Only the Night Demon looked at everyone with an innocent look. Although it could not understand the people, it could guess what they meant.

After speaking, Lu Jun poured the entire food box in front of the Night Demon and motioned it to eat slowly.

Looking at the human food piled up in front of him, the night demon was about to cry, secretly regretting it, it shouldn't be curious just now...

But now these foods were already in front of it, and the Lu Army was still watching. The Night Demon didn't dare not eat it, so he could only grab the food on the ground one by one and throw it in his mouth.

You must know that night monsters are undead creatures. Under normal circumstances, they only eat raw meat. How can it be delicious like this kind of human food with packaging...

So at this moment it is like letting a lion eat cat food, it is extremely painful, and it has to be eaten up.

Fortunately, the night demon's stomach is large enough, and it quickly swept away the food in front of him, but it will cause gastrointestinal discomfort, everyone doesn't know...

"Do you want more?" Lu Jun handed the night demon a new food box with an "innocent" look.

This made the Night Demon seem to have seen the most terrible thing, and stepped back a few steps, shaking his head frantically, trying to tell the Lu Army not to use it...

Seeing the appearance of the night demon, the people in the black robes were all laughing, including the Watcher and Hongyue.

Because they could see that the Lu Army was deliberately using the Night Demon, they couldn’t imagine that the Lu Army had such a spoof side...

After this episode, everyone ate and drank enough, and began to lie down on the spot to rest in accordance with the Lu Army's orders.

This is almost the most pleasant time for them in the past few days, making them feel that it is worth even if they die later.

In fact, this is also a way for the Lu Army to restore the black-robed people. After all, in the end times, nothing is more exciting than food.

In this way, in the following time, the Lu Army and others have been waiting to spend.

During the period, the Lu Army would talk with Lin Yilaan, Hongyue, and the watchman from time to time, while the other black-robed men squinted their eyes and took a nap.

As for the Night Demon, it didn't take the opportunity to make any small actions, but stared at its belly blankly, seemingly wanting to figure out what it was just eating...

Originally, the Lu Army thought that the Abyss Demon King and the undead creatures would return within three hours, but he was wrong because they waited for a long time.

If there is a timer by their side, the Lu Army will find that they have been waiting from two o'clock in the afternoon to four in the morning, during this time they did not even see an undead creature.

"Damn, isn't this grandson kidding us?!" A black-robed man got up from the ground and pointed to the nose of the night demon.

In fact, it didn't know why the Abyss Demon King and the undead creatures hadn't come back, and could only beg the watchman to let everyone wait a while.

Seeing that it was about to dawn in two or three hours, Lu Jun was also very anxious.

In case they were waiting in the wrong position, a lot of time was wasted not to say it, and it would have a great impact on his next plan, and even lose all the games.

Just as the Lu Army was going to catch the Night Demon and beat him up and cut off his head, the watchman on the side suddenly took the Lu Army’s arm: "They...They seem to be back..."

Hearing this, everyone was quiet, looking at the night sky outside from the entrance of the cave, feeling the movement outside.

Sure enough, they heard a lot of flapping wings in the next moment. Judging by the movement from above, it was estimated that tens of thousands of creatures were flying.

Although it was blocked by the wind and snow, everyone could not see the scene above, but everyone knew that it must be the bone dragon and the gargoyle flying back.

"Quick! Hide everything! Don't say anything!" Lu Jun reminded everyone, giving up the idea of ​​beating the Night Demon.

Everyone immediately obeyed the order of the road army, no longer showing their heads, shrank in the dark area, completely concealing their body shape, preventing the undead creatures from discovering their existence through the cave.

The night demon let go of the hanging heart, thinking to himself that these undead creatures might have caught up, otherwise it would be miserable...

After feeling that the bone dragon and the gargoyle were almost flying, the Lu Jun lightly crawled to the opening of the pit, revealing half of his head, watching the movement on the ground.

When his eyes passed through numerous obstacles in the wind and snow, he finally saw the Abyss Demon King who had returned with a large number of undead creatures.

It's just that the Abyss Demon Lord at this time is no longer the prestige of the past, and his figure in the wind and snow is also a little bleak.

One is that it is too exhausted after more than ten hours of driving, and the other is that it doesn't look majestic enough without the double-headed spear in hand.

Seeing that the route of the Abyss Demon King was far from where they were, Lu Jun was anxious and signaled everyone to prepare for the assault.

His idea was to take advantage of the Abyss Demon King not paying attention, rush out directly, and kill the Abyss Demon King with the most violent offensive.

Although in doing so, as long as there is a mistake, they will be surrounded by undead creatures, and even die here.

But if the Abyss Demon King is allowed to leave and the undead creatures stay around here, then they will have no chance later.

Seeing the Lu Army's gestures, everyone knew that the time had come to desperately, and they began to make final preparations.

All the black-robed people began to gather their brains, planning to use their combined abilities as soon as they left to give the undead creatures and the abyss demon a terrible blow.

The night demon looked nervous at the crowd, because the Lu Army won it to live. If it falls into the hands of the Abyss Demon King, it will die...

Looking at this somewhat harmonious scene, Lu Jun also picked up a food box and simply ate something.

The Night Demon next to him looked at the human beings eating wildly, and couldn't help being a little curious, and wanted to know what the black-robed people were eating.

Looking at the Ye Mo's dim eyes, the "kind" Lu Jun casually handed over a compressed biscuit to signal the Ye Mo to eat it.

Seeing this, the Night Demon immediately nodded his head and happily took the compressed biscuits, without even tearing the bag, and swallowed it in one bite.

But after a few bites of chewing, the night demon's expression changed, because it thought this kind of thing was really unpalatable.

But because Lu Jun was watching from the side, the Night Demon didn't dare to spit out what was in his mouth, so he could only swallow it, and even showed a happy expression.

Seeing that Ye Mo was so "hungry", Lu Jun turned his head, looked at Red Moon waiting, and pointed to Ye Mo: "This'child' is really pitiful. I probably haven't had enough for a long time."

The other black-robed people also got up from the ground one after another. They had already woken up after a while. They really fell asleep in the past. They haven't slept so long since the end of the world.

Lu Jun also had doubts about what the Night Demon said, because logically speaking, after so long, the undead creatures should have returned.

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