Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 2282: make trouble

"Then we go back to the headquarters and ask for help from the headquarters. I don't believe that our eight tribes still have nothing to do with them!" Baqi said loudly.

"Oh, Master Yaqi, the current resistance army has formed a large scale. If you want to destroy them, the force that needs to be sent is too great. We have this strength, but the upper part will not agree with our plan, because we will risk The risk is too great..." Old Wu said earnestly.

He wants revenge even more than Baqi, but he understands that the Resistance is not so easy to deal with, so he has to think about it longer.

"Neither does this, nor does that work, you said, what should I do?!" Baqi was a little annoyed by the fifth.

Although he knows that the fifth person said nothing wrong, he now wants to find someone to vent.

"Master Yaqi, I really have a way." The fifth pretended to say mysteriously, "When we passed a place a few days ago, we inadvertently found some clues about the murder of the resistance army."

"What kind of **** clue? They're not killing people every day? Do you still want to use the pre-apocalyptic law to punish them?" Before the old fifth finished speaking, he shouted.

"Master Yaki, don’t worry, if they kill ordinary people, then it’s okay, but the person they killed is called Zhifei. There is a big power behind this person, the name is Knights of the Apocalypse, if we Tell this to the Knights of the Apocalypse, and by the way send the location of the West Wind Fortress, guess what?" The fifth sneered and said to Baqi.

"The Knights of the Apocalypse will definitely come to avenge Zhifei. Then we will have the opportunity to take action against the rebels. Do you mean that?" Yaki's tone became calm. "But you are sure of the strength of the Knights of the Apocalypse. Better than the Silent Crusade? Don't be another one to die, let us go for nothing."

When he said this, Baqi was a little depressed, and the silence of the Crusade had already left him a little psychological shadow.

"I'm pretty sure, Master Yachi, the area controlled by the Silent Crusaders is only the city of Ori, but the Knights of the Apocalypse are different. They are very strong, and they are more than enough to deal with the rebels in seriousness!" The old fifth said viciously.

"Okay, then I will believe you again. If you take me into the pit again this time, I will gouge out your other eye too!" Baqi suddenly threatened Lao Wu.

"However, the Knights of the Apocalypse do not belong to the Blue Wind Region. They came from the Black Cliff Region. I don't know if this will affect our plan..." The old fifth added in a sinking voice.

"It doesn't matter. The enemy's enemy is a friend. No matter where he comes from, I'm sure to resist the army!" Baqi directly waved his hand, indicating that it didn't matter.

"Okay, Master Yaqi, it should not be too late. Let's set off quickly, otherwise the resistance of the resistance army will become stronger by one more day..." The fifth urged Yaqi.

As for Baqi's threat, he is not afraid at all, because Baqi said the same last time, and he is still alive now.

"Then you hurry up and lead the way, why are you still spending here?!" Baqi kicked Old Wu directly.

In fact, what he just said was also angry. If it were before, he might kill the fifth child without hesitation.

But after so many things in these days, he has developed some feelings for the fifth.

After all, in this apocalypse, it is also a rare thing that someone is willing to accompany you every day to go north and south, hard work and no complaints.

In this way, after a brief exchange, Lao Wu took Baqi and a group of people in black robes towards Wolfsmoke City where the Knights of the Apocalypse were located.

These people have been sleeping and sleeping for many days, and they are all very tired.

But even so, they couldn't resist their determination to kill the rebels to take revenge. This is also the driving force for them to move forward...

On Lu Jun's side, he didn't know that the whole thing was a ghost in the black robe, and he didn't know that new troubles would come soon.

At this time, he had already returned to the Westwind Fortress with the backbone of the Resistance, just around the single portal in the middle.

When they came back, they realized that Lin Yilaan had been waiting here long ago. From her blushing face, she could tell that she had spent a lot of brainpower.

"Why are you so fast? How did you communicate with that force before? What did they say? Did you ask the information I need?" Lu Jun asked several questions in one breath.

"Everything is done. The forces I used to be willing to help. They will attack the inner city at around 7:00 tonight to attract firepower. Then we will come out of the inner city and meet them inside and outside. We will definitely be able to do so in a short time. Control the situation." Lin Yi was lazy and reported to the Lu Army.

They did this to let the silent crusaders find trouble for the rebels, consume the strength of the rebels, and it is best to kill both sides, so that they can do things from it.

And their plan was implemented very successfully, and the top of the Silent Crusade became furious after knowing the position of the Resistance.

In fact, it has not been a day or two for them to find the enemy who destroyed the inner city and the scientific research institute. Now that they have finally found it, how could they not act.

Within ten hours, the senior leaders of the Silent Crusade had made a battle plan and sent nearly 50,000 people to attack the West Wind Fortress.

Originally, Baqi and the fifth thought that these 50,000 people would cause huge trouble to the resistance army, and maybe they could cooperate with the Zerg creatures to directly defeat the resistance army.

Because although the resistance is strong, it is still difficult to escape when it is attacked by two sides.

However, just before the Silent Crusade was about to reach the Westwind Fortress, something happened.

That was when the Lu Army came back suddenly, defeated the Zerg creatures in one fell swoop, and almost killed Siwak, changing the situation.

Then set an ambush on the Silent Crusaders and wipe out the remaining 40,000 people of the Silent Crusaders...

This also means that Baqi and the fifth plan completely failed, and it took nearly ten days to obtain such a result, which made them unacceptable.

As for why they are hiding here at this time, it is because they know that Xiaowan has a very special ability to monitor the surrounding situation.

So they can only run so far and use their abilities to observe the battlefield, for fear of being discovered...

"Damn, I can't help it! I'm going to kill them right away! We will launch a sneak attack tonight!" Baqi yelled, a little irrational.

"Don't, Master Baqi, just like us, we didn't have enough food for those dinosaurs in the past. Calm down..." The fifth hurriedly stopped Baqi.

Because he understands Baqi's character, he can do anything when he is angry, if they really let them attack the rebels, it will be over.

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