doubts in their minds, since someone is willing to be the pioneer, they are still very satisfied.

"Um... Your forces have already decided, haven't you? Do you need any help from the Knights of the Apocalypse? As long as we can do it, I will definitely help." Zhiba suddenly said softly.

Although he sounds kind, but in fact everyone knows that Zhiba is just being polite.

If people like Babuzhong asked him for military assistance, he would definitely not agree to it, and it is estimated that he would completely reject it.

The old five and Baqi seemed to know this completely, and shook their heads directly: "No, we have our own methods. We don't need your support to ensure that there will be no problems."

"The only thing I want to make clear to you is that after we charge up, you will follow behind so that we can protect you within 30 meters."

"By then, our task here will be almost completed. The next thing is up to you. If we can't capture the West Wind Fortress, we won't be able to recite this pot."

Seeing the mysterious appearance of Lao Wu and Baqi, Zhiba and the bishop of the Apocalypse sect glanced at each other, feeling a little strange, so Zhiba said in a deep voice, "I wonder if you can reveal the method of attack? So that we can cooperate with you. This is a good thing for us..."

"There is no need to say it yet, anyway, you will know it by then, just remember what I said." Baqi shook his head directly, and sold it on purpose.

In the end, the tripartite coalition forces decided that their various ministries have continuously launched feint attacks on the people in the West Wind Fortress in recent days to see who caused the most trouble to the rebels.

This period is five days, and the person who has caused the least trouble to the resistance will be responsible for being the vanguard.

Since it was the proposal made by the old five and Yaqi, neither the Knights of the Apocalypse nor the people of the Apocalypse sect made much sense.

After all, it takes a lot of time to launch a series of onslaught, and these five days are just right.

So this is also the reason why the trilateral joint army has only pretended to attack the Westerly Fortress in recent days, but has not really taken action.

Now that the five-day deadline is approaching, there is not much time left until they actually launch an onslaught.

"This person is the mastermind who shaded our hands that night? Good return! I was worried that he would run away a few days ago, and now I can kill him with the fortress in front of me!" The old man seemed a little excited.

It can be seen from the white robe badge on his body that his position is a bishop, which can be regarded as a high position of the Apocalypse sect.

This time the people from the Apocalypse sect came to retaliate against the team he led, and the strength was around Tier 4.

Although he has not seen the Lu Army, his hatred for the Lu Army is no less than that of the Knights of the Apocalypse and Babuzhong.

Because it was the Lu Army who stole the meteorite from their location, he was punished by the above and lost a lot of things.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to run so far in the last days to attack a fortress that he hadn't heard of...

Seeing the news of the Lu Army's return did not scare the Apocalypse Sect and the Babuzhong people, but became more combative, and Zhiba was also very excited.

He was also afraid that these people would be counseled, so that the strength of their Knights of Apocalypse would drop a lot.

Now that everyone has a strong fighting spirit, we can talk about the next thing.

"Okay, let's start talking about the general offensive. Based on our performance these days, I believe everyone knows it. Next, we have to determine two things. First, when should we launch the general offensive against the West Wind Fortress?"

"We must know that we have been here for nearly ten days, and hundreds of thousands of people have consumed a huge amount of money, and supplies have been seriously insufficient."

"If the delay is too long, then we don't need to resist at the West Wind Fortress, our military spirit will collapse on its own, and the action will completely fail."

"The second is who should be the vanguard of the general attack. This must be determined, and this cannot be continued."

"And the most important point is that the items we can disperse mutant creatures and infected bodies are also seriously insufficient."

"Once these things disappear, we will continue to be attacked by monsters at night, and we will have no time to suppress the West Wind Fortress..." Zhiba continued to say a long time, most of them are currently more urgent.

As for the thing he said that can disperse mutant creatures, it is a special stone powder that can only be produced in the Black Cliff Region.

The smell of this item will make mutant creatures and infected people dislike it, and they will stay far away.

It is the existence of this kind of thing that keeps the tripartite joint army in a safe state, and does not need to waste their minds on dealing with monsters.

Otherwise, with the density of monsters in the last days, it would be more difficult for the hundreds of thousands of troops of the Knights of the Apocalypse to come here than to reach the sky...

"Let me say something first. In our offensive these days, the Knights of the Apocalypse made the most effort and suffered the most casualties. Everyone sees this."

"Then we arrived at the Apocalypse Sect. Three days ago, it hit the southeast side of the West Wind Fortress. There were not a few rebels who died in our hands. Let's take second place for now."

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