After all, when a person is not afraid of death, there is no way to restrict him.

But Zhang Xiao saw that Hongyue and the others stopped stopping him, immediately snorted and swaggered back to Zhang Kuang.

In fact, he is a third-order ability person, and the infinite resurrection just now is indeed his ability.

It's just that this kind of ability is a combination type, and you must reach the third rank to have the effect just now.

And this kind of ability can only save life, without any offensive ability, and there is no room for growth.

The most important thing is that he has to eat a lot of things every day to maintain the consumption of powers, which is why he is so fat.

However, in any case, for a city lord who has no worries about food and clothing, it is enough for him to have this life-saving ability, and other things can be done by his subordinates.

This is also the reason why he dared to stay alone with Hongyue and others, because he really is not afraid of death...

"Hey, Hongyue, you did what you should do. I didn't embarrass you just now. Now it's your turn to cooperate with me?" Zhang Kuang looked at Hongyue with a sneer.

After speaking, he arrogantly took out a pair of handcuffs that are unique to eight parts. The meaning was obvious, that is, to catch the red moon.

But he certainly wouldn't hand the Red Moon over to the top, because his plan with Zhang Xiao would be exposed.

His idea was to imprison the Red Moon first, then secretly kill the Red Moon, and take the body of the Red Moon to the higher-ups.

At that time, he can make up a reason to find and kill the red moon, put all the credit on himself, and maybe even get the reward from above.

The only pity is that Hongyue doesn't know where to hide those sea crystals, otherwise if they get those sea crystals, they will definitely make a fortune.

However, even without Hai Jing, he was very happy just to be able to catch the red moon.

After all, this is a knot in his heart, and he can finally make a break today, and then have a good sleep...

"Want to catch me? You are simply dreaming. If you really have this ability, come over." Hongyue's voice gradually became gloomy and cold, and the sharp cone in his hand held it backhand.

The black-robed people behind Hongyue are the same, their eyes are gradually full of warfare, they have already thought about it, today they will cover Hongyue and rush out anyway.

"Since you are obsessed with understanding, don't blame our brothers for deceiving too much!" Zhang Kuang also returned to seriousness, with a murderous intent in his voice.

"War! Follow me to kill!" Hongyue shouted, as if to blatantly, and as if to his subordinates.

Seeing Zhang Xiao's death like this, Hongyue couldn't help but sneer. At first, she thought how good this person was, but she didn't expect it to be a idiot to die.

"I killed him, are you satisfied?" Hongyue shook the sharp cone on her hand and pointed madly.

"Yes, not bad, but take a good look, did you really kill him?" Zhang Kuang looked at Hongyue with a mockery in his tone.

"What?" Hongyue didn't quite understand what the arrogance meant, and subconsciously glanced at the ground.

This look directly shocked her, because I don't know why, Zhang Xiao, who was originally dead, sat up, stretched his waist, and the wound on her neck disappeared.

"How is this possible?!" Hongyue's eyes widened, and she took a few steps back, her face full of disbelief.

She had clearly killed Zhang Xiao just now, and she could feel Zhang Xiao's breath disappear. Now why is this person alive again?

The black-robed people next to him were also very surprised, even if they were knowledgeable, they didn't understand what was going on.

"Hi, Lord Red Moon, we met again, how do you feel killing me?" Zhang Xiao still looked like a hippie smile.

It's just that his face is covered with blood at this time, and it looks very hideous.

"Kill him for me! I don't believe it!" Hongyue kicked Zhang Xiao fiercely, causing Zhang Xiao's round body to lie on the ground again.

The black-robed people around them constantly used their abilities and slammed Zhang Xiao's body fiercely, hitting Zhang Xiao on the ground.

A few seconds later, Zhang Xiao, who had just come back alive, died on the ground again, a huge hole in his stomach was torn open, and the yellow fat inside came out, and the disgusting smell permeated everywhere.

According to normal circumstances, Zhang Xiao was already dead at this time, and even the most powerful technology could not save him.

Looking at this horrible scene, Hongyue did not relax her vigilance at all, but stared at Zhang Xiao on the ground.

Because she has an intuition that Zhang Xiao is not that easy to die and is likely to be resurrected.

Sure enough, when Hongyue was still thinking, Zhang Xiao on the ground suddenly moved, and she couldn't help taking a step back in shock.

This time Hongyue saw clearly, and Zhang Xiao's wound was actually recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, and in a blink of an eye it was intact.

Such a weird recovery speed, Hongyue had never seen it before, let alone a human, even a monster.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Xiao did it again, shook the greasy fat and blood on his hands, and looked at Hongyue and the black-robed people around him with a bit of "grasp": "Next time you want to kill me, say it in advance. Can I be a little prepared?"

Seeing that this didn't kill Zhang Xiao, the people in Hongyue and Heipao looked like they had seen a ghost.

Because this is really horrible, it's the first time they see someone who can't die.

But they didn't plan to let Zhang Xiao go in this way, and soon launched a new round of attacks on Zhang Xiao.

In this way, in the next few minutes, Hongyue and the black-robed men "killed" Zhang Xiao more than five times.

But without exception, every time Zhang Xiao succeeded in surviving, and talked to mock Hongyue and others.

During the period, Kuang Kuang watched with relish from the side, and from time to time he "pointed" and asked Hongyue and others to change ways to kill.

In the end, after many attempts to no avail, Hongyue and the crowd of black-robed people collapsed one after another, and could only give up killing Zhang Xiao.

And Zhang Xiao also took this opportunity to stand up, patted his blood-stained belly, and made an expression that was still not enough.

Due to continuous beatings, Zhang Xiao's clothes had long been rotten, and only a pair of pants was on him.

But Zhang Xiao didn’t care about this. Instead, he said in a provocative tone, “Master Red Moon, do you want to continue? Otherwise, I’ll go back first. It’s cold without clothes and wait for you to find another way to kill me. ."

The moment Zhang Xiao finished speaking, the people in the black robes behind Zhang Kuang laughed and looked at Hongyue and others with contempt.

Hongyue gritted her teeth and didn't say much, because she knew that this must be Zhang Xiao's ability, a power she had never encountered before, and she couldn't crack it, so she could only let Zhang Xiao leave.

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