Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 2275: Naga's joining

With the experience and lessons learned last time, the young master at this time has grown a lot, and he is very confident in the next battle.

However, the current young master didn't want to go directly to Qingfengyu to find someone, because the army was still a bit insufficient.

What he wanted to do at the moment was to attack a stronghold of the Eight Minds in the Azure Domain, so that in addition to revenge, it could also help him increase his strength.

He had planned this for several days, and he didn't make preparations until today. Taking advantage of the darkness at this time, it was a good time to launch an attack.

As time passed, the young master followed the infected body for nearly ten kilometers and came to a camp with many bamboos.

This is the base set up by Ba Buzhong in the Azure Domain. The scale is not very large. The main task is to collect information on the Azure Domain.

As for the number of superpowers here, there are not many, and there are no fourth-order superpowers. Third-order superpowers are their main force.

This is also one of the reasons why the young master puts the target here, the enemy is weak, and he fights easily.

However, the infected body under the young master's speed was obviously faster, and in an instant, a group of black thorn infected bodies crawled through the fence and sneaked into the camp, and began to attack the abilities of the eight groups.

The lickers are also suppressing firepower in the distance, and the elite infected bodies are quickly destroying the fence, wanting more infected bodies to enter.

Given the number and offensive of the infected, it is estimated that it would not even take 30 minutes to break this small camp.

However, the abilities of the Eight Departments are not vegetarian, and they soon use their abilities to fight back.

Although their ranks are not particularly high and there are not many people, as long as an infected body is hit by an ability, it will basically die.

So as long as they stick to the camp for defense, they will be fine for the time being.

But this was only for the time being. As the huge infected tyrant approached, a fence collapsed with one punch.

Even if the abilities are crazy to use abilities to attack, because the tyrant infection belongs to S Tier, and there is a powerful shield, which can basically ignore the attacks of Tier 3 abilities.

Ten seconds later, the infected body of the mad tyrant broke all the fences, causing the infected bodies to swarm in.

Under this circumstance, the abilities of the Eight Departments can only retreat and then start to pull.

But the camp was so big, they soon became irresistible, surrounded by infected bodies, and they couldn't move a single step.

And with the exhaustion of their brain power, these ability players can only stay where they are and die, and they are ordinary people when they can't use the ability.

At the beginning, they were all ready to be loyal to the Eight Factions, but the strange thing is that the infected body surrounding them did not directly kill them, it seems that they are waiting for something...

But at this moment, Hongyue suddenly rushed out from the side: "I will go with you too."

This made Lu Jun stunned, because Hongyue just planned not to go, why did he suddenly change his attention?

"Didn't you mean..." Lu Jun asked directly.

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the red moon: "I have already explained something to the city guards. They should be able to deal with the next situation. It is not necessary to stay here."

"And I think it would be better to go with you. I am familiar with the situation there and it will be of great help to you."

When Hongyue talked about the Lu Army's heart now, he really wanted Hongyue to follow.

"But Starlight City..." Lu Jun's words revealed a hint of hesitation in the middle-aged, because as soon as the red moon was gone, there would be no person in charge in Starlight City.

"I'll stay and guard the Starlight City, it doesn't make much sense for me to go with you, and I am more familiar with the situation here..." Ruan Xue suddenly said.

Although she wanted to go with Lu Jun very much, she also knew that her role was not great.

"Alright, then I will trouble you. If you have something to do, communicate with West Wind Fortress in time." Lu Jun nodded and agreed to Ruan Xue's proposal.

Immediately after that, he stopped staying and took the lead and flew away from Starlight City, aiming at the frosty forest in distress.

Hongyue and the others followed closely. They had wasted too much time and had to get there before dawn.

The elves who had just arrived soon followed, and they had to go back anyway.

After all the bone dragon army flew away, the entire Starlight City suddenly became empty and extremely quiet.

Because the survivors have been curfew due to the tension of the war, and the people of the city defense army are more accomplished, the Starlight City has become like a ghost city.

If the scouts of the Eight Departments came here to take a look at this time, they would find that the Starlight City at this time was extremely empty, and there was not much decent combat power at all.

If it draws troops to attack at this time, it is estimated that Starlight City will lose its defense if it can't resist it for even an hour, which is much weaker than when the Lu Army was.

It's a pity that the members of the Babuzhong have been frightened, not aware of the situation here, let alone inducing troops.

So in the next two days, Starlight City must be safe, which also means that the actions of the Lu Army are completely right...

At the same time, far at the end of the blue domain, a figure dressed in tatters was standing on a huge hull that had been completely corroded.

He was wrapped in a heavy gray robe, his eyes were like a knife, and his eyes made people feel terrified.

The deeply raised arms are not exaggerated like humans, like some kind of terrifying monster.

If Lu Jun and others were here, they would find that this was the young master who had absorbed the virus and survived.

Since escaping from the first battle in Amano Town, he has used special abilities to teleport to the blue domain.

Although it is two places with Qingfengyu, the actual distance here is not far from Qingfengyu.

Because Amano Town is the southernmost end of the Blue Wind Region, and the Blue Wind Region is adjacent to the southernmost end of the Blue Wind Region.

So at this time, the young master was actually very close to the blue wind domain, just crossing the domain boundary.

And below the young master's position, there is a large group of infected bodies marching forward quickly.

There are hundreds of thousands of them, and there are various types. The weakest is also the C-level.

These are the infected bodies of the Azure Domain, and there are some differences in appearance from those of the Qingfeng Domain.

The most obvious is that they have a row of fish-like webs on their feet, which means they may be able to swim.

Looking at the army below, the young master under the gray robe sneered and looked into the darkness in the distance.

After experiencing the last failure, he didn't feel discouraged at all, but came to the blue area to quickly accumulate troops, and it only took half a month to rebuild hundreds of thousands of troops.

And there were almost no weak infected bodies in the army this time, they were all carefully selected by him.

The young master's purpose is also very simple, that is, to return to the Blue Wind Region to seek revenge against the people of Scarface and Babuzhong.

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