Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 2261: Storm formation

"Okay, let's get in. Anyway, there is no better way now." The Lu Jun nodded quickly and motioned to the survivor who made the suggestion to fly ahead and lead the way.

In fact, it is not easy for him to trust a person, let alone someone who has just met and has not understood.

But Lu Jun felt that the person in front of him would not harm him, because there was no motive and no reason.

So the Lu Jun decided to believe it once, but if there were any problems, he would definitely kill the person in front of him...

"Okay, sir, you must remember later, no matter what happens, you must let your creatures follow me closely, otherwise once you get separated, you will basically not be able to find it..." the survivor said. The tone was heavy.

Because he is also very nervous, if something goes wrong, he basically don't want to live...

"Understood, you go in, I will let them do it." Lu Jun nodded quickly, indicating that there is no problem with him.

Although these bone dragons have no brains and don't know how to think on their own, they are still very good at obeying orders, and the Lu Jun is very relieved.

However, in order to ensure that everything is normal, the Lu Army still intends to change the method slightly.

That is, Hongyue follows in front, and he is in charge of the queen, so that there will be no problems with two people one after another.

So the next moment, Lu Jun approached Hongyue's ear and whispered: "You will be responsible for following him in front. If you have any problems, you can kill them directly. I will look at the bone dragon from behind to prevent them from making trouble."

Looking at the Lu Army who had made a decision, Hongyue had no extra words, just nodded: "Okay, be careful yourself."

Immediately afterwards, the two of them dispersed, one leading the team and the other behind, in front and behind the team.

After the road army told the bone dragons of the specific plans and orders, they set off, targeting the storm zone in the distance.

The undead army chasing further behind looked at the Lu Army and others who continued to act, and couldn't help but have a bad feeling.

Originally, they thought that Lu Jun and others had nowhere to go, and wanted to stay and fight to the death.

Red Moon also knew the tension of the situation, and kept thinking about what should be done and how to deal with the current situation in her heart.

Just when the Lu Army and Hongyue had no good ideas, a survivor who followed them suddenly shouted: "My lord! We have a way to get rid of the ghosts behind, but it may be a little dangerous..."

Speaking of the person behind, his voice became smaller, and he seemed to be very unconfident.

"Say! I'll let you speak directly! It doesn't matter if there is danger, just get rid of them!" Lu Jun's tone seemed a little excited.

It can be said that he is now in the stage of being in a state of emergency and rushing to the doctor, and he has not thought about what the few people in front of him are doing...

Anyway, as long as it is a method, he can use it now and dare to use it, and he has to leave here before talking about it.

After receiving the order from the road army, the survivors who followed were refreshed.

At first, he thought that the Lu Army would ignore him. After all, the identity of the Lu Army, his identity, it is difficult for people in high positions to hear other people's words.

But he didn't expect Lu Jun to be so peaceful, it was beyond his expectation...

Then he pointed to an area on the right side: "Look, my lord, there is a storm zone there. As long as we can get in there, we can get rid of the monsters behind!"

Following the survivor's gesture, the Lu Army saw another large area of ​​wind and snow on the left, slowly moving forward.

The so-called storm zone, that is, the popular snowstorm zone, tends to stretch for dozens of miles and often occurs, which can be regarded as one of the characteristics of this domain.

In fact, Lu Jun didn't know the specific situation of the storm zone very well. This was the first time he encountered it, only he had heard of it.

After all, he is not from this domain, and it’s tens of thousands of kilometers away. It’s good to hear that...

But Hongyue seemed to understand what the storm zone was, and suddenly questioned: "The storm zone is full of things like wind blades and ice skates. Can you still live in it?"

Anyone who knows the red moon will know that what the red moon said is not wrong. The storm zone is very destructive.

Although the strength of the Lu Army and the Bone Dragon are very good, it is a fantasy to enter the storm zone and then retreat safely.

If they could have run away, but fell in the storm zone, it would be a bit funny.

That's why Hongyue stepped forward. She has already begun to think about whether the person who made this suggestion is doing something...

"No, sir, those you are talking about are just regular storm zones. The storm zone you see before your eyes is different. It is harmful, but it is definitely not as big as you imagined. With the strength of the adults, it must be able to passed."

"And I know how to walk in the storm zone will minimize the damage. As long as the adults follow me, I will ensure that there will be no casualties."

"Furthermore, we can come out in the middle of the storm zone. It is estimated that we will fly to the Frost Forest in a few minutes. It is also one of the fastest routes." The suggestionist explained quickly.

"How do you say that this storm zone is different from other storm zones? How do you tell it?" Lu Jun couldn't help but ask.

Although he is more courageous, he doesn't like to do unclear things.

What's more, he still has tens of thousands of dinosaurs in his hands, and he is responsible for these lives.

"Um...sir, I don't know how to explain this to you. Maybe you are not a local and don't know the characteristics of the storm area."

"Anyway, in most cases, the speed in the storm zone is very fast. Look at this, it's not very fast."

"So I can conclude that this storm zone is very safe. As long as we dare to enter, we will be able to come out." The survivor who made the suggestion explained it again.

"Then what if the undead creatures also follow up? If it doesn't cause harm to us, isn't it the same for them?" Lu Jun continued to ask.

"It's different, sir, there is still a very special passage in the storm zone. People who don't know can't see it. If you don't leave according to the passage, sooner or later they will get lost and be torn apart. No matter how smart the undead creatures are, they are It's impossible to tell the hidden passage." The survivor looked confident.

Because this is a secret that a few people know, and he happens to be that few people.

"What do you think?" Lu Jun looked up at Hongyue, wanting to know Hongyue's opinion.

"I'm not very familiar with this. If you can't refute him, let's see how you feel. If you think it's okay, then we will enter." Hongyue threw the problem back to the Lu Army.

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