Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 2193: Earth-shattering

As for why they didn't help the Route Army solve the enemy first, it was because they believed that the Route Army could deal with the immediate trouble without their help.

And the Lu Army watched his reinforcements coming, and was very witty to solve the orcs first, and couldn't help showing a cruel smile. Then he could slowly kill these people.

However, the third-order elder watched the battle situation becoming more and more unfavorable for them, and couldn't help but worry, and directly took out a relatively simple hand signal flare from his arms, opened the fuse, and let the red flare fly into the air.

Although he called for support, the support was not so fast. The old man could only pray that the human with the orcs would run away quickly.

But the old man obviously thinks too much. In front of Tier 3 wood and Tier 3 Xiaowan plus a Tier S bloodthirsty king bat, humans with orcs can't run far, and they are soon chased. On it.

Looking at the enemies approaching them from the air, these humans couldn't help raising their stone spears and stone shields in an attempt to resist.

But it all ended when the wood jumped off the bloodthirsty king bat, because the wood holding the Raikage horizontal knife rushed all the way and no one could stop it.

Xiaowan also turned on the canine form, and fought hand-to-hand with the humans in front of her, while the bloodthirsty king bat grabbed several people and brought them into the air together to die...

Five minutes later, there was not a single standing enemy left on the battlefield, all of them were killed by Mu and Xiaowan.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Wan and Mu Mu quickly untied the orcs on the field, and took the orcs to the direction of the road army to support them.

Although the orcs did not know Mu Xiaowan, in their hearts, since Mu and Xiaowan saved them, they must be trustworthy people...

On the other side, the battle between the road army and the old man has also fallen into a white-hot stage.

Although Lin Xiaobai and Fengshen pterosaurs still did not come out of the barrier, because the road army no longer had to worry about the safety of the orcs, he became handy in fighting and defeated the old man.

Seeing that his side had less than 500 people left from the 2,000-person team, and the ability person became less than 30, the old man couldn't help but tremble.

Because the fighting power of the Lu Army and the dinosaurs is really terrifying. Killing is like killing pigs. If this continues, no amount of people will be enough to kill...

Now the old man dared not think about victory, he only prayed for support to come over quickly so that they could survive.

Just when the old man planned to take the people back and use the drag to delay time and create an opportunity, he suddenly saw a large group of orcs rushing over behind him.

These orcs were captured by him before, and the wood and Xiaowan who had just flown over from above were in front of these orcs.

"How... how is it possible?!" The old man couldn't help but said.

Because he really didn't expect that the orcs would be rescued in just a few minutes, which also meant that all the humans in front of them were dead...

However, the old man was not surprised for too long. After all, the front and back roads were blocked, and the defeat was set. There was no way to fight this battle. He had to find a way to run.

"All ordinary people stay behind! The supernatural person will go with me!" The old man gave his orders to the surroundings loudly.

Hearing that the old man wanted them to stay and die, the ordinary people on the field all had a hundred faces, and even the arm holding the stone spear began to tremble.

They couldn't imagine that they, who had just won victory and were ready to go back to celebrate, would actually fall into this situation...

And when the supernaturalists heard the old man's words, they were all overjoyed, and began to follow the old man to break through in the direction where there were no enemies on the right.

"Let's run too! Otherwise, staying here is death!" I don't know which ordinary person shouted, and then all the ordinary people quickly ran to the left.

While running, they dropped the heavy stone spears and stone shields, because these things are too heavy, and running will increase their burden.

Seeing the enemies who were still desperately resisting at the last moment and escaping for their lives in the next moment, the Lu Army was stunned for a moment, thinking that this might be the defeat...

However, it is impossible for the Lu Army to let these people go. He soon chased the dinosaurs to the right, ready to chase down those with supernatural powers.

As for the ordinary people on the run, the Lu Army can't control them. I hope Xiaowan and Mu Mu can catch up with them. It doesn't matter if they can't catch up.

After all, from his perspective, these ability players can drop the ability light ball when they die, and enhance the strength of their resistance. The specific value is much more important than unarmed ordinary people.

In particular, the enemy also has a Tier 3 ability player. If you can catch this Tier 3 ability player, you will not only gain powerful abilities, you might even be able to ask about the enemy's power and location...

The orcs looked at the road army fighting hard behind, with an indescribable sense of intimacy, as if the road army was a member of their tribe.

It may be guessed that the road army came to rescue them. The orcs who were about to be taken away suddenly stopped and rammed the human next to them with their roped body, causing the team to chaos and buying a lot of time for the road army.

But after all, they were so tightly bound, even if they could resist, they would not be able to defeat the heavily armed humans, and they were soon re-subdued.

This time the orcs did not have any ability to resist, some were dragged away, some were beaten to death on the spot, and blood was flowing all over the ground.

Looking at the orcs who resisted but were tortured and killed, the road army was very angry, very angry, the dragon claws and dragon tails were constantly waving, taking away every human in the field of vision.

But their kill speed is still not enough. With the help of the supernatural beings, even ordinary people have much stronger combat effectiveness, making it impossible for the Lu Army to deal with the supernatural beings wholeheartedly.

Lin Xiaobai, who was trapped in the enchantment, looked at the road army and the orc who was taken away, and he blamed himself.

I thought to myself that if she could be more careful just now, she wouldn't have stepped into this barrier with the Wind God Pterosaur...

Just as Lin Xiaobai was thinking about how to get out, a black shadow suddenly flashed before her eyes, making Lin Xiaobai startled.

After she took a closer look, she realized that the person who came was nothing but Xiaowan who had gone back to call for reinforcements.

Although their ground troops hadn't arrived yet, Xiao Wan had already arrived with the bloodthirsty king bat and the more powerful wood.

"Sister Xiaobai, here we are!" Xiao Wan called to Lin Xiaobai from a distance.

The wood sitting on the back of the bloodthirsty king bat also drew out the Raiying horizontal knife, preparing to help Lin Xiaobai and Fengshen pterosaur break this barrier.

But Lin Xiaobai stopped Mu and Xiaowan in the next moment: "Don't worry about me! Go and save the orcs! Don't let them be taken away!"

Hearing Lin Xiaobai's words, looking at the direction Lin Xiaobai pointed, Mu and Xiaowan instantly understood, and immediately continued to fly forward.

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