So for a long time to come, the young master mingled with this corpse controller and embarked on a journey to find the scar face.

Since he didn't know where Scarface was at this time, the young master could only ask the corpse controller to return to the small gathering place to find clues from the beginning and carry out a carpet search along the road.

During the period, they will attack when they encounter a gathering place, and will not miss any place with people.

In fact, the young master didn't want to do this. He was not an executioner. He still had human nature. In his heart, he still believed that he was a human being. It was not his original intention to kill his own kind with a different kind.

But his current appearance has many characteristics of an infected body. The gathering place of humans will not let him in. Those humans will directly attack him when they see him mixed with the infected body. What can he do?

When I thought that Scarface might be hidden in these gathering places, the young master couldn't control his emotions, so naturally the corpse controller was attacked.

And he saw that the corpse controller's tactics were very bad, which would virtually kill many infected bodies in vain, so he taught the corpse controller new tactics, and even worked with the corpse controller to control the infected body group, which led to their fighting unfavorable.

After breaking through a dozen small gathering places, the young master still didn't find Scarface, and there was still no news at all.

This made the young master feel very frustrated, and the inability to revenge for a long time made him feel that his existence was meaningless.

But he soon discovered that after this time of battle, his body has become much stronger. If he can be rated, then he is estimated to have Tier A strength at this time.

And at this time, the infected race group he was in also had nearly 200,000 in number, enough to dominate one side, making him want to attack a large gathering place.

This is because living with the infected body for a long time has caused him to become extremely sabotaged and bloodthirsty.

As long as they can capture a large gathering place, it can increase hundreds of thousands or even millions of infected bodies, so that his chances of finding a scar face will be much greater.

With this idea in mind, the young master directly discussed with the corpse controller and used brain waves to tell his plan.

Seeing the young master so crazy, the corpse controller was surprised, because those large gathering places with hundreds of thousands of people did not even think about moving.

After all, this is not a trivial matter, it is likely to cause their entire ethnic group to suffer heavy losses, and even all their efforts will be in vain.

But seeing the young master's persistence, the corpse controller hesitated and agreed, and quickly determined the location of the attack with the young master.

What they didn't expect was that the gathering place they attacked happened to be controlled by the Eight Departments.

In addition to dozens of powerful black-robed men, there are also thousands of fallen warriors catalyzed by fallen reagents.

So their offensive plan without a doubt directly failed, and was beaten by the black-robed men with fallen soldiers.

The corpse controller was also found and killed by the black-robed people. Only the young master escaped with dozens of mutant infected bodies.

Just when the young master was about to succeed, there was a loud "Boom!!!" outside, and then the whole building shook, as if there was an earthquake.

This forced the young master to stop, because he would be more sensitive in this state, and any wind and grass would disturb him.

Looking at the scar face still lying on the ground and the runes that had disappeared around him, the young master was a little angry, and immediately ordered the infected body next to the building to see what happened.

Originally, the young master thought that the two sides were going to fight, he still planned to watch the show, and was ready to wait until both lose and run away.

Unexpectedly, the infected bodies of the two parties did not make any attacks, and the communication between the corpse controllers was also very friendly, more like a meeting between "old friends".

Just when the young master was a little disappointed in his heart, suddenly an elite infected body came over to grab him, and escorted him directly to the location where the two corpse controllers were.

This made the young master startled, thinking that these two "perverted" things weren't going to "humiliate" him in front of so many infected people?

Fortunately, what the young master was worried about did not happen, and saw that the corpse controller on his side pointed to the young master and the corpse controller on the other side used brain waves to say something.

Immediately after that, the corpse controller on the other side approached the young master, sniffed the young master casually, then touched the young master's head, and finally nodded.

This series of humanized actions frightened the young master, wondering whether these corpse controllers became fine?

At the same time, the young master also had a bad premonition in his heart, because he always felt that the two corpse controllers were doing some kind of "dirty" transaction, and he was the cargo.

Sure enough, the next two corpse controllers seemed to have negotiated, and the corpse controller on his side directly handed him over to the hands of the other corpse controller.

The other corpse controller is 10,000 ordinary infected bodies and two hundred mutant infected bodies delivered to his side.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, the young master wouldn't dare to imagine that he would be sold like this, and he would have no defense at all.

What makes him even more puzzled is that why his small arms and legs are worth so many infected bodies? The corpse controller who bought him was too stupid, right?

However, this was actually good luck for the young master, because the corpse controller who sold him soon went to attack the West Wind Fortress, which is the site where the Lu Army was located, and was directly destroyed by the Lu Army, and even the scum was left.

If the young master is still following this corpse controller, there is a high probability that he will die in the chaos, but the young master does not know this...

After the transaction was over, the corpse controllers on both sides left with their teams. Only the young master was replaced by an infected group, as if he had come to a strange place.

At first, the young master thought that the corpse controller would torture him, but he soon discovered that the corpse controller took good care of him, or respected him, just like other people in the Baisha Consortium had treated him before.

The actions of the corpse controller made the young master rack his brains and couldn't understand, because the corpse controller shouldn't "covet" his body.

But anyway, as long as the corpse controller does not harm him, that is a good thing. He soon tried to use brain waves to communicate with the corpse controller.

His purpose is very simple, that is, let the corpse controller go and find revenge for him. As long as the corpse controller agrees, then he is willing to obey the corpse controller's order.

As for why he didn't let the corpse controller let him go directly, it was because the corpse controller paid tens of thousands of infected bodies in order to trade him, and he would definitely not let him go easily.

It's not so much an impossible request as it is a possible one.

After some difficult "operations", the corpse controller could understand the young master's order, and agreed to it in one swoop, and did not even ask the young master any excessive conditions, which made the young master extremely moved.

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