Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 2171: appointment

After the crowd dispersed, the Lu Army finally saw the appearance of the black-robed man.

There are many wounds on her body, some parts are still bleeding out, and the black robe also looks dirty and miserable.

"You beat her like this?" Lu Jun glanced at the surrounding rebel members, revealing a hint of helplessness in his tone.

If you beat others without even knowing their identity, then this would be too cruel...

Fortunately, Big Bear quickly shook his head innocently: "No, Boss Lu, she was like this when she came. I thought she was a black-robed person who wanted to kill directly, but I heard that she knew your name. Without doing anything, I immediately called you over..."

"Oh, that's okay, you did the right thing. You can't beat people without knowing your identity." Lu Jun played with the big bear while approaching the black-robed figure in the middle.

At the same time, he was also ready to fight, as long as the black robe figure had any changes, he would directly kill.

It's not that he is timid, but that he has suffered a lot. He naturally knows how to guard against it. After all, the opponent is a black-robed man...

But just as Lu Jun approached, the black robe figure raised his head and glanced at Lu Jun. The bloodshot eyes shocked Lu Jun.

It also gave Lu Jun a sense of familiarity, as if he had seen it somewhere before.

"Are you?" Lu Jun frowned slightly, and was the first to speak at a distance of two meters from the black robe man.

"Lu Jun...it's me...finally found you...cough cough cough..." The black-robed man said with difficulty, accompanied by a heavy cough.

But Lu Jun still couldn't figure out who the owner of this voice was, because it sounded too hoarse, leaving him with no impression...

Perhaps feeling Lu Jun’s doubts, the black-robed man directly stretched out his hand to pull the veil off his face, revealing her face.

Although there are a lot of blood and dust on the skin, the Lu Army can recognize it all at once. This black-robed man is exactly the red moon that has crossed him in the Frost Forest!

"Why are you?! Why are you here?! You are not..." The sudden appearance of the red moon made Lu Jun suddenly not know what to ask first.

"Something happened...cough cough cough..." Hongyue tried to explain to Lu Jun, but she coughed again as soon as she spoke, and sprayed a lot of blood.

"What happened? Speak slowly." Lu Jun directly squatted down to support Hongyue, took out a bottle of mental reagent and a bottle of physical reagent for Hongyue to drink in.

Although I don't know the specific injuries of Red Moon, these two reagents are definitely the most effective.

Sure enough, as soon as he drank the mental and physical reagents, Red Moon felt much better, and his complexion changed to look better, and he exhaled deeply: "After I parted with you, I took my people to a far Locally, I intend to report something to our senior management and seek justice."

"But who knows that the high-level team happened to be in collusion with the person who framed us. We were ambushed as soon as we arrived. The subordinates were all arrested to cover me. Life or death was uncertain. I also tried desperately to escape."

Therefore, in the overall situation, Ruan Xue is the best candidate for this weapon, there is no doubt about it.

"Really okay..." Ruan Xue looked at the destruction and recovery in the hands of the Lu Army, still with uncertainty in her tone.

After all, this is too expensive, and this is the first time the Lu Army has given her something alone, which is of great significance.

"Really, take it, the meaning of its appearance may belong to you." Lu Jun joked with a chuckle.

"Then... I'll take it first, and I'll return it to you if you have other uses..." Ruan Xue took the destruction and recovery somewhat cautiously, and lightly stroked it in her hand.

"Okay, let's use it first." Lu Jun agreed to Ruan Xue with one mouthful.

But in fact, he couldn't take it back. There is no reason to return what he gave.

Besides, this is only a super-order weapon, and there will definitely be many encounters in the future, there is no need to grind.

"Thank you, sincerely." Ruan Xue suddenly raised her head and looked at Lu Jun's eyes and said.

Because the more she touches destruction and recovery, the more she can feel a powerful force.

This also means that this weapon is more powerful than she imagined. Maybe the road army paid a lot to get it...

"How big is the matter, the function of this thing will be a bit complicated, you can explore it yourself." Lu Jun directly changed the subject.

"Okay, I will." Ruan Xue nodded heavily.

"Then study it slowly, I'll go out first, and remember to tell me when they wake up." Lu Jun pointed to Ruan Bing and Xiao Wan on the bed.

Then he walked out without looking back, leaving Ruan Xue in the room.

At the moment of leaving the room, Lu Jun suddenly felt a sense of relaxation.

Because now that most of the things are done, it is in the truce again, there is nothing to do for the time being.

The only Dragon Nest and genetic modifiers to be deployed are still in production and need time to wait.

The original busy days suddenly came to a slack, which made Lu Jun feel very uncomfortable.

However, before the Lu Army had time to think about what to do now, an unseen Resistance Army member rushed over immediately: "Boss Lu, Brother Big Xiong asked me to come and inform you that he caught someone around him. The black-robed man is a woman and clamored that she must see you. Did you go there or just cut her off?"

"Black-robed man? Woman? Want to see me? To make it clear." The Lu Army was confused by this rebel member.

"This...I was not there at the time, and I don't know the specifics, it was Big Xiong who made me run over..." The members of the resistance army looked a little scared, and seemed to be a newcomer who had just joined.

"Okay, then take me over and have a look." The Lu Army waved his hand and motioned to the Resistance Army members to lead the way.

Since the reason is not clear, it is still necessary to understand.

Seeing that the Lu Army stopped asking him, the members of the Resistance Army breathed a sigh of relief and immediately turned around and walked ahead.

Lu Jun has been following closely, constantly recalling the news just received in his mind.

In the case of fast walking, they only rushed to the outside of the West Wind Fortress, where the Big Bear was located, in only five minutes.

At this time, members of the resistance army were surrounded here, and there was a figure in the middle wearing a black robe, half kneeling on the ground, temporarily unable to see clearly.

"What's the matter?" Lu Jun frowned slightly and shouted.

Seeing the Lu Army coming, the surrounding Resistance Army members immediately dispersed and made a way, revealing the big bear and the black robe figure.

"Boss Lu, you can count it. We caught a black-robed man with strong strength, but she did not attack us or made any resistance. She just wanted to see you all the time..." Da Xiong pointed to the middle one. Silhouette in black robe.

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