Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 2212: A behemoth

At that time, it must let the road army and others see the true strength and the price of daring to fight it.

After walking about a hundred meters forward, Ruan Bing suddenly came to the road army and pulled the sleeves of the road army: "I suddenly thought of this immature idea, which is that the current King Hank is in Soul form, I just happen to be able to restrain the soul."

"If we take this opportunity to launch a sneak attack, maybe we can kill it in one fell swoop, or even put its soul away, let it experience the pain of wood!"

While talking, Ruan Bing shook the soul-eater sickle in his hand. This was something that could swallow all souls.

The people around were also very interested in Ruan Bing's thoughts, and even Lu Jun was a little moved.

When King Hank wanted to kill him, he was thinking about **** King Hank...

"No, it is guarded in advance, and its soul is different from the creatures we have encountered before, and it is stronger than any creature."

"One more thing, don't forget. In the West Wind Fortress, it fought you in the form of soul. You should be able to feel its specific strength at that time." The wood beside him whispered to Ruan Bing. Lu Jun and others explained.

King Hank's soul stayed in him for a while, so it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the person who knows King Hank best.

Knowing that everyone's thinking was wrong, of course he had to come out in time to stop it.

Although there is no deeper relationship between her and Mu Mu, there is very little communication even in normal times.

But before, when the wood was normal, they did not participate in the battle less. She remembered that the wood was always in front of her.

So at this time, after a lot of hard work, letting the wood return to normal, she seemed extremely excited.

"Yes, Xiaowan, what you see now is the me who used to be, which has caused you trouble these days..." Muko said with deep apology.

He is not good at talking, and he is not usually polite, so he seems very sincere at this time.

It's just that he didn't dare to look into the eyes of the Lu Army, because it was indeed a shameful thing to be taken away by the souls of other planes.

If it weren't for the Lu Jun and others desperately to save him, he might have become a puppet forever and exist in this plane.

So he remembered the kindness very clearly, and he was deeply grateful besides being ashamed.

"You're not wrong about this, we brothers don't have to say this, just come back." Lu Jun's eyes were red, and he said with a serious face.

He was not showing his face to Wood, but wanted to tell Wood that he did not have any fault and need not blame himself.

Because the wood went from being placed on the soul body of King Hank to being controlled by King Hank, it was all caused to protect the Resistance Army and the West Wind Fortress.

If it weren't for the wood's desperate resistance, the West Wind Fortress might have fallen into the hands of Zerg creatures, let alone what it is now.

Therefore, the wood did not owe them anything, but they owed a lot of wood to the resistance army.

Fortunately, now that all of this is about to end, and the wood is back, it is considered that he has no knots, and everyone is happy.

Even the Lu Army is like this, not to mention the surrounding Ruan Bing and others, they are more emotional than the Lu Army, and they almost cried out directly.

After all, it has been more than ten days since Mu Mu's coma, during which they did not speak to Mu Mu normally.

Now I hear the normal sound of the wood, still so close to them, not being excited is fake...

Lu Jun's words made Mumu even more moved. There is nothing more important than someone understanding him.

"Okay, let's remember the old days when we go back. It's not safe here, we should leave." Lu Jun glanced around and said to everyone.

Now they are all Hank beasts not far away, and even what they say will be heard, which is not a good thing.

At this moment, the soul of King Hank in the distance also spoke: "If there is no problem, please let the front door open, we are going in..."

When saying this, it was spoken in human language, and even though the accent was different, it could still be heard very clearly.

You have to know that at this time it has broken away from the body of wood, and it can still speak human language. It seems that it has almost copied the memory of wood.

Although King Hanke was very upset with Lu Jun and others, he meant that he did not intend to let Lu Jun and others go.

But it is very clear that the most important thing is to get your own body at this time.

It is not too late to decide whether to pursue the road army and others after regaining all their combat power. Anyway, the road army and others cannot run far in a short time.

Seeing that King Hank had begun to expel them, Lu Jun and the others also agreed, leading them to sideways and let out the door.

"Remind you, it will be dawn soon. You must follow our original route to return to the plane channel, and you must hurry before noon, otherwise you may not have a chance to go back." The soul of King Hank next to it. Suddenly added.

But it was not out of good intentions, but wanted to confirm the route of the road army and others, and it would undoubtedly be much easier to chase by then.

"Well, I understand, don't let your people follow us, or if we find out, we will do it directly." Lu Jun said to King Hank in a half-ridiculous tone.

He didn't know the thoughts of this ghost creature, it is likely to send someone to chase it.

After all, both of them had torn their skins at this time, and King Hank had no reason not to retaliate against the Lu Army.

"Don't worry, I'm not such a person. If you walk slowly, I won't give it away. Thank you for your help these days. See you if you are lucky." King Hank said pretentiously, and smiled after he finished speaking.

Although it is a fuzzy soul form, it can still read something meaningful from its smile.

"Okay, don't pass it this way, I hope you can go well in the future." Lu Jun also responded with a smile to King Hank.

Then he walked in the forefront, leading everyone and his own creatures away from the tower.

Looking at the back of Lu Jun and the others, King Hank's face instantly became gloomy, and he waved his hand to the men behind him, beckoning them to follow up and monitor Lu Jun and the others.

But in order not to be discovered, it also deliberately gave orders so that its subordinates could only follow from a distance.

If unfortunately it was discovered by Ku and others, they would just run away without having to fight against Lu Jun and others.

Anyway, King Hank knew that even if these Hank beasts desperately attacked, they would definitely not be able to defeat the Lu Jun and others.

As long as it locks the position of the Lu Jun and others, after it merges the body and soul, it will follow the Lu Jun to chase up, surround and kill the Lu Jun and others.

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