Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 2219: Holy armor

"Wait..." Hongyue suddenly stopped all the black-robed men in front of him, "First take off the equipment that the Lu Army gave you. Let's hide around and then go in, otherwise it won't be good to cause a misunderstanding. ."

While talking about the red moon, she put down the rifle in her hand, and the Lu Army gave her some accessories that could boost her brain power.

The other black robes did the same, putting down their equipment except for the black robes and gathered together.

Although they can double their combat effectiveness with these things, they can't explain the origin of these things. It's better not to bring them into Starlight City.

A few minutes later, the black-robed man removed all his equipment and hid in a large stone pit around him.

"Let's go." Hongyue beckoned, indicating that the people in black robes can leave.

After speaking, she took the lead and walked towards Starlight City, letting a crowd of people in black robes follow behind.

After approaching the Starlight City within one kilometer, Hongyue and the others were found, and a group of black-robed men stood up and stopped them.

"Stop! This is the center of Starlight City, tell your identities right away!" A black-robed man held a long knife made of unknown material in his hand and swung it.

"Ba Buzhong, Hongyue, I want to see your city lord and lead the way right away!" Hongyue slowly took out her identity card from her arms and shook it.

As soon as they saw the sign, the people in Heiyao who had stopped Hongyue and the others stepped back, staring at each other.

Although the black robe concealed their expressions, they were still obviously surprised.

"What? You don't know how to read?" Hongyue said a little impatiently.

In fact, she has a lot of status in Babuzhong, and many people know her, so it is not too much to see the lord of Starlight City when she speaks.

"Um... It turns out that it is Lord Hongyue... It's our rudeness... how offended..." The black-robed man who took the lead arched his hands towards Hongyue, and then immediately turned his head, "Come on! Now bring red Master Yue goes to see the city lord!"

Immediately after the black-robed man finished speaking, two black-robed men came out, made a please gesture, and walked in the forefront.

As for the other black-robed people, they are also responsible for patrolling here. They cannot leave easily, and it is enough for two people to lead the way.

Hongyue nodded, and people wearing black robes followed behind, taking a look at the surroundings of Starlight City from time to time.

However, what Hongyue didn't know was that after they left, the black-robed man who had just spoken to him suddenly ordered something to the people around him.

Immediately afterwards, he detoured for a while, entered the Starlight City from another gate, and walked towards the center of the city as fast as possible, looking very anxious...

At this time, the outer city was still in chaos, mostly small forces or survivors.

With the influx of the road army with his army, these people immediately calmed down like the sea after the storm.

This is because they received the news that both the Silent Crusade and the Scorpion Regiment had been destroyed. Without the support of large forces, these people could not overcome any storms at all, and they were not opponents of the Road Army.

Although they have a lot of people, they are incomparable with the people on the road side in terms of abilities and weapons, and naturally they have no fighting spirit.

No matter when the crowd is, there is a very strange characteristic, that is, to follow the trend.

When everyone came out to riot at night, they also came out, and when the riot was subdued during the day, they also followed the crowd to retreat.

Relying on this, the Lu Army and the others settled everything without any loss in the following time.

This also means that both the inner city and the outer city fell into the hands of the road army at this time, and the entire city of Ori was under his control.

For these survivors, the Lu Army did not act on them, and directly asked them to return to their normal lives.

Because Orly City needs these people, if all those involved in the riots are killed, then Orly City will have to halve its population.

The Ordinary members of the Scorpion Corps and the Silent Crusade did not make them too embarrassed, but they dismantled them and let them all join the Tomahawk Corps and become an affiliated regiment of the Resistance Army.

But for the high-level scorpion group and silent crusaders, the road army is not so tolerant. They should be slaughtered and killed to prevent these people from continuing to plan other things and resurgence.

This also means that the Silent Crusaders and the Scorpion regiment have been expelled in Ori, which was also the original goal of the Lu Army.

In the ensuing time, the Lu Army led everyone through the chores of clearing the battlefield and dealing with the city of Ori, everything was very cumbersome.

At the same time, on the other side, Hongyue and a group of people in black robes returned to their territory after several days of driving, the border junction of the Azure Wind Region and the Azure Region.

The largest city in this area is Starlight City, with a total population of 800,000, and it is also the only human city that can function here after the end of the world.

Of course, all of this is inseparable from the Eight Departments. It is because they have repelled the surrounding enemies countless times, and Starlight City can be retained...

"Master Hongyue, Starlight City is in front, shall we go in?" A man in black robes pointed to the front and whispered to Hongyue.

"Come in, otherwise we'll be gone for nothing these few days." Hongyue nodded.

"But Master Hongyue, I don't understand, why are we coming back, wouldn't it be nice to follow the Lu Army over there..." Another black-robed man suddenly said weakly.

"It's very good on the Lu Army side. Following him will be very promising, but half a month ago, we were driven out from here by madness. This matter is not over yet. I am not a survivor, this Everything must be broken!" Hongyue's voice became louder and louder.

"Then why are we coming to Starlight City? Wouldn't it be better to go directly to the northwest stronghold where Zhang Kuang is located? They are only more than 30 kilometers away from here, and it is estimated that we can be there before noon today." The black robe man still did not understand and continued to propose .

"Because Starlight City has the senior officials of our eight tribes, I must ask them to make it clear!" Hongyue shook her fists slightly, "If we directly attacked the northwest stronghold, it would be equivalent to betraying the eight tribes, a rebel. ."

"I don't want to be like this. Even if I want to leave, I have to be upright and leave righteously. I will not betray anyone."

"So I want to come to Starlight City to get authorization from the eight high-level officials, and then attack the arrogant Northwest stronghold!"

Although it sounds like Hongyue's approach is a bit silly, this is her bottom line and persistence. People must persist.

"I see, Lord Red Moon, we will always be by your side." The black-robed man who just asked the question nodded and made a gesture of entering the Starlight City.

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