As for the direction of the Zerg creature's attack, the Southern Emperor has no control over it. Let those Zerg creatures attack. Anyway, the walls here are relatively thick, and it is estimated that the Zerg creatures will not be able to enter for a while.

But Nandi seemed to overestimate their retreat speed and underestimated the destructive power of Zerg creatures.

It only took less than twenty minutes for the zerg creatures to knock out dozens of large holes in the city wall, facing collapse, and a large number of zerg creatures poured in from outside.

At this time, the team of the Baisha Consortium had just withdrawn half, and nearly 5,000 people and more than 20 tons of materials remained in the city.

In order to preserve the precious materials, the Southern Emperor did not hesitate too much and directly ordered the five thousand soldiers to turn back and block.

Because in his eyes, the lives of these soldiers are not worth more than 20 tons of materials.

The soldiers who received the order were very unwilling. They didn't want to die here.

But the frantic Nandi actually issued a new order, which is to kill any fighters who dared to escape or did not obey the order.

The warriors trapped in the city are really fleeing or staying. No matter from which point of view, there is no way to survive.

In the end, the helpless soldiers still chose to fight, because then there was still a chance, and the escape was really completely dead.

However, five thousand warriors without abilities fought tens of thousands of Zerg creatures, and the result was obvious. The warriors had almost no room to fight back and died in groups.

The Southern Emperor did not pay attention to the life and death of these fighters. After protecting all the supplies, he immediately retreated with the surviving fighters and abandoned the fighters in the city.

There are two reasons for this. One is that they are not capable of saving these fighters, and he doesn't want to love war.

The second is that they have so many supplies and it is not easy to divide them. If these fighters are dead, their budget will be abundant.

Seeing Nandi and the others ran away without looking back, and blocked their only back, the soldiers fighting in the city fell into despair in an instant.

Soon they stopped paying attention to the Zerg creatures around them, and started pouring towards the wall.

Since Nandi didn't save them, and even betrayed them, they could only save themselves.

But this is just the fantasy of the warriors. They don't attack the Zerg creatures, which does not mean that the Zerg creatures will not attack them.

You must know that the Zerg is one of the most unreasonable creatures, more ferocious than the infected, so the next moment I saw the Zerg creatures continue to encircle and kill the escaped soldiers, until the soldiers were completely killed.

Nandi didn't feel the slightest regret or heartache about this, because during the time these soldiers were killed, their group had already gone far, and all the hump beasts were also there.

As long as the materials are still there, then they will have no problem with how many people will be recruited again at that time. This is the Nandi philosophy of doing things. There is no humanity or humanity in the slightest...

In the sky city on the other side, Nandi didn't know that a series of plans against him were unfolding. He was still waiting for news from Scarface, or from the shadow guard.

Although he is not very relieved about Scarface, he still knows the shadow guard very well.

With the strength of the Shadow Guard, as long as Scarface dared to have different intentions, he would definitely not escape the Shadow Guard's pursuit.

As for the loud noise that just came from a distance, Nandi didn't take it to heart. It was completely as Scarface that they were at war with the Zerg creatures.

But when Nandi was about to go up to the city wall to see the remaining soldiers’ defenses, suddenly a scout rushed into the hall in a panic: “No! Lord Nandi, the Zerg creatures have come here, less than three miles away from us. Kilometers! The infected body is on the other side, only 15 kilometers away from us!"

"What? I hit it? Impossible! Scarface is holding people blocking them!" Nandi's tone changed.

"Lord Nandi, he lied to you... The Zerg creatures were not blocked at all, and the people with the scarred face leading us don't know where..." The scout lowered his head, as if he wanted to talk.

"How is it possible... How is this possible... Even if he is discriminatory, what about the Shadow Guard..." Nandi stepped back several steps, even saying that it was impossible.

"Sir Nandi...really...scarfaced him... he probably betrayed us... think of a way..." The scout, ignoring Nandi's identity, stood up and supported him. Nandi.

"Hey, while there is still time, let our people retreat, retreat to Amano Town, someone will meet us over there..." Nandi shook his dizzy head and said with a long sigh.

As Scarface took most of the troops, the number of soldiers in the city was less than 20,000 at this time. It was no longer possible for them to defend Cangqiang City. Evacuation was the best choice.

At the thought of Scarface daring to lie to him, Nandi was irritated and uncomfortable.

After all, a month ago, Scarface was still a figure that he could pinch to death at will, but now Scarface can actually stand up against him, which is the most unacceptable to him.

But now it's useless to think about it, it's still important to escape.

So the next moment, Nandi walked out with the scouts, and began to order the soldiers in the city to retreat separately.

The spread of this kind of news is very fast, even if there is no communication equipment, it will spread ten to ten, and the whole city will soon know it.

They have no opinion on Nandi's order, after all, this is the best method at present.

It's just that they didn't know why Scarface had gone out of the city with a large group before, which made them feel a little flustered.

However, when the enemy was about to come, everyone still focused on the retreat, without thinking about it, quickly sorting out the supplies that could be taken away.

Fortunately, the Southern Emperor had prepared most of the urgently needed materials a few days ago, and did not waste a lot of time.

Ten minutes later, under the leadership of Nandi, everyone began to leave the city in mighty, almost the whole city was retreating outside.

Their supplies are carried by a monster called the Hump Beast. This monster is four meters tall, crawls on four legs, and has an unusually large body, which is very similar to a tortoise.

It's just that the back of this monster is deeply recessed, with a lot of space and strong load-bearing capacity, suitable for putting things.

In addition, this monster is very docile and easy to be tamed, so when tools such as vehicles cannot be used, humans raise the hump beast and use it as a transport tool.

A hump beast can carry about five tons of materials. When more than forty hump beasts move together, the carrying capacity reaches hundreds of tons.

Although it still sounds a bit small, in fact, in the end times, hundreds of tons of materials are already very scary, enough for the people of the Baisha Consortium to eat for a long time.

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