Although Lu Jun had subconsciously wanted to stand up and evade, it was a pity that the afterimage moved much faster than him, and he was knocked to the ground again only halfway through his standing.

This caused the ground under Lu Jun to sink into a piece, as if a deep pit was smashed by a heavy object.

The road army that was continuously attacked was even more unable to resist, there were multiple breaches in the body, and blood was constantly flowing down.

Seeing the road army that had almost lost its combat effectiveness, Siwak did not choose to strike anymore. Instead, he stopped his body shape and used his weight to suppress the road army firmly, intending to abolish the road army just like this.

It also used this method the last time it fought with the Route Army, and it succeeded.

Although the strength of the road army has increased this time, its size has also grown a lot.

But while the Lu Army was progressing, Siwa was not idle, and its strength was growing rapidly.

So this time, even when it uses the real body at the same time as the Lu Army, it can still press the Lu Army under its body, and it still uses the same method.

This is the advantage of strong hard power, even if the same method is used, it will still be effective.

Lu Jun also knew that Siwak had calculated it again, but he really couldn't guard against the invisible speed.

Feeling his squashed body, the Lu Army struggled hard, using both hands and feet at the same time, and continuously spraying flame explosive bombs on Siwak at close range.

But even so, Siwak still did not relax his suppression of the Route Army, and wrapped more tentacles around the Route Army.

Because it is very clear, as long as the flame bomb can't kill it, then as time goes by, the road army must die.

With five or six flame bombs exploding, Siwak's body broke through several holes, and the blood wet a large area of ​​the ground.

The Lu Army’s situation was obviously worse. Apart from the wounds, it was difficult to breathe, and the frequency of physical struggles was reduced a lot.

The Resistance Army and others in the distance watched this scene, knowing that the Lu Army was about to be unable to hold it, they were extremely anxious and wanted to do something.

But because of their strength, it's okay to deal with ordinary Zerg creatures. Compared with the commander of Siwak's strength, it is cannon fodder, and it can't change anything at all.

What's more, at this time, they still lack the mental and physical strength, and it is even difficult to deal with ordinary Zerg creatures, let alone rescue the road army from Siwak.

It is estimated that at this time, except for Tier 4 abilities, it is difficult for anyone else to intervene in this kind of battle.

It's a pity that the Tier 4 ability players on the road side have almost no combat effectiveness and cannot join the battlefield.

As time passed, the situation of the Lu Army got worse and worse. Not only did the wounds increase, but it was also difficult to breathe.

It is estimated that in less than two minutes, he will be forced to withdraw from his physical state due to injuries.

At that time, there was no protection from the real body of Tyrannosaurus, and it is estimated that the Lu Army could not even stop Siwak in his real body for three seconds.

So these two minutes are the last moments of the Lu Army and the last moments of the West Wind Fortress.

Because the road army fell, the rebels lost their high-level strength and could absolutely not block Siwak's attack.

The Lu Jun also knows these things very well, so it will make a decision in the next moment, ready to use the ability to detonate all its power.

Although this ability similar to "self-mutilation" caused great harm to his body, in order to get rid of Siwak, the Lu Army could no longer take care of that much, and could only change the situation forcibly.

At the moment when he thought of this method, the skin of Lu Jun's whole body began to turn red, igniting fire at the fastest speed.

Feeling this familiar force, the Lu Army regained a little strength and used his teeth to bite Siwak hard.

Seeing the changes in the road army, Siwak immediately realized that the road army was going to use that kind of explosive ability, which made it suddenly startled.

Because it was injured by this ability last time, it took a long time to recover, so it still has a fresh memory.

So it subconsciously wanted to avoid it and didn't plan to let the Route Army bomb it again.

However, the Lu Army bit Siwak in advance to prevent it from escaping.

When they saw Siwak about to flee, the Lu Army bite harder and put all of their power on Siwak.

In this way, no matter how much Siwak struggled, he could not escape, but was bitten by the road army.

Although it is much larger than the Lu Army, it does not mean that it can fly back with the Lu Army.

Feeling the increasing heat on the Lu Army, Siwak also knew that his trouble was big, and immediately prepared to defend against the explosion.

At the same time, it is also secretly cursing that the road army has a problem with its brain, and it must use this "harmful and self-harming" ability to bomb it...

But it soon discovered that even if its tentacles let go of the road army, it was useless, the road army still bit it firmly.

Feeling the growing wound in his abdomen, Siwak panicked, and controlled his body to quickly retreat for several steps, even if a piece of flesh was torn off by the Lu Army's teeth.

Immediately after it didn't even have time to see the injury, it immediately used its own abilities to quickly float into the air and get a distance from the road army.

Because the Lu Army was too strong when using the real body of Tyrannosaurus, and its whole body was full of weapons, it couldn't stand it.

However, although Siwak had been injured, the Lu Army did not mean to let it go.

In the next second, the Lu Army spewed out three flame bombs in succession, following Siwak's floating figure.

And the attack position of the three flame bombs was very tricky, aiming at the wound on Siwak's abdomen.

If it really hits the flame bomb, then it is estimated that Siwak will suffer some more, maybe he will be hit hard.

The Lu Army also cared about this attack. After all, this was the key to his advantage, and it was related to the next situation.

When the Lu Army saw that the flame bomb was about to hit Siwak, Siwak's figure floating in the air suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

Immediately afterwards, an afterimage appeared above the road army and hit the road army's body severely.

Due to the lack of reaction, the Route Army was unable to evade and was directly hit by the afterimage.

Then the huge body of the Lu Jun flew out and collapsed on the ground.

At this time, he only felt that his skeleton was about to shatter, and his muscles were extremely painful.

At the same time, the Lu Army knew that the afterimage that attacked him just now was Siwak.

Because Sivac used this weird speed to deal with him during the last battle, which made him remember.

The only thing that puzzled Lu Jun was that he couldn't see Siwak's figure when he belonged to a Tier 3 ability last time.

This time he was clearly a Tier 4 ability person, why couldn't he keep up with Siwak's speed?

But before the Lu Army thought about it, the afterimage reappeared, came directly to the top of the Lu Army, and hit it again.

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