Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 2203: Giant beast core

Because their position happened to be in the middle of the undead army, the undead creatures easily surrounded them.

And it happened to be within one kilometer of the Destruction Guard, and the Lu Army couldn't escape from the flash.

But the Lu Jun quickly set his sights on the night demon. What he thought was that if he could replicate the dark area of ​​the night demon and restrict the destruction guard again, so that he could escape with flashing.

Thinking of this, the Lu Army touched the Destruction Guard, copied the ability of the Dark Domain, and stored it on the middle finger.

But the Lu Army's expression changed the moment it was copied, because the rank of this ability was too high, and the Lu Army's current strength was completely useless.

In this way, they really can't escape, the Lu Army can only let the undead creatures surround them, waiting for the destruction guard to come over.

The Destruction Guard who had just arrived also knew that the Lu Army and the others could not run away, and walked not far in front of the Lu Army with a smug look.

Although it doesn't know why these humans disappeared and then returned, it does not matter as long as the result is good.

"Traitor! You are with these lowly human beings! I want to take you to Lord Ner'zhul so that you can accept the cruelest torture in the world!" The Destruction Guard said to the Daredevil in an undead language.

"Hehe, you have no chance, because I will die here today, and no one can torture me." The voice of the night demon revealed tragic and strong.

If the creature in front of the undead clan is another creature, it may beg for mercy, but it will not destroy and guard it.

Because the Destruction Guard was made before the death of the Abyss Demon, and he was completely on the side of the Abyss Demon.

Even if the night demon begs for mercy, he won't get any forgiveness, but may be humiliated instead.

Therefore, it is a death anyway, it is better to choose a more glorious way of death.

Being hit by the Night Demon like this makes the Destruction Guard very uncomfortable, but it is not angry, because there is no need to be angry with a creature that is about to die.

"Actually, I feel very lucky to be able to fight with you to the last moment. The only regret is that I met you too late, otherwise I might become a more important person by your side." Lin Yilan gave the gun in his hand. Put on a new magazine while talking.

This is what she wanted to say to Lu Jun a long time ago, but she has never had a chance and is not too embarrassed to say it.

But today, they probably couldn't make it through this threshold. If you don't talk about it, she will leave regrets forever, so she didn't hesitate to say it.

"You are already a very important person next to me, really." Lu Jun gently supported Lin Yilan's chin with his right hand, making Lin Yilan's eyes look at him squarely, "Moreover, we are not dead yet. If you are next, you can wait until the battle is over."

At the moment when the Dark Domain was used, it was obvious that the aura of the Night Demon was declining crazily, and his vitality also dropped sharply.

This is because it forcibly uses the ability that can only be mastered by the ranks, and it overdrafts the consequences of its own bodily functions.

But the Night Demon didn't care about this, and continued to persist until his brain power was completely overdrawn, and his strength was reduced from Super Tier to S Tier.

You must know that it is extremely difficult to break through from S-order to super-order, and the night demon actually dropped a step directly, which shows how terrifying the consumption of the dark domain is.

Fortunately, in the end, the night demon still used the dark realm, and the surrounding night sky seemed to groan, and an invisible force erupted from the night demon's body.

Immediately afterwards, the Destruction Guard was wrapped in the dark realm, and fell directly from a place more than 30 meters high, still the kind of head facing the ground.

"It's now!" The Night Demon roared in undead language, because it knew that the Night Demon had been restricted by it.

Seeing this, Lin Yilaan knew that the time had come, and immediately used the space to shock, leading the road army and the night demon and disappeared in place.

A second later, the Destruction Guard who fell to the ground slowly raised his head and stood up again.

But looking around, it can no longer see any humans in front of it, and the surrounding undead creatures have not noticed either, it seems to have disappeared out of thin air.

"Roar!!!" The Destruction Guard raised his head and yelled to the sky.

It was so angry that it was able to run away for those humans. After a long time, it didn't even kill a creature...

After the destruction guard finished roaring, the undead creatures were also dumbfounded. Those humans actually killed the Abyss Demon King in their territory and ran away, which is absolutely a great shame to them.

However, it doesn't make much sense to say this now, you have to find a way to get revenge.

So the next moment, the Destruction Guard sent out brain waves to attack the territory of the elves and snow bears.

Although the Lu Army couldn't kill it, clearing out the elves would be regarded as fulfilling the last wish of the Abyss Demon King.

Just as the Destruction Guard was about to start with the undead creature, a strange wave suddenly spread in the air.

Then Lu Jun and Lin Yilan appeared on the battlefield, only more than 500 meters away from where they left before.

Even though it was late at night, the Destruction Guard saw this situation all at once and rushed over with the undead creatures.

The Lu Jun saw that they were still on the battlefield as soon as they opened their eyes. They couldn't help but stare wide, with a look of disbelief.

"How is it possible?! Why are we still here?!" Lin Yilan also discovered this situation, and the whole person was stunned.

"Are you sure you have used Space Shock?" Lu Jun turned his head and asked.

"Used, definitely used! It's already cooling..." Lin Yilan's tone became smaller and smaller.

"Could it be that we did teleport successfully, but the teleportation distance was a bit close? That's why we moved more than a hundred meters..." Lu Jun analyzed helplessly.

"Impossible... This is a random teleportation, and the chance of appearing in the same area is one in a billion..." Lin Yilan replied with a pale face.

"One in a billion..." Lu Jun gave a wry smile.

If the probability of one in a billion can be met by them, then this is no longer a matter of luck, perhaps God’s will.

As for the Night Demon next to him, he was speechless and looked desperate.

Because at this time it is only S-tier, unable to use the dark realm again, and even hellfire cannot even be summoned, and there is no chance to escape.

"I'm sorry... I don't know it will be like this... I'm really sorry..." Lin Yilan suddenly apologized to Lu Jun with a cry.

Because she felt it was her own problem, she failed to lead the Lu Army away, and the Lu Army might die here.

"It's okay, there are things that cannot be avoided. The ones that should come will always come." Lu Jun gently wiped the corner of Lin Yilan's eye, and signaled Lin Yilan not to cry.

As for why they didn't try to escape, they still gossiping here.

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